
1.3.55: “Goodbye...”

A few days later, Xiao Yunhua was discharged from the hospital and stood outside of the hospital. She sighed and noticed a car waiting for her. Assuming it's the arranged Wang Yaowan, she walked in the direction and the window rolled down. It was Jing Hao, still dressed in his usual attire of luxury, giving her a mischievous grin. 

"I heard you went through some tough stuff." His playful tone and his understatement made her smile. 

"Just some minor 'tough stuff.' What are you doing here?" She crossed her arms and gave him a suspicious look. 

"Well, I came to pick you up." He winked at her and she shook her head. 

"Sorry, I already have a—"

"Is that the claddagh ring?" His eyes fell on her finger that was wearing it. She nodded and hid the ring from his view. Suddenly, her phone rang and Ni Ming told her that an emergency had happened at Riverside and Wang Yaowan wouldn't be able to pick her up. 

She sighed and turned around to get a taxi, but Jing Hao reminded her that he was there to pick her up. Reluctantly, she agreed and got into the car. 

"You know, I have a feeling the emergency had something to do with you since you clearly came prepared." He only gave her a flirtatious smile and asked her where he should drop her off. 

Suddenly—as though the realization dawned on her—her heart grew cold again. She was kicked out from the penthouse...but she still needed to pick up her things and leave that place forever. 

Xiao Yunhua gave the address of the penthouse and then they drove. Once they arrived at the destination, she bid Jing Hao adieu and told him that she would treat him later for this favor. Slowly and hesitantly, she knocked on the door and to her surprise, it wasn't one of the housekeepers that opened the door, it was Zhou Ming himself. She hadn't seen him in a few days, but it had felt like forever. Unlike his usual suit, he wore causal clothes and looked relaxed. His idle appearance and facial features made her realize that she was the only who was worried about moving out. 

He didn't care at all. 

In fact, he seemed more free. It looked like her moving out was a good thing for him.

She activated the calming effect and expressionlessly looked at him. "I'm here for my things." He nodded and opened the door, allowing her to go in. Briefly, she grabbed her few luggages that she had brought in when she moved in and her eyes swept the penthouse for the last time. The nostalgia made her heart ache again, but this was goodbye. She was going to fail her special target and there was nothing she could do about it. The man next to her was unmovable. 

Quietly, she whispered, "Goodbye..." as expected, she was only responded with a cold silence. 

She shook her head and turned to leave and he didn't even stop her. Not that she cared anymore. She went outside and noticed Jing Hao's car still waiting. 

She was stunned to see him. "Didn't you leave?" 

"I had a hunch you'd come back." 

She chuckled, "You keep getting weirder." Surprisingly, Xiao Yunhua was beginning to enjoy his company. He seemed like a decent and humorous friend, despite his suspicion nature. She got in the car, not realizing someone was watching them interact. 

Someone whose dark eyes were pooling with...jealousy? 

See, I didn’t forget ZML haha

She’s just been put off the side as she’s a very minor villain. The secret behind XYH’s expulsion will be revealed soon <3

silentscarletttcreators' thoughts