
Record Broken

They had been transferred to a much larger and spacious arena, it was so spacious that all the participants fit in it by making thirteen circles around the artifact making it a rather hypnotic image.

"This is how it's going to work" the voice of the commander echoed throughout the whole arena; all the spectator seats were empty save for the ones occupied by the medical staff and muscly soldiers to carry and aid any participants that fail this part of the test, and one other seat which was occupied by a green-robed elf with dark skin and long silver hair.

The Commander was standing in the middle of the circle, right next to the long thick totem pole-like tree trunk propped vertically, it was so large in height that the people in the back of the thirteen circles could see it as clear as day and the longer they looked at it, it only seemed to get higher.

"Once activated, starting from the front you will walk towards this artifact until the last person has dropped, this order will continue until the last circle has completed the task. Those who have passed will be given a bag containing the uniform you will wear after we reach our destination, that is all"

As the commander was walking off the floor, a voice suddenly spoke "What's so great about a piece of wood? Is this some kind of joke?"

Another voice joined in "That's what I've been wondering too, I've been trying to find if there's anything special about that tree trunk but it's just a piece of wood!"

"Maybe there's a catch, I mean she did say that once activated we could start walking"

"But how do we know if it's activated or not?" rebutted another. These kinds of talk spread around, as the first line waited impatiently for something to happen. Lee who had taken a spot at the eighth line of the circles wasn't in the least interested in the speculation going on around her; her eyes were completely focused on fidgeting Kai who could feel every part of his body being touched by invisible eyes.

But when he looked towards the direction he felt the scorching stare, it suddenly disappeared. He was in the seventh line of participants along with the dark-haired boy who'd garnered the white-haired elf's attention back in the square and in the eighth line along with Lee was the attention-grabbing Ria Montenegro, who studied her fellow linemate. There was nobody notable among them she noticed, they all had on garbs that could be described as rats skin and the presence of a flee compared to hers.

At least that's what she thought until she saw her; a girl about a hand shorter than her, she was wearing a dress with materials that even her very high society sister had trouble finding, her shoes were polished and made of leather taken from high-class monsters, her appearance outmatched her own gold and her equipment. Ria remembered seeing this girl sitting on the fountain before but figured that she would have left when given the chance, now that she noticed the platinum-haired girl everyone's eyes seemed to shift off of her and focus on the girl.

"Alright, first-line step up, the rest take a step back" an unfamiliar instructor stepped up on a podium positioned to the side of the arena, he was dressed in the same uniform as the rest of the soldiers except on his sleeve was the image of two arrowheads merged together meaning he was a corporal. Following his instructions, the first line stepped up and the rest moved back, each one of them holding their breaths wondering what was going to happen next.

The strange thing was that nothing happened, no bright light flashed, no loud sound suddenly sounded yet almost simultaneously, all the participants in the front row collapsed to the ground. Groans escaped their mouths as they tried standing up but only a few succeded and even then moving wasn't any easier. It wasn't until a loud bell rang that they were able to move again, their limbs felt like jelly and sweat covered every inch of their skin, some had even passed out leaving pathetic tears running down their faces.


Nothing but silence filled the whole arena, those who had been quibbling previously had their mouths wide open in shock, even the cocky Ria couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment, everyone but Lee was staring at the fallen and for those who couldn't see that far away there was a giant screen playing whatever was going on in the middle of the arena, you could see multiple medics with stretch beds carrying the unconscious as well treating the others.

The commander was smiling sadistically as she watched the faces of the people bellow, starting at a certain distance once activated this artifact will drain you of your life's energy, those like the ones who fell unconscious wouldn't be able to survive the actual entrance exam that the academy presented because if you weren't able to withstand this, the monsters waiting for them would kill them in seconds, only those that we're able to reach or pass the assigned point are able to pass.

"Next" the soldier standing on top of the stand yelled out

Hesitantly this time, the next batch of participants walked up, and just like before some dropped but this time some managed to stay standing and even move, but not far enough to pass. It wasn't until the third line that someone was able to walk at least more than a few steps ahead of the starting line, actually make that six; six people were able to walk more than a few steps away from the starting line, the farthest one was sixteen steps until the collapse.

Next was the third line and again the farthest the people were able to go was sixteen steps, more and more people became able to reach the sixteen step mark but weren't able to pass it. Back at the stands was the Commander sitting beside the silver-haired elf "It was the same thing last year wasn't it, not one was able to break his record" asked the high elf

"Yes, not even one was able to pass the line, settling for thirty was all we could do," the commander said with a sigh

Back in the arena, the sixth line walked up, more than fifty people had managed to walk to the sixteen step mark at this point. In seconds they could feel the immense pressure the artifact emitted. Expecting for all of them to drop like the rest, they were all surprised when three individuals remained standing; the one nearest to the seats occupied by the spectators was an extremely large girl who had two short brown pigtails, freckles covering her whole face and thick cracked lips, she was dressed in a short dress that showed her curvy legs as well as al the bumps and curves of her body.

One of the other children that remained standing was a tall boy wearing glasses, his unique dark green hair stood out against his very pale skin and matched his equally green eyes. This boy could only be described as strange-looking though most find unique features that can't be found on anyone else attractive, the same could not be said about this boy, the only world that fit him was peculiar.

Four bodies beside the green-haired boy was a hooded figure covered from head to toe, making it impossible to tell if the figure was male or female. The first to step forward was the green-haired boy almost effortlessly passing the other struggling participants, the other two followed suit catching up to green hair quickly as he started to slow down his pace, not by choice might I add. After passing the sixteen step mark, the spectators awed in surprise at the three individuals, but only those who were paying close enough attention to them noticed the struggle on both the large girls and the green-haired boy's face.

As for the hooded figure, you could tell from the strain and the shaking of their body that the effect of the life-draining artifact was starting to hit. Starting from the starting point till now they had almost reached the assigned point of thirty steps, back at the stands the Commander watched the three individuals pass the thirty step mark, Lee who hadn't been paying attention to what was happening around her finally looked at the screen after the loud cheering of the children started bothering her.

"It can't that hard right, I mean someone managed to pass the mark," said one

"Yeah, if we try hard enough I'm sure that we'll be able to pass too," said another

The loud familiar ring rang signalling the end of this round, the three who had passed the mark were given a black backpack and ushered towards the bleachers where the other soldiers were sitting, they were handed a thick liquid in a blue container and had medics attending to their tired muscles, while the others who had collapsed due to the test were sent to a tent located outside the arena to be treated by lesser qualified doctors. This was how the strong and the weak differed, only the strong can survive while the weak sacrifice themselves for the sake of making the powerful even stronger.

"Next!" was called again after the last failure was carried through the exit.

A yawning Lee finally perked up as she saw the object of her fascination finally step up
