
The Mysterious Deskmate (100)

編集者: Atlas Studios

The sniper's orders were to await commands and not to ask about the situation.

The sniper knew that Jun Zeye was giving thought to him, so he asked, "What should we do now? It'd be dangerous if the two girls remained there."

Actually, to be more accurate, all the people in the entire building were in danger.

Jun Zeye only replied curtly, "Wait for instructions."

The sniper answered, "Okay."


Inside the jewelry store.

Han Qiqing was surrounded by a few fierce robbers. She was like quail shriveling up and trembling in the center.

"W-what do you want? If you want money…" She tried to calm herself down and face the robbers bravely.

She knew that the more she frightened she appeared, the more excited it would make them.

She was of the Han Family.

Although she was really scared, as a representative of the Han family, she couldn't make the family lose face!
