
Far Gone Dreams

After returning from the Holy Beast's dwelling, I once more gathered the Champions, and to them I explained about the vision I experienced, about the girl in the white room.

"Are you sure that's not just a dream?"

A good question from Six. Indeed, I too asked myself if that was a merely a dream. Thinking back, it all seemed so surreal. However...

"I thought so too, but the system did react to it, with a bunch of error messages before I blacked out."

"Are you sure it's not just telling you that you're about to black out?"

Toto asks with her head tilting to the side.

"I guess that might be the case too."

"So you don't actually know then?"

"I guess not, I suppose."

"Well, I say there's no point thinking about this right now. There's not much we can glean from just this single occurrence can we? If we want to find out what happened, we can always go back to Beatrice and see if we can't recreate it at a later date."

While I agree with Cecilia in that if we want to find out more about what just happened, we'll have to recreate the event, I'm not too thrilled at the prospect. I mean, I'm sure to be on the top of the priestesses blacklist right now. I'm already hesitant to return to the Holy Beast's dwelling, much less try to pull something that might knock the Holy Beast out cold.

"That's fine I guess. I just want you guys to know what I saw, that's all. We can leave finding out what it was to another day. I intended for this to be brief anyways, since we have another meeting to attend to, isn't that right, Toto."

Toto nods in response.

From the Champion's tent we moved to the war room. There, the garrison commander and his captains, the princess and Merida, as well as the priestess were already waiting for us.

"We didn't make you wait long did we?"

"Not at all, Sir Aurelius, in fact, you were quicker than I had anticipated. Still, I don't understand why you had to speak with the Champions alone when you could have easily debriefed them here, in the war room with the rest of us."

From his tone, I get the impression that the commander doesn't seem to like the idea that we're keeping secrets from him. Though, it's not like I can tell him just tell him about a crazy dream I had. He'd just tell me not to waste his time.

"I'm sure the princess had debriefed you of what occurred at the Holy Beast's dwelling already. I merely did the same, though there are also a few personal issues to get out of the way, issue that I thought best be dealt with before we get to the more important matters."

"Is that so? In that case, I can't say that I don't understand."

I guess that convinced him for now, but from how easily he lets it go, I feel that he might still be secretly skeptical. I should probably think of how to deal with him when trust issues start to surface in the future.

"Now then, let us begin."

The meeting ended up being rather brief, dealing with mostly detailing the plan that had already been decided while Cecilia, the princess, and I were gone. Additionally, we found out that the priestess, Stella, is more than capable of casting the [Feather Weight] spell up to six times, twice the amount the princess can handle. I'd say it's a happy miscalculation, but due to our underestimation, only six aircrafts had been reserved for our plan, the rest had been used for training candidates that will accompany us into the air, none of which survived their eventual crash landing intact. Of course, more could be built, but it'll take time, time we do not have.

Due to the presence of the Archer Champion within the [Demon] ranks, the strategy was to use the smoke from the burning forest as a cover, allowing us to approach unnoticed if all goes well. With the [Demon] Faefolks getting more adept in dealing with the fire's we've caused, it has been estimated that the fire should be completely put out in two days or so, perhaps even sooner.

In short, in order to take advantage of the fire, the latest we have to deploy is by the next day, which does not give much time for us to prepare.


When night came, I find myself unable to sleep. I can't help but feel that I haven't quite done all I can, even though that there really wasn't much I could do.

"You've prepared as much as you can, my liege, now you must rest for the coming battle."

Again, Michaela, the only one of my creatures capable of speech she speaks to me without being summoned.

"Michaela... how do you feel?"

"I've since recovered. You may summon me tomorrow without worries."

"I see... Can I ask something?"

"Of course."

"What are you? You and the rest of my summoned creatures, I mean."

I haven't really thought about it. For awhile now I've been thinking of them as part of the Summoner's skill set. However, here's Michaela, talking to me, caring for me. Are they really just part of my skill?

"Me? I am a Guardian Angel of course. I exist to protect the creature of this world from evil. Though, since I am now under your contract, I suppose you would be the priority of my protection."

I knew that, it was the description the [Guardian Angels] have in Elysium Online's bestiary after all. I was expecting something different though, something like what she is in relation to this world for example. Is she a manifestation of my skills as a Summoner? Or is she something else entirely.

