
Getting to Work

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ever since the Five Emperors of the World suffered a humiliating defeat at Li Yi's hand, they had constantly yearned for revenge. For better or worse, the Arcane Wizard that was just brutally murdered stumbled upon Little Elf from the Magical Realm by accident and acted out in surprise. In truth, he was not even sure what she was doing.

The Great Emperor had been slaughtered and was Soul Bound. Seeing the other Emperors rushing over, Li Yi summoned Holy Light Warhorse and immediately unleashed Group Repentance on them.

Chain Arrow Skill was used shortly after Group Repentance, its target was none other than Five Emperor's Curse Priest!

The two arrows landed on their mark, killing the Curse Priest followed by the Darkness Priest. Only two Arcane Wizards remained and they were next in line...

Li Yi attacked relentlessly, giving no time for the opponents to rest. Within ten or so seconds, the Five Emperors had been completely wiped out.
