
1.2.3: New Target (II)

"Alright, so who's my target now?" Xiao Yunhua asked Xiao Taotao once she finished seeing the scene of Kang Yiyi.

"That..." Xiao Taotao's sentence faltered and a mischievous glint bloomed in her eyes. "You'll find out when you meet him!"

Hearing the little fairy's reply, Xiao Yunhua rolled her eyes. "If it's anything like giving me a hard target again, especially on my first world, I'll literally curse you and the system to death!" A loud thunderous rumble struck in the dimensional space, startling both the fairy and Xiao Yunhua.

Awkwardly smiling at the sky, Xiao Yunhua bowed, "Sorry, sorry!" Clearly, the system didn't like her words. But who could blame her? Such a difficult target for her first mission!

Xiao Taotao snickered but suddenly, her eyes glazed. What seemed like eternity yet was only a few minutes passed and the little fairy returned to her normal sanity. "Alright, you've been granted an easy target this time. At least easy in the eyes of the system."


"You'll see! By the way, you're in the hospital right now, at least your physical form." Xiao Taotao reminded. "Your target is closer than you'd expect. As well as you've been in a coma for three months."

"What the heck!?" Xiao Yunhua blurted out in shock. "Three months? It's literally been a few hours at most!"

Xiao Taotao shrugged her shoulders. "You see, the system works in mysterious ways. As well as we've taken the liberty to transfer you to a different hospital to make you meet your target easier."

Xiao Yunhua once again questioned the logic behind suddenly whisking her out of a hospital and placing her in another one. But she didn't question her concerns as Xiao Taotao answered them diligently. "No worries. We've added a 'scene' in their heads where your guardians, Wang Yaowan and Ni Ming, have privately transferred you elsewhere. Despite the numerous resources of the powerful Zhou family, we've limited it to not be able to find you."

"How..." Xiao Yunhua couldn't find it in her to say 'how mortifying' since the system manipulated everyone like little puppets. Even though Xiao Yunhua knew that Xiao Taotao could hear her thoughts, that didn't prevent her from being afraid.

To change the time, to change their memory, to change her physical body's location... how did she manage to get herself tangled with such a dangerous thing?

"Host," Xiao Taotao's voice interrupted her thoughts, "would you like to buy any beauty upgrade materials?"

"Couldn't I just max the beauty right now?" Xiao Yunhua sighed. "It's frustrating to pay for every individual piece of enhancer."

"Not yet, but on your final target in every world, you can. For now, you could get a 50% enhance added for 1,000 points!"

"You really enjoy ripping me off, right?"

"Hehe, I'll take that as confirmation!" A surge filled Xiao Yunhua and she could feel her features becoming more and more inhumanely beautiful.

She didn't have the chance to even stare at a mirror as Xiao Taotao said, "Host, you'll be transferred right... now!" And Xiao Taotao snapped her fingers again.

All of a sudden, pain erupted all over Xiao Yunhua's body. This pain numbed, yet was still a consist buzz that could be ignored, albeit there.

Slowly fluttering her eyelids, her blurred vision began to become more clear as seconds went by. She tried to turn her neck to see where she was, but the numbing pain became intolerable, hence she decided to not move.

She opened her mouth to speak, but realized that her lips were very chapped and her throat was abnormally dry.

Even if she couldn't move her head or her neck, Xiao Yunhua still used her eyes to analyze where she was.

Just like the system had promised, she was in an unfamiliar hospital. From all the hospitals she had been to, this one was very different. The scent of medicine was evident, but it surprisingly didn't bother her as it was mixed with something herbal, immediately soothing her body.

Even though she despised hospitals because of what happened to Han Mi, she wasn't uncomfortable in this room.

Speaking of the room, it seemed like it was a private room as it brimmed with extravagant equipment and she was alone. The bed she rested on was soft yet comfy, the perfect combination for a healing patient.

Suddenly, the door opened and a woman walked in. The woman wore a white and clean uniform and held a clipboard as she took Xiao Yunhua's vitals from the machines. When she turned around, the woman was surprised to see Xiao Yunhua staring at her.

Fumbling with her clipboard, the woman immediately dialed the main office to inform the doctor that the patient was awake.

Xiao Yunhua watched in amusement as the woman seemed a bit clumsy. The woman was familiar and Xiao Yunhua was sure they had met before.

Reminiscing through her memories, she remembered the woman as Ling Qiu, the nurse that helped her when she blacked out as she met her grandmother in the hospital.

But if Ling Qiu was here then...

Xiao Yunhua's eyes followed the movement of the doorknob and she saw a familiar face entering.

The familiar face belonged to Dr. Qiang Yue, the good man that didn't lie regarding Han Mi's condition.

All of a sudden, the same childish voice rung in Xiao Yunhua's head. <<For your second target, you must make Qiang Yue fall in love with you!>>

Tricked you guys! Many thought it would be Zhou Ming :P

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