
Purple Mana-core Hunting

Ed flipped through the guidebook and studied a crude map. The settlement was right next to the hole, which according to the map was the only entrance and exit. The settlement stretched west and east all the way to the natural cavern walls, making it relatively easy to defend against mutants. To the north were a series of tunnels that twisted, turned, and intersected with each other. They stretched for many kilometers and led to many other large caverns. It was essentially a maze of death.

With nothing holding him back, Ed immediately set off for the northern tunnels. The shacks grew sparser as he continued north, eventually being replaced by crude forts and towers which were used to guard the settlement against the mutants. It was only 15 minutes before he reached his destination.

"Hunting group of 20! We need 3 more members before we set out! Experienced hunters only!" A fat white man yelled.

"Elite 10-man squad. We need 2 more to leave!" A short black man advertised.
