
Recollection 4

'Now what script should I go with?' Nathan thought as he swept his gaze over at the Xudonian woman.

After a minute or two, he finally made a decision and then headed straight to the woman.

"Ni hao," he greeted her in Xudonian and smiled.

During the last 3 years before coming here to Womania, aside from learning Regisian, he also learned Xudonian to expand his portfolio for his career in the online job market. However, his proficiency in the Xudonian language wasn't that great compared to Regisian.

Nevertheless, it was an important skill to learn because Xudonia is one of the most powerful countries in the world. And among the Asian countries, it was the most powerful.

As for the country's main religion, it was Renasitur which believes in reincarnation.

The woman only spared Nathan a quick glance.

From the woman's perspective, seeing Nathan's goatee, shoulder-length hair and body size, he looked a bit intimidating.

Nathan continued speaking in Xudonian, "Wo zhen de hen xiang he nin tan tan, dan wo hen jinzhang, yinwei nin kan qilai xiang ge nuren, yijing chaochu wo de nenglile. Danshi wo renwei chule nin jujue wo zhi wai, hai you she me zui zaogao de shiqing fasheng?"

The woman glanced at Nathan once again. This time, she finally answered. However, she replied to him in Regisian, "I'm sorry but I don't speak Xudonian."

"Huh?" Nathan wore a confused expression on his face for a moment before realizing what she was saying and then switching to Regisian, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I honestly thought you were Xudonian. I really didn't mean to offend you or anything."

"It's okay. Yes, I am Xudonian but I grew up here in Womania."

"Oh… I see."

Both Nathan and the woman listened to each other's accents.

From Nathan's ears, her accent was that of a pure native Womanian.

Meanwhile, from the woman's ears, she could tell that Nathan was new here in Womania.

"Anyway, what I was saying earlier was -- I really wanted to talk to you but I was so nervous because you seemed like a woman that's way out of my league. But I figured what's the worst that could happen aside from you rejecting me?"

The woman smiled. "Honest, but not very original."

Nathan chuckled. "That was my best line to be honest. But then again, I should've at least also expected that."

The woman chuckled as well. "Are you always this cheesy?"

Seeing her reaction, Nathan took it as a good sign of her letting her guard down a little bit so he offered his hand and flashed his best friendly smile. "I'm Nathan. Amir's cousin. And you are?"

Another cultural practice here in Womania that he trained himself to adapt was shaking hands.

Back in Muwin, usually, it's only the men shake hands and it wasn't a common practice.

However, here in Womania, if hugging is what's used as a greeting for close friends and family members, shaking hands is what's used for greeting strangers which can be tricky at times.

Despite Womania being a progressive country, as a man, you should be careful about the woman you use this greeting on because you could be accused of sexual harassment, especially when it comes to flirting and when you're not considered as a high-value male.

But given that Nathan felt rather confident with this woman, he figured that it was safe to offer to shake hands.

The woman reached out and shook his hand.

"Ying Yue, but my friends call me Jess. I work with Amir at Saint Holy Child Hospital."

"Are you also a nurse?"


"I see. I work as an editor for this online news publication called The Young Progressives."

The company that Nathan works at was established 10 years ago and has developed quite a following here in Womania.

"Oh, I'm familiar with that site. I've read a few articles there."

"Really? Well, we do our best to tackle issues about women's rights and the racism faced by people of color in this country."

"That's a cool thing to do."

"Not as much compared to you. You save lives. By the way, you mentioned that you grew up here in Womania?"


"It must've been so hard for you, you know, growing up in a foreign country."

"Not really because I consider Womania as my home."

"Oh, cool."


"You know, in The Young Progressives we interview women and people of color and ask them about their experience here in this country and publish their stories."

"Yeah, I've read a few of those articles."

"Well, I can arrange for an interview with you with one of our writers if you want. I'm sure you have some exciting stories to share."

"I don't know about that."

"Don't worry, it can be through video chat if you like so you can just stay within the comforts of your home."


"I'm sorry I'm overwhelming you. I just get so nervous when I talk to a beautiful woman such as yourself that's way out of my league," Nathan said and flashed a combination of an innocent and awkward smile.

"No, it's not that. In fact, I'm very flattered. It's just that my life isn't that interesting so I don't think I have anything worthwhile to say."

Nathan scratched the back of his head. "Really? Well, my company has interviewed hundreds of people throughout the years. And because of that, we learned how to quickly spot interesting people."

Ying Yue chuckled. "I'm sorry to break it to you, but my life really isn't that interesting."

Nathan smiled. "Perhaps. But they also said that those who are reluctant to share are usually the ones who have the greatest stories to tell."

Ying Yue's smile became a little more pleasant.

'Okay, this is it.' Nathan thought. "Anyway, since you don't want to share your wonderful stories with the world, can I invite you for dinner instead? Maybe this coming weekend?"

"I'm sorry but I just got out from a long-term relationship so I can't."

'Eh...? Oh well, at least I tried,' Nathan thought. "I see. Well, it was nice meeting you. Bye."

"Okay. Bye."

Nathan walked away.

As he was walking away, his thoughts started to wander around…

'So that Kung Fu bitch was a fake Asian.'

'Are her parents ashamed of her heritage or something that they refused to teach her how to speak Xudonian?'

'Or maybe she's adopted?'

'Or was she just pretending?'

'Maybe she's one of those Asians who doesn't date Asians?'

'Hmm… I guess I should try a white or black woman next time?'

