
Outside (6)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

11:48 pm.

Nathan and Zita already left the children's boutique shop and were currently standing in front of a 10-story building.

It was an apartment building with a flat rooftop.

"Hide inside the car and wait there. I'll check this building and the others."

"Mister, let me come with you. I'm already Level 21. I'm strong like you!"

Nathan stared at her and glanced at the weapons floating around her. "Not now. It's dark and we're in a hurry. Go. Don't forget to check if there's a zombie inside."

Zita pouted and murmured under her breath as she went to the car, "Scheckk sifk stherek sarek szombiesk sink sthek scark? Stheyk sarek ssok sbigk. Stheyk swouldn'tk sfitk sinsidek!"

She reached out for the door.

It was locked.

But with her current points in STR, it was no problem.


She grabbed the handle and forcefully opened the car door before stepping inside.

When she turned to where she last saw Nathan, he was no longer there.

"Sstupidk soldk smank. She'sk sjustk slikek sthek sadultsk sbackk satk sthek Government Shelter. Sthey'rek sallk sworrywartsk! Sit'sk snotk sthatk sscaryk sherek satk sallk! Sik scank stakek scarek sofk smyselfk!"

"Sshouldk sik sleavek snowk…?"

She tried to look for any sign of Nathan.

She could find any and it was so quiet.

The only thing she could hear was the occasional roar of zombies from a distance.

"Si'llk sjustk swaitk swhenk she'sk sasleepk sjustk stok sbek ssurek…"

"Sevenk sifk shek scank sturnk sinvisiblek, shek swon'tk sbek sablek stok sfindk smek sifk si'mk salreadyk sfark sawayk!"

She yawned.

"Si'mk sgettingk ssleepyk salreadyk..."

She searched for some candies inside her [Grade D] Spatial Bag and found a couple of chocolate bars.

She took them out including a box of juice as well.


30 minutes later…



Zita turned to the side and saw Nathan standing in front of the car.

"Kid, let's go."

She stepped outside and they both entered the building.


5th floor corridor.

Both Nathan and Zita had a flashlight on their hands.

"This will be my room and that one yours," he said and pointed at the other door. "This place still has running water but there's no electricity so there's no hot water. Don't forget to take a bath. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."



Nathan opened the door to his room, entered and then closed it.

"Good night too…" Zita said and turned around to her room and entered.



"Sthisk sisk smyk sroomk…" she said as she looked around.

It was a six-bedroom apartment.

She went to check the bedrooms.

Out of the two bedrooms, she chose the one with the largest bed.

She jumped on the bed and lied down.

She looked at the side and there were pictures of people -- a father and a mother carrying a new-born baby on her arms.

She felt her chest tighten and tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Smommyk… smamak… Sik smissk syouk sbothk…"

Her parents were both women.

Her smommyk was basically the husband and her smamak was the wife.

She closed her eyes and rubbed them before opening them and then stared at the ceiling.

'I'll wait for an hour before leaving…'

However, there was a problem.

'I don't have a phone to see the time...'

She went out of the bedroom and searched for a clock.

Fortunately, she found one in the living room.

She activated her skill [Lift] and brought the clock to her.

'12:22 am…'

She went to the toilet first before returning back to the bedroom with the clock.

She laid down on the bed without removing her equipment and glanced at the clock that was floating at her side.

'I will leave at 1:30 am…'

'But where will I go...?'

She never thought of this.

Back when she first asked Nathan to take her with him, although she had the desire to become strong, the main reason why she decided to go was because of Lisa who confiscated her collection of System items.

In a way, you could say that she did it simply out of spite.

But now that she was Level 21, her anger against Lisa and the other adults back at the Government Shelter dissipated.

'Maybe I should just return back to the shelter...?'

'The adults there weren't so bad except for Lisa who took away my items...'

'I also made some friends there with the other kids…'

She raised her fist and thought, 'When I get back there, I'm going to show everyone, especially Lisa and that they can't bully me anymore because I'm so powerful!'

She dropped her first and then glanced at the clock.


"Si'llk sjustk sclosek smyk seyesk sfork sak slittlek sbitk sandk sleavek satk 1:30 am…" she said and then fell asleep.


Zita felt someone nudging her shoulder.



"Wake up…"

She slowly opened her eyes.

In front of her was a Caucasian young man in his late teens.




She jumped away from the bed, bumped against the wall and then fell to the floor.

"Swhok sarek syouk?!"

The man placed a finger between his lips and whispered sharply, "Shhh! Keep quiet! I'm here to rescue you!"

Zita activated her skill, lifted the flashlight and pointed it at his face.

The young man was donned in a complete set of System items and had a sword strapped on his back. He had somewhat of a cute face and very kind eyes.

"Who are you?!"

"Please keep your voice down. My name is Dylan and I'm here to rescue you. I was sent by Sweet Dave."

"Sweet Dave?"


Zita studied his features.

"You know Sweet Dave? I don't remember seeing you back at the shelter."

"That's normal. Maybe you did see me but you just don't remember me. There are too many people in the Government Shelter after all."

"Where is Sweet Dave and the others?"

"They're out searching for you in other parts of the city."


"Come, let's leave now before that man you're with wakes up."

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to the place where Sweet Dave and the others agreed to in case one of us finds you."


"Let's go now," Dylan said and went for the main door.

Zita thought about what to do.

'His name is Dylan and he was sent by Sweet Dave. But can I trust him?'

Back at the Government Shelter, although she was lucky that Sweet Dave and the others took her in when she was left all alone after her mama died during the takeover, she met a few people with bad intentions who tried to trick her into luring her going with them somewhere.

And with Nathan, although her instincts were telling her to run away because he was dangerous, she noticed that there was no lust in his eyes when she asked him to take her with him and when he also explained to her what it meant to travel with him.

His eyes were simply telling her that this moment was nothing but a chance encounter and whether she agrees to go with him or not, it held little or no meaning to him at all.

She glanced at the clock.

12:42 am.

She shifted her gaze to the door of the bedroom.

'He doesn't seem to be a bad person…'

'And even if he was a bad person, I'm a Chosen One just like the old guy mister! I can easily deal with him!'

She got up, exited the bedroom and went to where Dylan was.

He was at the main door.

"Are you ready?"

"You said you know Sweet Dave. Do you know what's my name?"

"I… Uh… I don't know your name. As I mentioned earlier, there are too many people in the government shelter so it's normal not to know everyone. Even you don't know me. But that's not important right now. Let's go."


"Okay, to prove to you I know Sweet Dave: He's this old and very tall white guy and is one of the leaders of the base. Convinced now?"

"Do you know the name of his wife?"

"No, I don't. Come on, we don't have time to waste."

"I-I think I don't want to go with you."

"Fine. If you don't want to, then so be it. But just so you know, if you do that, you'll have to wait here longer and risk the lives of Sweet Dave and the others when they come here. Do you want that to happen?"

Zita's face turned pale as she remembered what happened back at Government Shelter.

All those corpses littered on the ground.

'I forgot about Mister killing all those people...'

"So what's your decision? If you say no, I'm leaving you here to go back to Sweet Dave and have them come here. I just hope everyone will be safe when we come here."


"But if I were you I wouldn't waste such an opportunity."

Zita hesitated for a moment before finally saying, "Okay, Dylan, I will go with you."

"Good," Dylan said and then opened the door.


When the door was opened, Nathan was standing outside and smiling.

"Hello there, sweetie."

I haven't properly edited this chapter yet. I'll probably do some edits later.

Immortal_Shadescreators' thoughts