
Dragon God speaks

Feng Hengkong finally opened his eyes as he realized that Ryusuke had long since left along with Feng Xue'er. He opened his eyes and stared at the Elders as they all lowered their heads…

They were shameful that they let child supress them so easily without able to counter-attack, it was embarrassing of them to be from the Divine Phoenix Empire. This was what they were thinking about…

Meanwhile, Ryusuke was flying together with Feng Xue'er, he had lowered his speed so that she wouldn't be left behind. On the way there, he turned his head as he smirked, "Xue'er, do you have a place where you want to go?"

It took Feng Xue'er a little time before she remembered her desire to see the snow, she was a little hesitant to speak out her desire and softly whispered, "I… I want to see snow."

Ryusuke smiled at those words as he nodded, "Alright, then let's go see the snow." But at this very moment, as he was about to tear apart the space near the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

He suddenly stopped himself as he felt two powers making their way to his location, he was familiar with this Divine Energy signature, these were the two dragons who had been in the sky so as to gauge any incoming experts from the Divine Realm.

Ryusuke suddenly waved his hands as he spoke in a serious tone, "Stop Xue'er." And at this moment, two dragons appeared in front of them, the Red and the White one…

They were huge, very huge in Feng Xue'er's perspective, she felt a Divine Aura from them as she gasped, "Who are they Brother Ryusuke?"

Ryusuke ignored her question because he could see that the Dragons' had a serious expression on their face, it was as if there was a danger approaching to the Realm.

Ryusuke asked them in his serious tone, "What happened white, red? Why have you come to me?" The Dragons looked towards each other as they nodded and decided to tell him…

"Young Master, it seems as if the Star God Realm and the Moon God Realm have started to move. I can feel more and more of them coming towards this Blue Pole Star." This was all the Red Dragon said as it looked towards the White Dragon to explain the rest.

The White Dragon caught onto what it was thinking and started to speak as well, "We suspect that this is also a probe by the Star God Realm and the Moon God Realm but if this time their Experts disappeared then they will be sure that this is where you reside."

The more Feng Xue'er listened, the more she was confused, she didn't know what these places were but she was thinking 'Wow, Star God Realm and Moon God realm, such pretty names… What is Brother Ryusuke talking about anyways? Is it related to the upcoming threat?'

At this moment, Ryusuke spoke in a cold tone, "So… What are you suggesting, the both of you I mean?" The Dragons flinched at his cold tone directed at them, it was as if saying 'I have hired the both of you, just do your damn job to keep them away.'

The Red dragon decided to be the one who broke the ice, "Actually young master, if this was that simple then we wouldn't have minded it. But there is another thing… If one of them reports that you are here or if they die, its very simply the end. Because the Realm King will come after us next…"

"We are very powerful and we would gladly give our life for yours but please try to understand, I think its better if we let you reach the Dragon God Realm, no one in the entire cosmos will be able to think about hurting you there." The White Dragon continued the Red Dragon's words and completely supported them…

Ryusuke started to chuckle at those words, "Hahahaha… So, I will have to run huh!" He lips formed a feral grin as he spoke out, "Listen up, I already have a surprise for the Realm King… He wants to come and kill me huh? I will let him know that Ryusuke Uchiha isn't so easily killed."

The Dragons didn't know about his plan and were clearly opposed to this, they expressed clear disbelief that Ryusuke could have any way to deal with the Realm King.

They thought that Ryusuke was being too rash, he hadn't even experienced the strength of a Realm King, it wasn't a good idea to think of dealing with Realm King but instead returning back to the Dragon God Realm.

"Listen Young master, we truly want to protect you but if a Realm King appears then we would be completely helpless…" The Red Dragon spoke out with a serious expression as he stared into Ryusuke's eyes.

At that moment, Ryusuke let out a sigh of disappointment as a Blue Smoke emerged from within Ryusuke, "I am very disappointed in the both of you." A proud, Arrogant and powerful voice was heard.

Feng Xue'er was startled as she heard that and Phoenix Flame started to burn around her arms as she thought that an enemy had appeared.

Ryusuke was quick to notice that and appeased her, "Don't worry Xue'er. This is a friend…" Internally, he thought 'Don't appear with your full body you idiot. You will scare her.'

While the Dragon God was also thinking 'Just great! So, I can't get out because I will scare the girl. Since when did I, the respected Dragon God have to think about the feelings of a girl.'

Good thing that Ryusuke didn't hear him otherwise he could have received his answer as Ryusuke would have torn apart his pride.

The Dragon God didn't stop speaking, its deep voice resonating in the area, "You are overthinking things… If the Realm Kings do come, then I will step in."

The three of them, the two dragons and Feng Xue'er could nearly picture the Dragon as it spoke out those words. They could actually in their own imagination that the Dragon God was getting excited over the prospect of fighting against these Realm Kings.

But they couldn't be more wrong, Dragon God wanted to avoid a confrontation with the Realm Kings at all cost. But it was also wrong to say that it was scared of them, no, the pride of the Dragon God ran into its bones.

Hey guys... Missed me~ Well, here is your chapter~

Evil_Dragoncreators' thoughts