
Dark Water Lord Vs Dark Magic!

Ricardo and Jason's combine attack took down Seven and Zero but now, the captain of Team Fighters stands in the arena and Ricardo takes the responsibility of taking on Hayden Rider. "Ricardo...Be safe..."

Ricardo and Hayden stare down at each other. Ricardo's mind is at normal so now he has even lost the advantage of looking at minute particles that Jason had. Ricardo readies himself. "For the captain himself...I will fight you!" Ricardo says to Hayden. "Shut up and fight would you? I don't like all that blabbering non-sense." Hayden says. "If that is what you wish...THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL GET!" Ricardo rushes Hayden.

Ricardo tries to kick Hayden from the right.


Hayden casually blocks it. "Boring." Hayden says.


Ricardo backs up. He begins to run in circles.

"What is he doing?" Sophie questions. "I think I understand what he is doing here..." I say. I finally understand what you mean Ricardo...And if that is how it is... "YOU BETTER GIVE IT YOUR ALL, RICARDO! THIS IS THE CAPTAIN'S ORDER!" I scream out.

Ricardo smiles.

"Okay his going crazy, confirmed." Trish says. "What is with your vice-captain Caster? Why is he so pumped up?" Denvil asks Caster. Jian keeps his hand on Denvil's shoulder. "You don't need to worry about it." Jian says with a smile.

Ricardo jumps in the air as he chants a spell.

"DARK MAGIC: DARKNESS SMASH!!!" Black aura begins to gather all over Ricardo's fist as he descends down on Hayden. Hayden calmly stands there looking at Ricardo. Ricardo smashes his fist into Hayden.


Ricardo's attack shakes the ground as Hayden comfortably blocks it. "That was much stronger than before..." Hayden says as an evil smirk begins to appear over his face. Ricardo backs out from his attack again. "Are you still holding back or is that your best?" Hayden asks Ricardo. "Doesn't matter...Because I am about to find out myself." Hayden says as he readies to charge Ricardo. "What?!" Ricardo reads Hayden's move and dodges his punch.


Ricardo keeps on dodging Hayden.

*Swoop* *Swoop* *Swoop*

"Maybe I will increase my speed ever more!" Hayden says as he tries to punch Ricardo's face.


Ricardo puts up an axe formed hand in front of him which has an aura of darkness around it as he blocks Hayden's attack. Ricardo counters and punches Hayden. "DARKNESS SMASH!" Ricardo's fist which are already covered in dark aura, that aura intensifies and Ricardo punches Hayden right in the face.


Hayden gets pushed back by Ricardo.

"HAYDEN!" Rita screams out for Hayden. Hayden smiles as he see's a small amount of blood on his lips. Hayden wipes it. "I am alright, no need to worry." Hayden says. "That's captain for you!" Trish says. "That boy is strong without any doubt...He took Hayden's hit head on and was still able to not only block but counter in time. That boy is strong...Hayden might have to use his full power against him..." Shuichi says. "We can't have him use his full power just yet...Then again...That guy can be a huge obstacle in our path." Rita says.

"Your the third person in the last 3 years to actually hit me and damage me for once....I really feel like I have a strong foe in front of me." Hayden says to Ricardo. Ricardo is on his guard. His very cautious. "I was thinking of holding back against you but...I can't do that here or else it will be quite disrespectful towards someone who made me bleed." Hayden says with an evil smirk.

"Summon the ancient, summon the monster, Lord Ceto aid me in this battle, DARK WATER LORD MAGIC: GATE OF CETO!" A whirlpool begins to form under Hayden's feet. "Let's see what does Ceto have installed for you." Hayden says as a pure dragon made out of water appears in front of Hayden and Ricardo.

"RICARDO CAREFUL! THAT'S THE MAGIC HE USED AGAINST ME!" Cyan screams all the way from the crowd. The crowd begins to react to Hayden's power. They thought that Ricardo was going to be knocked out. "His done for." Denvil says with a smile. "Damn...I don't think any of the Squad Rizing people have the power to fight that thing..." Bruno says. "And yet somehow...Their captain is calm." Jian says. "Hmm? Did you say something?" Caster asks everyone. "Yeah his another person who is calm too." Everyone thought. "If you have realised it isn't only the captain who is calm during this situation." Caster says to everyone. "Being calm doesn't make you strong." Denvil says to Caster. "That's right, it makes you confident." Caster says to Denvil with a smile.

"CAPTAIN DO SOMETHING, WE CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER MEMBER ON THE TEAM!" Sophie seems to be concerned. "What are you thinking you fool?" Ilora asks me. For now...I can't concentrate on them... "HIS IGNORING US!"

"What's wrong? Your not scared by this thing?" Hayden asks Ricardo. "Guess I can go all out too." Ricardo says. "WHAT?!" Everyone on Hayden's team was surprised by Ricardo's comment. "Level 5 Dark Magic:" Dark aura begins to form around Ricardo. "Dark Armour." Ricardo says as two shoulder pad, two kneepad and a chest armour which also covers his back which are made of darkness form around Ricardo.

"What is this technique?" Sophie looks confused. "Wow...This much power...This much power is overflowing within that single man." Denvil seems to be sweating and so do the others.

Ricardo rushes.


Not only has Ricardo got an armour, his speed is untouchable too.


The fists of Ricardo and Hayden meet. "Damn! You have so much power...So much power...It will be fun fighting you." Hayden says as the dragon begins to attack Ricardo from his back. Ricardo easily dodges that attack and vanishes from Hayden's sight.


Ricardo suddenly appears behind Hayden. "So fast..." Hayden's eyes couldn't keep up with Ricardo's speed.


Ricardo kicks Hayden in his guts.

"NO WAY! HAYDEN!" Rita seems to be concerned. "His far to superior for someone like Hayden to handle...This man...Who is he?" Shuichi questions. "Sherry! SWITCH MAGIC NOW!" Rita commands Sherry. "I can't...It's not ready yet." Sherry says as he tries to recover. "I DON'T CARE! USE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE GOT AND BRING HAYDEN BACK OVER HERE!"

Hayden who was kicked away by Ricardo and on the ground suddenly begins to laugh menacingly. His laughter was heard throughout the stadium. Even the council member were confused by what was happening. Hayden gets himself back up as he continued to laugh.

"You...You really are a strong one..." Hayden says as the dragon disappears and he bleeds from his mouth. "Hmm?" Ricardo seems to be confused by what is happening. "I will show you true power then." Hayden says. Denvil is confused by Hayden's statement too. Hayden begins to slowly walk towards Ricardo.

What's this bad feeling I am having....

Ricardo rushes Hayden. Hayden dodges with a creepy grin on his face.


"WHAT?!" Ricardo seems to be confused and so does everyone else. "You left yourself wide open." Hayden says as he begins to form a dark coloured water ball in his hand. "Dark Water Magic Level 1: Water Ball." Hayden says as he hits Ricardo's guts. The water ball sends Ricardo flying out of the arena.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" One of the crowd member said. "Did he just knockout that guy with a level 1 spell?" Bruno seems to be confused and so does Jian.

I walk upto the Ricardo who got knocked out. "I am sorry..." Ricardo says holding his gut. "You did well." I say. Ashley and Luis take Ricardo to the infirmary. A level 1 spell isn't much big of a deal...But when used correctly, even it can turn into a deadly weapon...With that...We lost another member on our team...
