

Somewhere Southwest in Cram city.


Lester, who was unconscious, was slapped on his cheek, causing him to wake up.

"Wakey, wakey," a man's voice echoed through his ears.


Eyes closed and dazed, Lester was still feeling the sting caused by the slap he just received and could feel the cool breeze blowing on his face.

When he tried to open his eyes, he was blinded by lights so he closed his eyes and waited for them to adapt.

He finally opened his eyes once again.

He could see the night sky and two emergency lights on the floor on each side pointed at him. In the middle of the two lights, there was a person -- It was Nathan.

Seeing Nathan, a sense of dread crept into his heart so he immediately tried to move his body but found out that he couldn't.

When he looked at his body, he saw the steel wires wrapped around his arms, torso and legs, locking him in place on a steel chair that had handles on the sides.

"Release me!"

"Feeling comfy? You know, it took me quite the effort to find that steel chair you're sitting. Normally, I would've chopped off your arms but I was feeling a little creative today."

Nathan took a step forward, spread his arms and closed his eyes.

"Come, throw me your magic spell. This is your only chance to escape."

Unfortunately, Lester only had [Double Slash] which was a melee skill that required a sword or dagger. With that, he could only try his best to break free with the use of his brute strength.


Veins started to bulge on his forearms, neck and forehead as he violently jerk around.


The chair lost its balance and fell to the side. Lester was still tied on the steel chair.

The noise made Nathan opened his eyes. Seeing the state of Lester, he returned the chair to its original position while he said, "Careful now. You might hurt yourself."

Lester just sat there with deadpan eyes. A series of thoughts entered his mind.

Finally, he said, "What do you want?"

"Heh~ You're not going to cast a magic spell? This is your only chance to escape, you know. Or perhaps you're waiting to strike at the right moment?" Nathan shook his head and continued, "You won't have that chance."

"Tell me what you want? Food? Guns? System items? Women? Men?"

While Lester said that, he was also checking his surrounding. Based on what he is seeing, he was on top of a skyscraper so no amount of shouting will help.

"What's the location of your camp?"

As Lester was about to give his answer, Nathan added, "Oh, by the way, think carefully of what information you're going to give me. I have captured two of your companions. If the information you shared me doesn't match with what your companions told me, I promise you that you're going to regret it."

This caused Lester to be silent. He had no way of knowing if Nathan was lying or not. He wasn't willing to betray Red Dust. He had to find a way to resolve this issue. As for his suspicion of Nathan being a solo hunter, he chose to ignore it.

"Nathan, right? Look, the organization I'm part of is a powerful one. We have Chosen One members and our leader is also a Chosen One. We don't have to fight. What do you guys want? Just name it. We can give it to you."

"Wrong answer."

Nathan pulled out a pair of pliers (the slip-joint type) from the back pocket of his pants and grabbed one of the fingers of Lester.

"What -- Hey! Hey! What are you -- Gyaaaaaah!"

Lester shrieked in pain.

Nathan crushed the left index finger of Lester using the pliers, twisted it, and then ripped it away from the hand.

"MOTHERFUCKER! Motherfucker! Mother..."

Lester was cursing while his head down. He was breathing heavily and his left hand was trembling from pain.

When he raised his head to look at Nathan, he shouted, " Did you fucking understand what I just said?! I'm from a powerful organization! Whatever you guys want, we can give it to you! We can be allies! Partners!"

Nathan let out a sigh and shook his head.

"Wrong answer again."

Nathan proceeded to pull out another finger. This time it was the right thumb.

Lester's eyes widened in horror while he begged, "Wait! Wai-- Gyaaaaaah!!!"

Compared to earlier when he first lost one finger, he looked even more miserable when he lost a second finger. His head down, both of his hands were trembling from pain, and snot, tears, and saliva were falling from his face.

"You won't... You won't get away with this... I'll fucking kill you, you fucking bastard..."

'Hmm... I need something more dramatic.'

Nathan put away the pliers. He grabbed Lester's hair with his left hand, raised the head, and then grabbed the left ear with his right hand.

"Since you're not giving me the answer I want, I'm assuming that you didn't hear my question properly. So what's the use of these ears of yours?"

"Wa-wait! Wait! I'll talk! I'll talk! It's at Haven town. West. Outside of Cram city."

Nathan smiled and let go of Lester's hair and ear.

'West? No wonder that bitch came by that day.'

Nathan's apartment building was located at the West side of Cram city. Meanwhile, Haven town is the first town outside of Cram city going to the West.

He took out his pliers and pulled out another finger.


After screaming from pain, Lester started violently thrashing around on the chair for a few moments. When he finally stopped, he looked at Nathan with crazy eyes.

"Why?! WHY?! I told you the fucking location! I told you, you fucking bastard! I told you, man... Come on, man... I already told you... Let me go..."

He started crying.

"Your answer doesn't match what your companions said."

Hearing what Nathan just said cause Lester to immediately raise his head and viciously at Nathan with bloodshot eyes.


Lester once again began violently thrashing around.

Seeing Lester's reaction, Nathan awkwardly scratched his nose and thought, 'So the bitch is at Haven town.'

In truth, there were no companions of Lester that were captured by Nathan. He only had Lester.

The fact that Lester might provide him false information, he had no choice but to say and do those things. If Lester was lying even after that, then he was one hell of an actor.

"Okay, let's put that aside for now. Let's move to the next question."


Nathan was currently smoking a cigarette while staring at Lester's lifeless corpse.

After he got the information he wanted, he immediately broke Lester's neck.

'Have I always been carrying this evil inside of me? It's only been about a week since the zombie apocalypse began and I've already killed and tortured people. But the thing that disturbs me the most is that I don't feel any remorse. Even when I did my first human kill, I felt no guilt when I stabbed those college students on the head.'

Before the zombie apocalypse, although Nathan wasn't a saint or anything, he has never killed or tortured anyone. He was just an average guy working on a dead-end job with no sense of fulfillment and just slowly rotting away. Sure, he fought people before and wished he could kill and torture them. But to actually do those things? He was expecting that he would at least feel some guilt.

As for the information he collected from Lester, aside from the location of the enemy camp, he found out the bitch's name -- Rose. She was the leader of Red Dust and was also a Chosen One. She could change her body into crystal and could also alter the shape of her arms and legs.

Regarding the Chosen One members, there were two.

One is Derek who could transform into a 2.5m human. During this form, his Str and Vit are multiplied by 2 while Agi is divided by 3. He's also immune to the zombie virus.

The other Chosen One was Ashleigh which Nathan was surprised to learn about. She had the power to cure anything -- even restoring lost limbs and the zombie virus. However, it requires mana so she could only use it for a number of times a day.

But the fact she could cure even the zombie virus made her very important. Some people in Red Dust even started worshipping her.

Learning about Ashleigh was a Chosen One, he was confused.

Why didn't she tell him about his powers? Was she just acting back then? But her actions when she was with him looked genuine. It's also important to point out that he too didn't tell her about his power so why would she even chose to stay with him if she had such powers.

But although Nathan's head was in a mess right now because he couldn't understand the reasons behind Ashleigh's actions, there was one thing he was clear about that he needed to do -- Tonight is the night he will have Rose's head.


Author's thoughts:

This is the 3rd chapter for June 16 - 22.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Thank you also for voting this novel. I really appreciate it.

And lastly, I would like to give my special thanks to the immortal donators for June 2019:

• None... T_T

To those who want to donate to this lowly immortal, you can donate via PayPal at immortalshades123@gmail.com. Donators will have their name and the amount they donated mentioned in each chapter until the end of the month.

See you guys in the next chapter. ^_^
