
Sports Complex

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

"What the fuck…?" Nathan said as he looked through the window from the booth.

Down below at the basketball court, there were tents and other things moved to the corners. And in the middle, there was a group of corpses, humans and zombies, shaped into a "Y" formation.

As a brown-skinned Asian who was born and raised in Asia and given that this "Y" formation was made here in Muwin and during the zombie apocalypse that was unleashed by the being claiming to be God, Nathan concluded that this formation made up of corpses represented the holy symbol of the Trinitian religion, the holy trinity -- Pater (the main god or something like a creator), Filius (the being who revealed himself to the Prophet Amos), and Telum (something like the will of Pater).

Images of what happened in Corn Town flashed inside his head, causing his knees to go weak and take a few steps backward as he covered his face with his hand.

He stared down at the floor.

His eyes peeking between his fingers.

And a voice started speaking inside his head.

'You've failed once again…'

'You really are useless, aren't you…?'

'Shut up.'

'Well, it's really not a surprise as all. You've always been useless whenever it counts…'

'Shut up!'

'What are you going to do this time? Kill everyone? Oh wait, there's no one to kill. Or are you going burn down the whole city this time?'


The voice stopped and he shook his head.

'I won't accept this.'

'I refuse to.'

'I mean, if I really think about it, although my parents aren't super religious, their religion is Iklasian, not Trinitian.'

'And plus, when that being claiming to be God revealed itself, He didn't say what specify what religion he came from.'

'He only revealed himself to unleash this zombie apocalypse.'

'So there's absolutely no way my parents are there, let alone join in something like that.'

'Also, it's not like this is the only place survivors could seek shelter from the zombie threat.'

'Yes, yes, yes…'

'Very correct…'

'That's definitely an excellent logical explanation…'

'It truly is.'

Satisfied with the answer he gave himself, he resumed his calm composure.

'I still have to go down and check for clues.'

'Ever since I arrived here in Muwin, they are the first human bodies I've seen.'

He went to the door leading down to the basketball court.


Outside on one of the corners where the tents were located.

There was a topless man humming to himself while barbecuing a large piece of meat on a [Grade D] Spear that he used as a skewer.

"Hmm~ Hmhmhmm~ Hmm~"

Aside from the pair of pants he was wearing, he had System items on.

He had a [Grade D] Earring, Tribal Sparrow Tattoo, Armband and Leg Bracelet.

Meanwhile, for his System Accessories, he was wearing two [Grade D] Rings and a [Grade C] Amulet.

He noticed that the meat that was facing the fire seemed to be cook already so he twisted the skewer, flipping the meat on the other side.


Juice from the meat dripped to the firewood and made sizling sounds.

He grabbed a knife and sliced a small piece from the side of the meat that seemed already cooked.

He placed the sliced piece of meat inside his mouth and chew.

'Hmm… Not bad. But the meat is indeed chewier compared to the meat of the N1 and especially the S1, M1 and…'

He looked at the side where there were a bunch of chopped and carved up corpses, both human and zombies, piled up together, forming the shape of a "Y" formation.

There was also some meat on the corner that he personally set aside and hanged to be consumed in the future.


He sliced off another piece of meat and then chew it inside his mouth.

'Hmm… At least the good part is that although I already ran out of rice, the D1 has so much meat…'

He continued chewing.

'But it really is chewy though.'

'This is going to make my gums sore.'

'Hmm… I wonder if the D2's meat is harder.'

He smiled and shook his head.

'Of course, it's harder. Why wouldn't it be?'

'I just need to make sure to increase my STR with the help of the System items when I get the chance to try D2 meat.'


He swallowed the meat.

'But I have to say, out of all the meat I've tried, human meat was the best, especially if it's a young woman…'

He thought about one of the corpses he kept inside the tent.

He licked his lips and thought, 'Well, it would be a waste to destroy that sex toy but carving a little meat won't be too bad, right?'

'Maybe just one breast? The fats on that part of the body taste really good, especially if it's fried.'

'Wait, do I still have cooking oil?'

'Whatever, I'll play with her body one last time before cutting it.'

Right after he said that, his shaft swole.

He was about to touch himself when suddenly someone behind him spoke in Regisian.

"Looks like you're cooking something nice."


Nathan was looking at the large piece of meat skewered on a spear and being barbecued by the topless man.

'Hmm… He looks like around his early 30s…'

'And that meat… Looks like a thigh of…'

He looked at the pile of chopped and carved up human and zombie corpses and also noticed the meat that was hung on the side.

He returned his gaze at the man and the meat being barbecued.

'Heh~ What an interesting diet.'

Back in Womania, during the first few days of the zombie apocalypse and he was conducting his "experiments" to see what extent can a person catch the zombie virus, one of the things he tried was feeding the participants zombie meat, both raw and cooked.

The topless man got up and turned to him before asking in Muwinian, "You! How did you get inside?!"

