
Berry's Blacksmith

"Ah… Yes, I did."

"Good! Sir, you are allowed to live in this office. Just make yourself at home. I need to go speak to the kingdom about your existence."

Zuhn nodded slowly at Fu Len as he watched the man leave the room. After Fu Len left the room Zuhn quickly opened back up the book that he got from the creator of this realm.

The table of contents opened and Zuhn went for the chapter that was labeled 'Cultivation'.

'There are many ways to cultivate in this world. Though one of the best ways to cultivate in this world is with rare resources. Resources can be found all over the world, and even in different realms. There are multiple tiers that resources can be split into.








Each tier is several times better than the last. Though, this rule only applies with resources Epic plus. Common-Rare is just a little bit better than the tier below.

Common resources are as the name applies, quite easy to come across. Most of the common resources include fruits, vegetables, and other small plants. These small plants include Fresh Grass, Hint Of Ice, Soul Savior Grass, etc. Common Tier resources are things normal people come by every day.

Uncommon are slightly harder to find. Though, they are still quite common to find. The uncommon resources include Purple Grass, Tree Tar, Hashing, etc.

Next, we have the rare resources. Rare resources are a lot harder to find compared to Common and Uncommon. These types of resources can be found by non-cultivators in the world, but it's once in a blue moon. Low-level cultivators are able to obtain rare resources quite easily.

Epic and above are very hard to find in normal realms. Lucky for you, a great being created this world and gave the world tons of Epic+ resources. As long as you are strong enough you can obtain the resources needed to cultivate stronger.'

Zuhn closed the book after he finished reading the introduction of the chapter. Zuhn decided it was in his best interest to look around the kingdom that he was going to be living in.

Before Zuhn left to roam the streets, he looked at himself in the mirror. With a quick nod, Zuhn went around the office searching for a cloak. In a matter of seconds, Zuhn found an all black cloak.

Zuhn quickly put the cloak on and reappeared in front of the mirror. Now, Zuhn was in a full black cloak, normal people weren't going to spot him.

Out on the streets, everyone and everything was alive. People were running up and down the street, carrying bags from the local market and other small items.

Zuhn spotted a couple of guards that were all wearing iron armor. They had longswords in their sheaths. Zuhn gave the guards small glares but kept walking throughout the town.

While Zuhn was walking throughout the town, he noticed that there weren't many cultivators. If there was a cultivator they were in the beginning stages of Bronze.

Most of the citizens of the kingdom were non-cultivators and most of the people didn't look like they were able to even fight with a sword.

Zuhn suddenly stopped when he noticed a shop at the corner of the street. The shop's sign read, 'Berry's Blacksmith'. There were multiple guards and other people that were walking in and out of the blacksmith.

Most of the guards looked fairly strong, along with the cultivators that were breaking through to the middle stages of Bronze. Zuhn smiled slightly and started to make his way to the shop.

Once Zuhn got to the shop, many of the guards and cultivators that were around the shop noticed Zuhn. They were quite suspicious with a random person that was wearing a black cloak walking near the blacksmith.

A man that was dressed in full Iron armor pushed off the wall and started to walk towards Zuhn. Zuhn stopped moving before the man reached him. When the man noticed this he was quite surprised that Zuhn was able to spot him.

"Hey, you!"

The man with full iron armor on pointed to Zuhn. The man had a huge smile on his face while walking towards Zuhn he had his hand on his sword.

Zuhn turned to look at the man, only Zuhn wasn't really interested in how the man looked. Zuhn also knew that the man was weak and wasn't even in Zuhn's eyes.

The man moved closer to Zuhn, coming so close to the point he was face to face with Zuhn.

"You aren't welcome in this shop, only people that are strong are able to enter."

Zuhn gave the man a sharp glare, causing the man to back up slightly.

'What? This guy just sent a shiver down my spine from just the glare!'

"You think you are some tough guy? You can't go into the shop without beating me!"

The man didn't let Zuhn answer the challenge before pulling out his sword and rushing at Zuhn. Zuhn wasn't worried about the man and let him keep pushing forward.

When the man noticed that Zuhn wasn't going to pull out his weapon he thought he was just giving his life away. Right before the man reached Zuhn, he was hit with a large force.

The man threw up mouthfuls of blood and was sent flying backward. While in the air, the man left a blood trail that went for hundreds of meters.

When the man landed, most of his body was covered in blood and cuts. His whole face was bleeding from anywhere it could. The man couldn't see out of his left eye because of how swollen it was.

After Zuhn's strike, Zuhn didn't even look at the man. He just kept walking, the other people around the shop had their jaws on the ground. They couldn't believe what just happened. The man that Zuhn punched was actually one of the leaders of a local gang that was king of the slums.

The man came to this shop to buy his weapon and armor because it was the best place in the world. The man had a reputation of being very cruel and unfair when he had duels with other cultivators.

Zuhn stepped foot into the blacksmith, all eyes landed on him. Many people rushed inside after seeing Zuhn launch the man hundreds of meters with one punch.