"Michaela, do you remember the time when I contracted you?"

I still remember clearly how I got her [contract]. It was written on one of the most viewed Summoner guide in the forums after all. She was a reward for the [Heaven's Trials] quest.

"Of course, my liege. I often think back on the day we met fondly."

Fondly she says. All I remember was a quest clear screen with her [contract] listed as one of the rewards. I wonder how she remembers it.

"I hope one day, you'll remember as well."

That being said, I'm not sure what she meant. I remember it perfectly fine. There really wasn't much to remember in the first place. It was like any other quests, having to fight mobs and collect their drops and finishing off with a boss at the end.

"Can't you just tell me? I'm curious as to how you remember it."

"I could, but if I tell you now, you'd just be too bewildered to sleep. Do give it some time."

I have not a single idea about what is being said here, but whatever, I'm getting tired. There's no point thinking about anything when you're tired.

"I'll be going to bed now."

"Good night, my liege. Sweet dreams."


The land was covered in snow and ash. Forest and cities burned while the rivers were filled up with blood. It's the end of the world, simply put. A boy, ageless and eternally youthful, chosen to serve one of the gods to the end of days, was threading through the thick layers of snow upon the earth as yet more snow fell upon him. In one hand, he clutched a grimoire, the Book of Covenants, an artifact granted by the god that marked him. Meanwhile, his other hand was bleeding and made useless by a deep cut that had the bones in his fore arm exposed.

"You appear to be quite heavily injured."

Descending from the skies above, a winged being wrapped in silk, her concerned gaze upon the boy's injury.

"Some healing would be nice."

The boy's tone was flippant in spite of his wounds, and the angel frowned upon realizing why.

"You're a Champion?"

"Of the God of Covenants to be precise."

"The Mercenary God..."

There was a slight hint of disgust in the angel's voice, and it did not go by unnoticed.

"I see he's not well liked even amongst the angels."

"It is difficult to favor a god who makes deals with mortals. Offering service in exchange for a price, such is the behavior of the demons."

"I suppose to the angels made to grant their aid freely, he's difficult to understand. That said, are you going to abandon me to my wounds now that you know where my allegiance lies?"

Gently, the angel landed before the boy.

"No, I won't. The angels do not discriminate. We will bring salvation to all those in need."

"Even if that's how you're made, I say the mind set is admirable, if nothing else. However, you realize that this is going to cost you."

"I am well aware of that, Champion."

The angel's passive gentle gaze turned into a sharp glare. Her sight set beyond the boy, aimed at a hazy figure obscured by the heavily falling snow.

"Is that friend, or foe?"

"A friend does not approach with weapons drawn, angel."

As the hazy figure got closer, it could be seen with a sword on one hand and a shield on the other, both at the ready.


The figure said the name as if a viper spitting poison, unpleasant and with murderous intent. Her uncannily red eyes as well, were like those of serpents, zoned in on her prey, ready to kill the first chance she has.

"Betrayer? I'll have you know, I am merely carrying out the covenants formed with our god. All of my actions only serve to fulfill the promises made."

The boy grinned cheekily at the woman that had been following him, as if showing that he had nothing to feel guilty for.

"So you've gone mad from the Corruption, is that what you're telling me? Am I supposed to take comfort in that?"

"If you see my actions and my reasoning as those belonging to a madman then there's no point in trying to reason is there?"

"No... I suppose there isn't."

The woman readied her sword and shield, prepared for a battle. The boy as well, faces her, and though one of his arms continued to bleed, his remaining good arm clutched his grimoire firmly. They stood staring down one another, the boy getting paler and paler as blood escaped his limp arm while the woman watched him coldly as her golden hair fluttered in the cold winds.

For several moments, neither of the two made a move, both stood motionless observing one another, trying to figure out the perfect approach. The boy knew he had to finish this in a single move, that he could not afford a prolonged fight. The woman as well knew that the boy will unleash his most powerful abilities when given the chance and does not intent to make any mistakes that would grant him such openings. Meanwhile, the angel found herself frozen in place, unable to move, fearing that anything she does, the two will react, and whatever action they might take would undoubtedly bring about ill consequences.

