
This Ain't Part of the Plan

Chapter 226 – This Ain't Part of the Plan

Like a stray sheep in a pack of wolves, the nobles and their families were captured and slaughtered, one family at a time.

However, many noble families managed to slip through the barricaded city by bribing the gatekeepers and the guards. Kong Zhou, Zhang Miao, and hundreds of nobles broke away from the Capital City before Liu Yu and Wang Yun reached them.

Liu Yu was vexed by the escapees, but his mood became better as he received the reports of the confiscated wealth, provisions, and the arrested mercenaries.

Wang Yun, on the other hand, did not feel so well. The private soldiers of the noble gathered their forces and fought back against the authority, resulting in casualties on both sides.

They managed to win and drove the crooked nobles away, but the arrested troops would only replace the lost soldiers.

November 17th.
