
Little siblings

To make sure that they will have a flawless plan, Xiao YuYi managed asking the assigned nurse about who was looking after Xiao YuRin at night. 

Xiao YuYi was able to find out that the assigned nurse were checking Xiao YuRin's condition every four hours. They finally knew when is the best time to sneak into his bedroom. 

To prevent any suspicion, they plan for Xiao YuYi to visit Xiao YuRin while Xiao XiRan and YuYan are in the living room, then afterwards, she will visit YuYan. 

Everyone thought that Xiao YuYi's visit to YuYan was to comfort her, but it was for her to start learning how to act as her twin sister. 

Xiao YuYi made sure that someone must see her going back to her own bedroom. She asked Xiao FengYin to call her from YuYan's bedroom when it is time for her to sleep. 

Xiao FengYin did not suspect that there's something going on with his three little siblings. As a disciplined son, he knocks on YuYan's bedroom first before going in. 