Then, the woman shifted her stance, apparently ready to charge, but at the very moment, the boy grinned wickedly. From beneath the snowy ground before the woman, a small and seemingly soft object emerged with great speed, scattering the snow as it surfaced and slamming into the woman's abdomen, knocking her backward and stunning her. Looking closely, it could be seen that the said object was actually a creature akin to a rabbit, one capable of moving at high speed.

With the woman being stunned, the boy took his chance and flipped his grimoire open with but one hand, easily arriving at the page he was looking for as he had a finger shoved in-between the desired pages right from the start.

"In the name of our covenant, come forth!"

The moment he uttered those words, the dark clouds in the skies above tore open, allowing rays of warm light to shower the snow covered ground. From where the clouds were torn, a great white figure emerged, with curled spiraling horns and wide feathery wings. It was a feathered dragon that exuded a holy light. Or at least, that's what the woman with the sword and shield saw.

In truth, the sky did not split open and there was no dragon. Before the woman was a floating creature without limbs and has but a single gigantic eye taking up the whole of its face. It was a creature known as the Dream Eater, and gazing into its giant eye would entrap one in an illusion created by the creature.

With the woman caught within the illusion, the boy let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, now just keep her like that for as long as you can."

So long as one is maintaining eye contact with the Dream Eater, one will be trapped within its illusion, but at the same time, the illusion would wear off once the eye contact has been cut off.

"Now then, angel, would you heal me while we have the chance?"

"Of course, as I have said before, I will save all those before me in need."

With power of the angel, the boy's wound was quickly mended, his flesh seamlessly melded together without feeling a shred of pain.

To test the effects of the healing, the boy swung his arms about, turning and twisting it. He felt neither pain nor sore, none at all.

"Impressive, I could use someone like you around."

The angel shook her head in response.

"I am afraid not, Champion. We angels will not serve any particular master. We are only here to answer cries of those in need."

"Then I think you'll find this covenant beneficial."

"And why is that, Champion?"

"Because I will save this failing world."

The angel was perplexed, and she looked upon the boy with his confident grin as if some sort of madman. Perhaps the woman was right, the boy has indeed gone mad.

"This world is beyond saving. Its own creator wished it so."

"And yet here you are, angel."

"I am merely here to ease the pain of the denizens before the end comes."

"The end won't come."

"What makes you say so, Champion?"

"Because a covenant was offered and accepted. We, the Champions of the God of Covenants will fight in order to preserve this world. That was what had been decided."

"Just because a promise was made does not mean it will come to pass."

"But we won't stop until it does, that is our way. So what do you say, angel? Or have you already lost all hope?"

The angel remained silent, but the fact that she did not immediately reject the boy kept him optimistic. Then, finally, she responded.

"I say we should continue this elsewhere. Your Dream Eater will not hold the woman forever, and I doubt you and I will fare well if more are on your track."

With the boy in her arms, the angel took flight, leaving the snow covered field and the woman behind, disappearing into the veil of falling snow and ashes.


"Aurelius... Hey, Aurelius!"

When I open my eyes, I see Cecilia staring down upon me, wearing her full armor and sword and shield, looking prepared for battle.

"Cecilia, you're up before I am? I must be dreaming."

Lightly, she kicks me in my side.

"You're not dreaming! Get up! It's the day of the operation, remember?"

Hearing the word "operation", it all starts coming back to me. That's right isn't it? Today's the day we attempt the aerial approach into the forest.

"Oh shoot! How late am I!?"

"Everyone's already gathered. We're all waiting for you."

"Shit! I can't believe I actually over slept, of all people."

Slowly, I push myself off the bedding, fighting against this sluggish body of mine that seems to be going against my will and just wishes to go back to sleep.

"I know, right? We were expecting either you or Six would be the first one at the ready. Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"It's probably that weird dream I was having."

"Dreams are all weird if you think about it."

"No, but this one is really weird."

While talking, I start getting myself changed. I didn't mind that Cecilia is here. It's not the first time I've been naked in front of people and frankly, I'm still feeling somewhat disconnected with this body.

"So what did you dream about?"

"Well it's... Huh, I can't quite recall."

"It mustn't have been all that important. Anyways, quickly get changed and get over alright, everyone's waiting."

"Roger that."

Boy, having Cecilia wake me up was surreal. That aside, what did I dream about? Cecilia said that it must not have been important, but I feel that there might be something more. If only I can remember. Well, I'll save it for later. There are more daunting matters right now.


End of Chapter 31