Almost everyone in the shop knew what happened outside.

When Zuhn walked inside, all he heard was someone hammering away. The sound of the hammer hitting iron filled Zuhn's eyes. Besides the people staring at him, all he heard was the hammer.

Zuhn let off a cool smile before he continued to walk throughout the store. Slowly, Zuhn made his way to the counter.

At the counter, there was a young boy standing to sharpen his sword. When the youth saw Zuhn, he put down his sword and looked at Zuhn. Zuhn could feel that the youth was sending small particles at his body, the youth was trying to figure out who Zuhn was.

Zuhn saw the youth use his magic well before the youth knew that Zuhn knew. Zuhn moved his cultivation to Silver, making sure the youth knew that Zuhn was someone special.

When the youth's magical particles hit Zuhn, the youth's face lit up in shock. The man in front of him was someone in the cultivation stages of Silver.

There was only one person in history that was able to reach silver. Although that was the history, it was quite wrong in the modern world. The boy himself was Silver ranked, along with his master they were quite strong beings.

They both learned a secret art that helped them to suppress their cultivation base to low bronze. This made it easier for them to join the kingdom as a blacksmith shop and earn some extra money.

"Hello, Sir."

The youth talked quite calmly as he kept his eyes on Zuhn. While with his left hand, he signaled for his master to get up. The man behind the youth stopped hammering the iron and got up and moved towards the counter.

When Zuhn saw the man come into view, he let out a small sigh. The man was well-built, he had an eye patch that was covering his left eye. The man had white hair from old age, most of the man's clothes were ripped up.

The man's one eyes were quite sharp, Zuhn felt his eye pierce through Zuhn. Inside of Zuhn's mind, he was lost for words, Zuhn was quite a powerful person in this world from what the history books told him.

But the man in front of him saw through his suppression. Zuhn wasn't sure if the man saw his real cultivation. The man's expression didn't change after his eye scanned Zuhn.

"Who are you?"

With a stern voice, the man spoke with an honest tone.

Zuhn looked at the man and opened his mouth.

"The better question, who are you?"

The man moved his hand up to his chin and started to think.

"This shop is closed!"

The man's voice echoed throughout the shop. Many people let out small sighs, some people were even angry. They were waiting all day to buy something from the man standing in front of Zuhn.

Once everyone left the store, the youth behind the counter jumped over and walked back Zuhn. He made his way to the doors and locked them, but before he came back to the counter he put a barrier up.

Zuhn noticed it instantly, even though the barrier wasn't very strong. It would still block any normal cultivators from entering. Normal people wouldn't even notice it's existence much less be able to break it.

When the youth came back, he stood the right of Zuhn.

"Do you have a name?"

The youth asked having no reaction from Zuhn.


"Zuhn? What an odd name."

The man had never heard of someone named Zuhn with this kind of power.

"Well, Zuhn. I'm the owner of this shop. My name is Berry Williams and that youth next to you is my disciple. He's quite a rare one at that, he broke through Silver not too long ago. He's quite young, only 16 years old."

"Taking 16 years to break through to Silver is sad. No matter how you think about it."

Zuhn felt that the man was trying to test him. Even though Zuhn was hundreds of times stronger than the man. He still felt like the man had many secrets that he was hiding.

"Haha… I guess you are right."

The man found a seat and looked at Zuhn again with his eye.

"Zuhn, I can't figure out your cultivation, but I know you are higher than myself. The magical power coming off you is intense. Having such power makes you better than me."

When Berry's words processed inside of the youth's mind he let out a small shout.

Zuhn turned towards the youth, "Why are you guys suppressing your cultivation?"

"Well, you see. There are many powerful organizations in this world with very strong cultivators. Let's just say we may have angered a couple of them and they are now coming after us. We decided that it was time for us to find a place to settle down."

Zuhn raised one of his eyebrows at the words the man was saying.

'Other organizations?'

"How powerful are the organizations you are talking about?"

"Now, young man. I'm not just randomly going to give out the names of the organizations. But, I can say the people in the organizations are quite powerful. There is one person I've met in my life that has around the same magical power you do."

'Same power as I? I thought that this world was weak.'

"From this kingdom alone, I thought this place was weak."

"Haha, Zuhn. This kingdom is just a spec of salt compared to the whole world. This country is one of the small countries that are in this world. They are also the weakest out of all of them, they are so weak that no one wants to take it over. Anyway, that's enough talk for now. Unless you are here to buy, I can't talk to you."

The barrier that was around the shop disappeared, and the doors of the shop swung open. The youth next to Zuhn moved back to the counter with the same calm expression on his face.

The man also went back to his hammer and continued to hammer the iron. Zuhn was dumbfounded for a second before turning around and leaving the blacksmith.

Sorry for this VERY late release. I was sick for around a week and didn't have time to create a chapter.

Luckily, I'm back and will be returning to releasing 2-3 chapters a week.

Also, thank you for 700k views on this novel along with having 4,000 collections!

Thanks to everyone that has been supporting this novel!

Kotremcreators' thoughts