
Getting Stronger

I was currently in a meditative state, my mind seemingly moulding into the shape of a transparent spirit. In my mind, I imagined a Vast Universe, this universe included living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. The universe contained billions of galaxies, each containing millions or billions of stars and each sun hiding away trillions of worlds. In one particular world entirely made up of ice, the spirit body of Erasmus visited this world.

On this world icicles dangled from the shadowy skeletons of trees, each one like an ominous sword of Damocles. The large icy rivers, frozen solid, were covered with ice so thick that it showed reflections as bright as a mirror of the heavy, grey sky. The chill breeze slicing through the air seemed to whisper "ice... ice... ice..."

At the centre of this world, there were numerous incarnations of Erasmus, each and every one of them were practising some sort of spell, all related to Ice. Erasmus observed them for some time until he finally chose the spell that he would learn, He spread his hand out to reach the incarnation practising the spell, upon touching the incarnation a flow of information directly entered his mind.


Spell name: Herald Of Ice

Inventor: Balthazar Auguste

Tier: 7

Effect: Being able to freeze time upon complete mastery of the spell.

Levels: The spell is divided into nine cycles, the first cycle grants you the power to freeze the reaction time of your enemy. After mastery of the First cycle, the power of the second cycle shall be unlocked to you.

Appearance: An intricate, vermilion coil of waves.


I started to break down every single aspect of the first cycle of the spell in my mind. I felt as If I understood everything about the ability and had been practising for thousands of years. Without even realising I was already doing what my incarnation was doing, practising the spell in the ice world for Hundred of times I seemed to be getting close to mastery of the first cycle when all of a sudden in my mind a silhouette seemed to materialise out of nothing. Looking at him I saw that it was a familiar face. A face that I had seen in the painting of the Clan. The Face belonged to the 43rd Clan Head of the Auguste Clan, Balthazar Auguste. He stood silent while he watched me practice while doing so I could not help but observe him.

Silver, coily hair slightly revealed a round, anguished face. Dead blue eyes, was set elegantly within their sockets, watching delicately yet fiercely over me. Several moles were spread elegantly on his right cheek and left a compelling memory of his unfortunate looks. A demanding aura of authority hung over him.

This was the face of Balthazar Auguste. A true master among humans. He stood average among others, yet he was known during the ancient times as the Slayer of Demons.

I had been practising for a long time. The exact time I could not say, I did not know whether it was hours, days, months or even years. After finally stopping a voice sound out behind me. It was a voice that soft yet had authority instilled into it.

"Your talent is Impeccable, for you to nearly reach mastery in such a short amount of is indeed impressive however if you wish to reach mastery in my spell then you need one thing I will not tell you what it is, however, I will give you a clue, Experience is the key."

"Thank you, Ancestor, for your valuable advice."

"Hahaha, no worries as a descendant of mine how can I not offer you some advice, I believe this is not our last time seeing each other, just remember one thing young one, do not shame the name of our Clan."

And just as he appeared, he had disappeared. Closing my eyes, I willed for my spirit to return back to my body leaving my meditative state. As I opened my eyes and returned back to reality, I could not help but smile on the gains I had achieved. A Tier 7 Spell that was related to time was truly rare, and with this spell, I could definitely say I had grown much stronger.

However My personal strength this was not enough I had to personally train my army and reform them once more and improve their power.
