
To Fort Yano (12)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

A young brown-skinned Asian boy of around 10 years old or so carrying a fishing rod was running through the thick bushes and making his way back to where his parents were located.

'I didn't expect to see people there!'

'That old man in black was very tall and scary!'

'He was taller than father!'

'But that small girl in pink was cute though…'

When he finally got out of the bushes, he arrived at an open field surrounded by some trees and a rough pathway enough for a single car to pass.

In the middle of the field, there was an RV.

Right in front of the RV, there were some chairs and tables.

On the right side, there was a dirty kitchen with a beautiful brown-skinned Asian woman in her mid-20s wearing a dress and was cooking.

And on the left side was a 6'4" tall Caucasian man in his early 40s wearing a black sleeves shirt, cargo pants, running shoes and System items while chopping wood with an axe.



The woman saw him and said in Muwinian, "Brandon, did you go to the river? How many times do I have to tell you not to go alone? And plus, that there are no fishes there. It's too shallow. You don't even have a proper bait. Stop wasting your time. You should do more useful things like help your father chop wood."

The man stopped chopping wood and looked at the woman.

"Clara dear, it's fine. Let him explore. At least he's trying to do something productive," he said in Muwinian.

The woman looked at him and said, "What productive are you saying, Ernest? There's no fish there. How is it any productive? Tell me because I'm having a hard time seeing it."

Ernest looked at Brandon.

"Looks like your mother is in a bad mood again. How about lending me a hand before her temper worsens and then you and I find some fruits nearby, big guy?" he said and winked.

Brandon nodded and headed straight to the RV to return the fishing rod.

Clara scoffed and rolled her eyes before saying, "And don't play with the gun inside! It's dangerous!"

Ernest smiled and shook his head before going back to chopping wood.




Inside the thick bush, Nathan and Zita were watching.

When Nathan first saw the RV, his eyes immediately shined.

He wasn't expecting to see an RV in Muwin.

In Asia, there was no RV culture, especially in brown-skinned Asian countries because of their land formation.

Unlike the other countries, brown-skinned Asian countries are made up of tiny islands. And unfortunately, a majority of their islands aren't interconnected with bridges because their government is so busy with filling their own pockets with the money that was supposed to be used for building infrastructure to generate more jobs or just make the life of the citizens easier. So the only way to travel between the islands was either by plane or boat.

Going back to the RV culture, in brown-skinned Asian countries like Muwin, the closest thing to an "RV culture" here was the homeless people living inside wheeled crates or bicycle rickshaws.

'Heh~ This is my first time seeing an RV here in Muwin…'

'And even if there were actually RVs here in Muwin, I wasn't expecting to encounter one right away, especially here in the province…'

'Looks like Lady Luck is on my side and the kid will now have a proper CR... Hehehe~!'

He turned to Zita who was looking at the man and woman near the RV.

Her eyes were particularly locked on the man because he was the first Caucasian she has seen ever since she arrived here in Muwin.


She turned to him.

He smiled and said, "Let me show you how to take something in a 'fun' way."

"Take something in a 'fun' way? What do you mean, mister?"

For some reason, she couldn't help but recall the time when Nathan mentioned about getting bored with killing zombies creatively and will eventually want to "play" with something else.

"You'll see," he said and grinned.



He patted her head and continued, "I'll also be speaking in Regisian so that you will understand what's going on. That way, you will know what to do in the future once we try to take something again in a 'fun' way."

He stepped out of the bush.

'What is mister going to do...?'

'And what did he mean by 'take something in a fun way'...?'

'Will it be like back then...?'

'But mister said he just wanted information...'

'However, if they attacked him…'

She shuddered.

'I hope they won't attack…'

She finally decided to step out of the bush as well.



Brandon opened the side door of the RV and stepped out.

"Hello, there!" someone suddenly greeted.

Brandon, Clara and Ernest all stopped what they were doing and turned to the direction where the voice came from.

