
Ch. 7

The bell fell silent quickly, but not screams. However, to understand any of these cries was almost impossible. I quickly collected my few things, I jumped out into the corridor and ran down to the first floor. There was a madhouse - guests with arms in their hands and a beastly expression on their faces were bursting in the direction of the door, the innkeeper hastily cocked the crossbow, the women in the room evaporated somewhere, and the King Kong female played with two two-handed swords, someone looking among the visitors .

Almost pushing myself into the floor, I slipped through the lizard to the open window and jumped into it. If this woman is looking out for me, then I would prefer to be in the front ranks of the battle with unknown raiders than to have an extra chance to get caught in her eyes.

On the street, too, a merry mess was going on - armed people who fled towards the gate, from where the sounds of battle could be heard. Apparently, the enemy has already broken through the fortifications and burst into the territory of the settlement.

Conclusions? Most likely, the village is a full scribe. Northern and fluffy.

What should I do? Assess the situation and, if everything is really so, then decide the enemies and save everyone ... Just kidding. Ticking out of here, until you ottya granny! It is advisable to grab something valuable along the way - the sword there is a magic or valetnya daughter of the count, which then will fly from me ... Oh, dreams, dreams.

While the brain thought better of any nonsense, the body easily climbed up the wall onto the sloping roof of the tavern. From there, a mini-epochal battle opened up to my gaze: through the tumbled down smoking gates into the settlement, a crowd of grunting orcs and squealing goblins, which were met by somehow armed, but full of enthusiasm people, burst into tears.

"The village is exactly fucked up," I summarized, assessing the rate of decline of the fighters on both sides. Monsters were decreasing faster, but there were five times more. - And who else is there?

Looking closer, I noticed on the hill near the top five riders in black capes. These Nazgul cosplayers quietly watched the massacre, after which they turned their horses and disappeared behind the hillside.

"Some kind of crap," I threw them out of my head, after which I quickly looked around the perimeter in search of ways to escape. And here I noticed another oddity. Similar horsemen flickered between the hills around the village, clearly taking her to the surroundings. - But this is really bad ...

By the time I came down from the roof of the tavern, the monsters had already broken through the main line of defense and poured into the village. With all possible speed, I rushed towards the stockade and almost reached it when I made an unforgivable mistake.

- Help! - A woman's cry came from behind me.

Turning around, I saw the very girl-wizard from the tavern, which the three of goblins surrounded with quite understandable intentions in the courtyard of a house.

- Oh, you're in vain, Andryukha. In vain, in vain, in vain ... - I mumbled, nevertheless, turning and rushing towards them.

The daggers had long been in my hands, and the goblins were too busy tearing off the clothes from the girl who had fallen into their hands, so that everything ended at the same moment as I was near them.

Two blades synchronously entered exactly into the green skulls. Without losing precious time, I released the dagger hilt and, with a gliding movement, stepped up to the last goblin who did not understand anything closely, prescribed him a boxing C grade in the face, holding the long nose inside the skull.

- Behind me! Fast! - roared on the tear-stained girl, tearing out blades of goblin corpses.

- Y ... Yes! Thank you! - She jumped to her feet, rubbing tears and snot in the face.

"Well, at least not completely lola," I had to admit, sliding my eyes over the body of a girl who barely reached my breasts. Short disheveled red hair, green eyes screaming, pretty young face, slender figure. From under the dress torn to the navel, a pretty breast of about the second size was visible, and from under the loose short skirt slender, appetizing legs stuck out.

And here I realized the whole depth of ass in which I had driven myself.

A shaky fence fell into the courtyard and goblins rushed at me from all sides. We were surrounded!

"Fuck," I breathe out, grabbing the girl on my shoulder and, holding onto my soft ass, I jerked through the doors into the house behind me.

Running through it, I jumped out the window from the other side. Here, too, there were monsters, but at least not so much - goblins and only one orc stood around the window in a semicircle. Avoiding the blow of an ax, I cut the orc master's throat with a dagger and, using his collapsing carcass as a springboard, jumped over a chain of small green freaks.

Then, dodging between courtyards, it rushed to the picket fence seen from here, passing along the dagger and kicks to the monsters that jumped out of the lanes. And all this with a roaring and squealing girl on his shoulder. People, of course, also came across, but for the most part, the dead. Lived were mostly raped by goblins on the gateways of the girl, but I can not save everyone - the navel will untie. And so, the ballast on the shoulder is hanging.

When I got to the palisade, fires had already started in the village, and the human cries and sounds of battles had finally subsided. I earned a few long cuts on my right hand and the bastard lance of one of the goblins clawed my face, almost leaving me without an eye. Fortunately, my strength and dexterity scores were too high for single monsters, and I did not allow myself to surround myself with a crowd.

- Now hold on yourself! - I snapped, throwing a frightened girl like a doll behind his back. She just once again shrieked and clutched at me with her arms and legs like a tick.

Freeing, finally, the second hand and taking the acceleration, I jumped over the pole of the house closest to the picket fence to its roof, and from it jumped onto the palisade itself, still reaching its crest. Pulling myself up, I threw my body through the village fortification and, after a short fall, finally got out of the trap into which the peaceful village had become.

