
Took You Long Enough..

"Mr Hiel, please wait a moment." Said a voice that came from behind him.

Daniel turned around, and standing behind him, he saw the nine-fingered man smiling politely at him.

"The event's host. What can I do for you?" Asked Daniel with an indifferent tone.

The middle aged looked up and down at Daniel and Alesia, then, he said "I only wanted to extend my personal welcome to your company into our collective. I have heard about what happened to one of your company's marketplaces.. Truly a hideous act. You will be much safer with us."

"I agree." Said Daniel with a plain tone. He then asked curiously "To which power does this elder belong to?"

"Mr. Hiel, please don't jest.. Somebody your age, calling me elder.." Responded the nine-fingered man with a hint of embarrassment.

Daniel looked back at the man with a curious expression, then said "If you are saying that you are younger than twenty-one years of age.. Then I am truly sorry. You sure do not look like it.."