'But I heard that white women are sneaky because they would immediately call for the police. That's scary.'

'As for black women, I heard they are confrontational. That would be a headache but at least not as scary as white women.'

'Maybe I should try someone that's at least half-Asian just to be safe? You know, just to balance out the scales.'

He stopped walking.

'Wait, wait, wait… That doesn't make any sense. There are different kinds of Asians. And also with that logic, wouldn't that also apply to white and black people?'

He massaged his forehead and then sighed.

'So many fucking things to consider.'

Putting aside his so-called lone wolf persona, back in Muwin, he never had to think about such things because it was his home country and more than 90% of the population were Muwinians.

The thing about the Muwin, although foreigners can visit the country without any fear of danger (at least in the Northern and Central region), getting citizenship there is quite hard. The easiest way to get a citizenship for the average foreigners is to marry a Muwinian.

What about the Southern region?

Now this is where things get interesting. The fact that Southern Muwians hate the Northern Muwians simply because of the difference between religions, one can already imagine how is it for foreigners.

The foreigners who believe in the Iklasian religion, if they want to be accepted in the Southern region community, they have to go the extra mile in being religious and maintain that.

But now that Nathan himself was the foreigner, there were things that he never thought of before that he needed to consider.

He resumed walking.

'Is it… Is it possible that I could be racist?'

'I mean, can preference be considered as a form racism?'

'If yes, then does that mean preference can be considered as a form of sexism as well?'

He recalled the transgender commercial he saw this morning.

A chill ran down his spine.

There were some things in this world he would never dare to cross.

To him, regardless of whatever anyone says, a transgender woman is still and would always be a biological man.

'Should I just stop dating in the meantime while I'm here in Womania?'

And then another issue popped inside his head.

'Wait… what if that Kung Fu bitch was also a lesbo?'

He started having a headache.

'This is why using dating apps is easier because it filters things…'

Someone suddenly tapped his shoulder.


"Cuz," said a man.

He looked over at his shoulder and saw it was Amir.

"Oh hey," said Nathan.

'I wonder if Amir is straight. I never saw him brought a man home though.'

Over the course of the 3 months, he had seen at least 15 women that were brought over by Amir and they were all extremely hot.

'But were they all 'real' women though?'

"Cuz, come with me. I want to introduce you to the rest of my friends," said Amir.

"I'm gonna pass," Nathan said and began to walk away.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to them.

Well, to be exact, he rarely gets in the mood in talking with people.

To him, if he does talk to people, there should at least be a purpose.

Amir stopped him.

"Okay, the truth is I have a friend that's coming but she's a bit late due to some emergency."

Nathan raised an eyebrow. "So you want me to be something like a babysitter for your friends?"

"No, no. Of course not. It's just that this friend of mine that's coming is someone that Aena doesn't really like."


Aena, Amir's sister, was a bit spoiled. But for some reason, she feared Nathan.

Whenever Nathan was around, she would tone down her usual attitude a little bit.

"I'm still going to pass."

"Please, cuz. All I'm asking is you just be there. You don't have to talk that much. I'll take care of it. And plus, one of my friends that I'm going to introduce you to is a movie producer from Iustitia and she knows a lot of people from the entertainment business. Who knows, you could hook up with her or some of her famous friends."

Iustitia is one of the most powerful countries in the world.

They also have the most powerful military tech in the world, making them somewhat like the "international police" who likes to get into everyone's business.

In fact, whenever there's a war, you can bet that Iustitia has their hands on it under the guise of "helping" to fight for "freedom" and "justice."

Nathan squinted his eyes.

He had no intention of whoring himself.

Even though he was just an average man, he still had his own petty pride.

The only thing he was interested in was the possibility of developing a business relationship with someone in the entertainment business.

'Well, this goes in line with the advice grandfather told me -- accumulate success.'

He glanced at his watch.

5:58 pm.

"Okay, but only in one condition."

"Name it."

"I'm leaving at 6:30 pm. I need you to back me up in convincing your parents."

"What's wrong?"

"Come on, cuz. You know the reason."

Amir was aware of Kaab's attitude towards Nathan and was also aware of Nathan's anti-social nature so he didn't really take it as an offense that Nathan would want to leave right away at his birthday party.

"So do we have a deal?"


Nathan followed Amir to where Aena and the others were.


Author's thoughts:

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

To those people who voted with their power stones, I would like to thank these Power Immortal Voters:

• supercat_12000

• RainRozae

• Yunley

• MyRedeemerLives

• devonta

• the_squacker

To those who want to help this immortal in his path to immortality in writing his first immortal book, you can consider these two other immortal positions:

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Please note that to view my P-a-t-r-e-o-n page, you need to enter the link I posted above and replace the asterisk symbols with the appropriate words. My page doesn't appear on the search list because it's marked with adult content. Moreover, the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when I will publish them here, there will be some edits.

With that, I want to give my special thanks to the Immortal Patron(s) for April 2020:

• Teltaios

• Mandrew Stickem

The second immortal position is becoming an Immortal Donator by sending it to my PayPal address.

• immortalshades123@gmail.com

This Grandmaster Immortal would be eternally grateful to you... *Kowtows 3 times*

Thank you once again and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Lol... I lost the Power Stone voting system privilege. I didn't know using special characters wasn't allowed. I already edited the Chinese letters. Thank you Klays2909, Cantiara and CKtalon for helping me getting it back!

Immortal_Shadescreators' thoughts