
1.3.44: Vehemence

"It was intense..." Xiao Yunhua spoke to Ni Ming in the phone, explaining everything to her. When they finished their conversation, she ended the call and sighed. Everything had been too much recently. She wiped away her makeup and dressed in comfortable clothes, releasing her long hair free behind her. 

She glanced in the mirror and saw a peerless face. It was so ethereal and well-sculpted, it seemed unreal. And it belonged to her. Such a dream in her previous life has come true in this world. However, she had to pay such a nasty price for it by manipulating affection. It seemed something straight out of a novel; however, she did not have the typical halo that granted her everything. She had worked so hard to stand here today. And once she finished with the Special Target and gained revenge for Han Mi, she would be off to a new start. A new world. She would forget everything and everyone. 

Heaving a deep breath, she whisked herself in the dimensional world and met the little fairy. 

"You seem much more relaxed!" She greeted cheerfully. "I'm glad everything went smoothly."

"Thanks to you pouring the oil on the fire and starting the chain reaction. I really appreciate what you did." Even though Xiao Taotao was very small, Xiao Yunhua grabbed the little fairy and hugged her softly. Despite the contract they had together, she was glad they were somewhat friends. It reminded her of the relationship she shared with Zhou Ming. Contractual, but it had ventured a bit further than intended. 

When she released the little fairy, she abruptly asked, "Taotao, how do you manipulate a person's emotions to go out of control and do something they cannot realize until they've done it?"

Xiao Taotao was stunned by the question, "If you're asking for the target, it's taboo—"

"Not for the target, but for someone else..." Xiao Taotao was quiet, unsure how to proceed. Suddenly, as though she gained a newfound determination, she spoke.

"You can control and fuel any emotion with this..." the little fairy snapped her fingers and a small vial appeared before them. It was full of a clear liquid and could've been mistaken for water. "Vehemence is the name of this and it currently costs you 1,500 points. As you go further into worlds, it'll be more and more expensive as it's extremely valuable."

"So expensive!" Xiao Yunhua interrupted with shock. 

"This vial can be used up to 3 times but only on the same person. The person cannot be your target either. You know, I'm surprised you asked this because it's meant to be gradually introduced to you as you familiarize yourself in new worlds."

"I have a plan that'll hopefully end it all. Besides, I had a hunch this existed or something along the lines, seeing how the system has everything."

"Hmm... I'll take your word for it. Vehemence can be any of these emotions: sadness, anger, jealousy, disgust, fear, happiness... love and hate. Once you pick an emotion, the dose will change to the color representing that emotion."

"Why did you hesitate on love and hate?"

The little fairy frowned, "Both can be the most dangerous of the entire list. Love can lead to an obsession and can potentially harm you or whoever you're directing the vial and emotion to. It can cause figurative blindness and can be either happy-go-lucky or hazardous, depending on the original personality. Hate works in the same way, but with negative emotions. It can lead to a desire of death. Realistically, all of the emotions can lead to a pessimistic outcome since it's an unnatural process, but it's especially worse with those two."

"Can I use all three doses at the same time?"

"Yes, but that's a crazy idea. The person will be left with the final dose's emotions for a long time—even though the usual lasts as long as you want it to—which may even develop to be real as time goes by." She paused and showed Xiao Yunhua the colors that each emotion represented. "If you were to purchase this, it would appear as clear when you're feeding it to someone and will be flavorless too. It'll mix with everything and be inconspicuous; however, once you decide on an emotion, you think of it as the person is drinking it. It'll shift color or colors immediately but will remain concealed. If you don't decide and they drink it already, it'll be just like water—useless to you. Also, it'll take up to 12 hours for the effect."

"Do they have to drink it?" Xiao Yunhua asked, to which the little fairy shook her head.

"There is a version where they wake up with the certain emotion; however, it's 5,000 points—"

"For three doses!?"

"—per dose at your current world."

Xiao Yunhua gasped in amazement. "Why is it so expensive?"

"You see, for the vial, you'll have to slip it yourself, so it's much harder. But for the alternate version, everything will be done for you on a silver platter." That made sense. Even though she won't use it now, it'll be helpful in the future if she can't get close to the person affected at all. But by then, it'll be extremely expensive and she'll have—hopefully—plenty of points to spare.

The vial hovered in front of Xiao Yunhua's face, silently taunting her. "So, will you purchase it or get the alternate version?"

Xiao Yunhua bit her bottom lip in contemplation but finally nodded, "I'll get the vial." She felt the points sucked away and wanted to regret the decision, but she had no time. This would be beneficial to her revenge along with her original mission.

"Your remainder is 47,000 points! Congratulations, the vial can remain here or be taken outside in the real world."

"Keep it here until I call for it." The little fairy nodded and Xiao Yunhua left the dimensional space, sitting on her bed. 

This was it.