- M ... We got out? - the girl stuck under my ear.

- Not yet. Hold on tight, only my neck is not in my heart, "I commanded and ran at full speed in the direction of the forest I already knew.

My breathing had already gone astray, but I still had strength - with an increase in stats, my stamina reached frightening levels. I wonder exactly what characteristic is responsible for it? Vitality? But she's not so tall. Most likely, endurance is calculated from some total sum of several parameters.

And my parameters for this crazy marathon have grown a lot - I haven't yet looked at the exact numbers, but the system has already managed to use it in an orderly fashion.

When I had already overcome halfway to the forest and began to quietly relax, the premonition of danger, which saved my skin more than once today, literally howled, but I didn't have time to do anything.

A sharp pain pierced my right leg, and I rolled head over the grass along with the girl. Hissing and swearing, I tried to jump to my feet, but then I howled in pain, and seeing its source, I broke out with even more obscenities — a black arrow stuck out in the calf of my right leg.

Quickly breaking off the protruding tip, I pulled out an arrow with a sharp movement. Blood gushed, but don't care - in this world it stops very quickly, I don't get threatened to die of blood loss.

Somehow getting up on my feet, I snatched the daggers and limped to the girl lying on the grass. Quickly inspected. There are no serious wounds, foreign objects in the body, too, breathing evenly ... It seems to hit and fainted when falling. Damn, what a little-holed young lady? And fuck only contacted?

Looking around, I noticed three horsemen rushing towards us in black overalls. Mood fell finally.

Synchronously pulling at a gallop of bows, these bastards fired three arrows at me. It was impossible to dodge because of a wounded leg, but by some miracle I managed to beat off one with a dagger. And two more struck my second leg and shoulder. I shrieked, I crashed to the ground with my face down and, before I managed to get up, something knocked me on the head.

Consciousness slowly swam somewhere ...

Consciousness returned with a jolt, as if the switch had been turned.

The back was a little cold, it smelled of damp and mold, but the body, contrary to expectations, did not hurt at all. On the contrary, pleasant heat spread throughout the body.

Opening my eyes, I saw a room lit by the firefly spell, which was already familiar to me, which was a classic camera of fantasyaty. Gray walls, squeaking from somewhere behind the walls of a rat, mold, hanging rusty chains, a massive door upholstered with iron ... Kaif, fucking. Where have I been taken again?

- How are you? - There was a quiet voice of the girl.

"It was worse," I honestly admitted, sitting down.

The girl removed her hands from me with a fading emerald light and tried shyly to pull off a dress torn from her chest.

"Pf ..." I rolled my eyes hopelessly, looking at this misunderstanding, and then pulled off my not too clean, but relatively complete shirt. - Hold it too, star-shy. Where are we, you know?

"Thank you," she replied, pulling on her shirt. - In captivity.

- Amazing observation! - I happily grinned. - How he did not think of it!

"I ... I don't know anything else," she spread her hands. - The last thing I remember is how they ran to the forest. And then I woke up here. Saw you wounded. He healed, brought her to life ... Forgive me ... - she finished in a very quiet, unhappy voice.

"Well, don't worry," I patted her red hair with a sigh. "And not paying attention, I'm still the pig." By the way, call me Andre, - I smiled wryly. - Something like a warrior.

"Joan," she introduced herself, seemingly calming down a bit. - I'm a healer.

"Yeah, already noticed," I nodded, studying my gear. Surprisingly, shurikens, daggers and everything else, up to the last coin were with me.

"I want to eat," she said suddenly.

"Well, yes, there is such a thing," I agreed, listening to the discontentedly grumbling stomach. In the morning, with all this mess, I never had breakfast.

Then the door began to open with a creak.

I immediately jumped to my feet, pushing the healer behind my back and squeezing tightly the handles of the quitoters. Door opened. Behind her was a corridor. A minute passed, but no one came to us.

I cautiously approached the doorway and looked out into the corridor. The gray stone walls went back and forth and ended in T-shaped forks. It was quiet and empty.

"And what the fuck would that mean?" - I frowned.

Name: Andrey.



Seeing the legend (+5 to perception)

Desperate Jumper (+5 Agility)

Knowing the Horror (+5 to all characteristics)

Level: 8


Strength: 50

Dexterity: 53

Perception: 42

Vitality: 35

Power of Thought: 36

Loose points: 45


Ignoring common sense (unic)

Cat's eye (rare)

Improved flexibility (ordinary)

Acceleration of progress (legends, from the title of "hero")


Riding: 4 ur (learner)

Dagger Mastery: 9 lvl (apprentice)

Sword possession: 5 ur (student)

Shield Mastery: 6ur (student)

Throwing: 4 ur (student)

Stealth: 5 ur (student)

Oberuk swordsman: 12ur (apprentice)

Field Medicine: 1 ur (pupil)

Premonition of danger: 12thur (apprentice)

Mortal blow: 10ur (pupil)

Sprint: 7 ur (student)

Archery: 3 ur (student)

Silent step: 8ur (student)

9.38 gold
