
Benefits of Each Side

"Then, allow me to begin the discussion," stated King Brobit. "First, I feel we should discuss the benefits of alignment with either party. Would you agree?"

Nodding, Moranti replied, "Mhm, sounds logical to me."

"I also find the topic fitting," added Halmut.

The king nodded and motioned toward Moranti. "As the party to first inquire about our possible allegiance, would you mind going first?"

Vixus stood up and spoke with a casual smile, "Of course. Allow me.

"I'll be honest. I think both sides will offer great benefits that would allow for Churstin to prosper, for the most part. What truly matters, in my opinion, is how comfortable you would feel working with either us or Halmut. It's the small things that will make you either appreciate your decision in time or lead to causing you great regret," reasoned Vixus, letting his eyes wander from the king to the crowd.