The first thing they noticed was the 2.2m-tall (or around 7'2") brown-skinned Asian man dressed in what looked like medieval fantasy leather equipment painted in black.

However, he wasn't carrying any weapons.

He had one hand up and was waving along with a very warm and friendly smile plastered on his face as he made his way to them.

The next thing they noticed was the icy blonde-haired little Caucasian girl walking behind him wearing a pink tracksuit with a hoodie, a tiara, a pouch around her waist, a pair of black-colored gloves and white-colored boots, and a dagger strapped on her right thigh.

When Brandon saw the two "visitors", his eyes immediately widened.

As for Ernest and Clara, they had a surprised expression at first but then had different reactions after that.

In Clara's case, after recovering from her surprised reaction, she immediately turned to Brandon.

"Mgo mback minside!"

However, Brandon didn't do what she ordered him to do because he was busy thinking about something else.

Ernest, on the other hand, after recovering from his surprised reaction, his eyes immediately bounced between the two visitors and their surroundings to see if there were others.

They specifically chose this spot to park their RV because, aside from the vegetation, it also wasn't too far nor too near the road and there was also a river nearby for water, making a not-so-bad quick hiding place from humans and zombies.

'Is it just these two...?'

'How many are they...?'

'It's only been an hour since we've got here so I haven't yet finished setting up the traps in case of uninvited guests...'


He continued bouncing his gaze between the visitors and their surroundings but more on the latter this time.

'If only Perry was still alive, he would've spotted these two right away and start barking...'

'Unfortunately, he was killed two days ago by a group of intruders...'

'I don't see anyone else apart from these two....'

'And strangely enough, the man isn't carrying any weapons...'

'But based on his attire, he's probably one of those kids who like to cosplay...?

'Even if fancies himself as some sort of a medieval brawler, it would still be very hard to kill the zombies, especially the Rank 2s...'

'Or perhaps he's one of the Prophets…?'

'No, it can't be...'

'Why would a Prophet even bother to come here and do such a thing when they can live a luxurious lifestyle back at Fort Yano...?'

'We have nothing special apart from the RV and a few potions...'

'Unless, of course, he's…'

He looked at Zita.

'This kid doesn't look half and she looks like she's about the same age as Brandon...'

'Maybe these people…'

Since he couldn't spot any other visitors, visible that is, aside from the ones right in front of them, Ernest looked at Brandon.

"Mbig mguy, mremember mwhat mwe mtalked mabout? Mlisten mto myour mmother mand mgo minside," he said before smiling and winking at him.

Brandon remembered their talk.

But right now, he was feeling very guilty because he knew that the only reason how these two visitors got here was because of him.

And if anything bad happens to them, just like what happened to their pet dog, Perry, it will be all his fault.

Because of this, he wanted to stay so that he can "help" just in case.

Seeing Brandon not moving, Clara went over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Mwhat mare myou mwaiting mfor? Mgo!" she said before shoving him to the door of the RV.

Brandon finally went inside the RV and closed the door.


Ernest and Clara turned to their unexpected visitors.

"Mhello, mthere, mfriend," said Ernest.

"Msir, mwhat mbusiness mdo myou mhave mwith mus?" said Clara.


Author's thoughts:

Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed months ago in keeping his sacred immortal oath and is now nothing but a Lowly Shameless Immortal is shamelessly going to open once again the path of Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons.

To the people who voted with their power stones, this Lowly Shameless Immortal would like to thank these Power Immortals:

• Pillastre

• Badz_Baddy

• Naufal_Arc

• Shikla

• Jayjayrelic_Relic

• zlBlade

• PSYcho_72

• TheAntiSimp

To the ones who want to help this Lowly Shameless Immortal in his path to immortality in writing his First Immortal Book, you can consider becoming an Immortal Patron by supporting him at P-a-t-r-e-o-n:

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's "chapter drafts" for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

With that, this Lowly Shameless Immortal want to give his special thanks to the Immortal Patron(s) for May 2021:

• Виталий В

• Teltaios

Thank you once again Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons. This Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*
