
I'm not always kind

"No matter what, the Du Family was part of a royal family and there are many things they cannot do openly."

"The Shadows, or more aptly termed, the Executioners, are responsible for carrying out the dirty deeds."

"Even though their traditional role had long been dispensed with, the current and all the previous President Du still have one that served as their personal bodyguard."

Kai Xin thought of something and gasped, "No way! It can't be! Shenlong Xun?"

Kai Xin thought about the guy she kneed in the groin.

Even though their interaction was limited, he did not seem like someone who could carry out torture.

Phantom nodded, "The Shenlong Family has been working for the Du Family for generations..."

He took the beer from her hand and downed half before continuing, "...If you managed to get into the good books of either family, you would be protected by both."

Kai Xin never knew about this history behind the Du Family or the Shenlong Family. Ghost had never told her about it and neither did DX. Why would they keep it from her?

After placing the can of beer aside, Phantom took her hand and cupped it within his own hands,

"...Ghost doesn't want you to think too much about it so he did not tell you anything, but I think you should know more about the man that you are considering to allow into your life."

He smiled tenderly at her,

"I know lately you have been wavering a little about us using Du XiAn as our pawn. Whether it is Du XiAn or Ghost, I'd still be fully supportive of your choice."

Kai Xin's lower lip quivered and she leaned down to hug him, "Phantom?"


She stood back up before she asked,

"You know. You never told me about your past. Other than the fact that your entire family perished in an accident, I know nothing else about you. Ghost won't tell me anything either. Why?"

"I told him not to...," Phantom smiled and beckoned her to kneel down.

When she did, he tousled her hair and said, "...I don't have a past like you and Ghost. Out of the three of us, I'm probably the most stable one here. So don't worry about me."

Kai Xin sighed and rested her head on his knees, "Phantom...You are always the kindest... Please don't ever change."

Phantom rubbed her head gently and he smiled as he thought sadly, "No. I'm not always kind...You just can't remember what I did to you..."

She suddenly thought of something important. Raising her head, she asked, "Hey, do you still have money for the orphanage?"

He laughed, "Of course I'd still have the money. You gave me $1 MIL worth of cash in one shot! Don't worry about the orphanage. I sent them enough cash every month."

"That's good. The children? Are they all well?"

He nodded and patted her head, "They are fine! The kids miss you and the brat, Tian Le asked if you are going to visit him again."

Kai Xin thought of the adorable baby she once held in her arms, and smiled, "It's almost Tian Le's 12th birthday. Guess it's time for another visit."


When Kai Xin arrived home, she went straight to her room and locked herself in there.

Pulling out a small box from the left corner of her closet, she stared at it for the longest time before taking off the cover.

Inside the box contained a sealed letter with frayed edges, the newsletter cutting that Ghost gave her many years ago, three tiny wooden tablets with the name of her enemies carved on it, and a small white bunny doll dressed in a blue overall.

She took out the tablet with Shangguan Xing's name crudely carved into it and broke it in half.

A long time ago, Ghost had given her the three tablets and told her to carve the name of her enemies in.

"When you succeed in getting your revenge, take them out and break them."

As she placed the broken plaque back into the box, she took out the bunny and lightly touched the words on the petticoat, "Xiao Zhen".

With a loud sigh, Kai Xin placed the bunny back into the box, and hid it in the corner of her closet.

As she stood in front of the closet, she reassured herself, "Luo Yin...Ye Tian...You would be going down soon."