Hearing what the topless man said, Nathan couldn't help but smile and thought, 'Oh, I forgot. This isn't Womania. I don't need to speak Regisian anymore…'

'And his accent, I never thought I'd be happy to hear a real Muwinian accent…'

Based on the man's accent, Nathan concluded he was in the lower-middle class.

The topless man made a quick review about Nathan's appearance as well.

He was surprised to see that the person was 2.2m-tall (or around 7'2").

In Muwin, the average height of males is 5'6" and the women is 5'4".

He was 5'7" himself. And although everyone has the System so height and weight don't really matter that much anymore, he still couldn't help but be a little intimidated by Nathan's height.

He also couldn't help but notice Nathan's "costume".

Unfortunately, the man wasn't aware that some countries had different drops.

Because of this, he concluded that he was one of those weaboos.

Furthermore, he noticed that Nathan wasn't carrying any weapons or bag.

'This kid, should I take him out with just my spell or… No, given that he came up to me without any weapons means he has something he's confident about. In these dark times, no one in their right mind would approach a complete stranger unarmed. Yeah, he really must have something and I can't take any chances,' he thought and his eyes wandered around to search for his weapons or anything that can be used as a weapon.

Aside from the knife he used for cooking, the rest of his weapons, both System and non-System were inside the tent.

Nathan's smile became wider and he replied in Muwinian, "Don't even think about it. You're the first person I've met since I've arrived here. So as much as possible I don't want any bloodshed. I just want information. That's all."

'But of course, if I find out that you have done anything wrong against my parents or relatives, well…' he thought.

When the man heard Nathan's accent, he couldn't help but notice that although it sounded a little stiff, he was no doubt a native speaker. He also noticed that he sounded like someone who came from a lower-middle class background.

Unlike in the West, Asian societies have this unspoken strict social hierarchy or caste system which is mostly determined by two things: economic status and age.

'You just want information? Hmph! Does this weaboo take me as a fool? And why did he spoke in Regisian earlier? Is he one of those self-hating Muwinians who thinks speaking in Regisian could mask his poor background?' the topless man thought.

In regards to brown-skinned Asian countries, another strange thing about their societies is that there are some natives who would rather speak in Regisian or any foreign language that's currently popular in the mainstream media to boost their "social status" or something like to brag about their intelligence.

As a matter of fact, whenever two people with such mindsets will argue, they would suddenly speak in Regisian.

It's really weird.

And here in Muwin, such people are commonly found in the northern region, especially among Muwinian-Trinitians.

The topless man appeared to relax and then flashed a friendly smile before answering, "Information? If that's all you want, then I don't mind telling you everything you want to know. I too don't want any bloodshed as well. But can I go to my tent to wear proper clothes, and also get an extra plate, glass and food for you? It's been a while since I've talked to a new person and I want to at least give you a proper welcome."

Nathan didn't say anything and continued wearing a big smile on his face.

"It's just inside that tent over there. It will only take a second," the topless man said and pointed.

Nathan's eyes glanced at the tent that the topless man was pointing.

The tent's door was half-opened so he couldn't see that much what's inside.

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you," the topless man said with a very kind smile as he gave a quick slight bow before heading to the tent.

And just right after he turned his against Nathan…


"Ugh!" the topless man groaned and felt like something went through his chest from the back.

He looked down.

He saw a blade of a spear was protruding out of his chest.

Blood trickled down from his lips.

He tried to turn around so that he can break the spear or something and then throw a spell.

However, before he could even do it, he was lifted above the ground.

"AHH!!!" he screamed in agony as his body slid a few inches down the spear's bladd.

"Didn't I tell you not to even think about it?" Nathan said and sneered.


Author's thoughts:

Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed months ago in keeping his sacred immortal oath and is now nothing but a Lowly Shameless Immortal is shamelessly going to open once again the path of Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons.

To the people who voted with their power stones, this Lowly Shameless Immortal would like to thank these Power Immortals:

To the ones who want to help this Lowly Shameless Immortal in his path to immortality in writing his First Immortal Book, you can consider becoming an Immortal Patron by supporting him at P-a-t-r-e-o-n:

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's "chapter drafts" for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment, this Lowly Shameless Immortal posted the draft of Volume II: Ch. 54 - 58 there.

With that, this Lowly Shameless Immortal want to give his special thanks to the Immortal Patron(s) for January 2021:

Thank you once again Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons. This Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

Sorry for the delay (as usual) >,<

Oh... This is embarrassing...

But then again, my very existence itself is embarrassing lol

Anyhow, I originally planned to post Chapter 38 last night and then 39 today.

But last night, after I had dinner, I decided to take a "quick break" before posting Chapter 38.

I was on my bed and watching one episode of The Boys.

The next thing I knew I fell asleep.

And when I woke up, it was already morning lol


Oh by the way, I recommend watching The Boys. It's really nice.

In my opinion, it's like Watchmen (the movie and comics, of course! Not the TV series) but with a "happier" tone -- happy in it's own kind of way because it's still twisted.

I really like Homelander.

Immortal_Shadescreators' thoughts