
You are only as strong as your weakest link

"Enough about her. How's our baby lately?" asked DX before he resumed eating.

Kai Xin smiled and rubbed her belly lovingly as she said, "She's strong. Actually, she gave me a light kick earlier when I was talking to Song Qiao."

"Of course! She's our daughter. She's eager to protect her mummy from dangers," said DX with a serious tone as he reached over to place a hand on her stomach.

When he felt a soft nudge, he smiled. He knew that his daughter was going to be a little hellion like her mother. Over the last couple of weeks, through his conversations with An Qi Yan and Kai An, he was surprised to hear how much trouble Kai Xin used to cause when she was younger.

From being stuck on a tree after climbing it on a dare, to jumping off from a waterfall with her friends despite her mother's warning.

DX frowned as he looked at Kai Xin and thought, "I might need to place more bodyguards on the kid's side..."
