
Baby bunny

YuYan looked around to search for the little girl, but her thoughts were interrupted when the little YuYan who was sitting on the bed next to Xiao YuRin spoke again.

"RinRin? When are we going to play again? Why do you keep on sleeping? Baby bunny misses you so much." Little YuYan uttered while she lightly shakes Xiao YuRin's arm.

Hearing the little girl's lonely voice, YuYan turned her attention back to the in the bed and noticed that the five years old YuYan was wearing the same clothes when she fell from the tree.

YuYan remembered that tree was planted next to the balcony on Xiao YuRin's bedroom, and the little YuYan planned to climb that tree to sneak in to see her brother.

She remembered that after finding out that her wound can heal fast, it gave her determination to climb up to the tree again and used the nearest branch that reached the bedroom's balcony.

"RinRin! You need to wake up!" Little YuYan exclaimed while she keeps on shaking Xiao YuRin's arms.
