
Bury it up

"Shit, why is this happening right now!" Taro cursed inwardly. However, all that came from his mouth was in English. The translator had malfunctioned yet again. "What a travesty!"

"What happened?" John asked.

"Ah, my translator's been malfunctioning for a while now. Usually, it's just a few words that glitches out. However yesterday, it didn't glitch out at all and I could speak Malayalam fluently." Taro sighed.

"Now, it's glitching yet again?" He asked.

"Yup. Not just that, it's permanently set on that glitch. In this case, I'm stuck speaking English for an undisclosed amount of time." He answered.

"Why don't you ask the MIB guys here and get it replaced?" John asked yet again.

"Well, they do know about this. However, they don't have an extra ready-made one, so I'll have to keep on using it." He replied.

John sighed. This is why we make an extra hundred ones beforehand." He spoke.
