

By the time Ann arrives into the dressing room, everyone had all gone back to Jeff's bachelor party after making sure that every single one of Chippendale troupe was kicked out and sent flying back to America.

She was disappointed that she missed her husband; she wanted to tease him so bad. She doesn't have much choice but to go back to the party.

Ann looks for Rita to find out if she knows anything about Jeff and his gangs infiltrating the party. She slowly made her way towards the party; she was in luck. Rita was speaking with one of her employee making sure that everything was in order.

She hurriedly pulled Rita aside for questioning. As not to alarmed her she first gives a warning. "Rita I have a question, don't worry I'm not upset at you at all. I only want to know how did Jeff manage to find out our arrangement? Do you know anything about it at all?" Ann asked Rita very seriously looking sternly.
