
A Quiet Place To Think

I looked around to see everyone in the room was staring at me waiting for an explanation before Rosli stood and looked me in the eyes before she clenched her fist and said: " You are going to invite me right?!"

Her eyes looked stern. I looked at her figure that seemed to have grown quite a bit. I noticed her cheeks were no longer as puffy as her dress was a little tighter around her chest. Her longs hand grown soft and sleek and her eyes were beautiful and clear.

I stared at her for a moment and suddenly realized she had begun to grow up. If I had been a straight man I probably would have been really lucky to be in this situation. Money, power and a beautiful wife were at my fingertips if only I was to reach out and take them.

But I couldn't…

" Why won't you answer me Yuki?!" The princess said in a quiet voice.

" I wasn't going to take anyone with me it is only a stupid event," I said flatly in response.

This seemed to annoy her completely as her eyes seemed to darken. It didn't seem to matter that there was a room full of people she was only staring at me as she began to shout.




At this point, her chest began to heave up and down and tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

" That isn't fair Rosy… " I mumbled.


My face paled at how angry I had suddenly become. Not only had she decided to chuck a temper tantrum in front of everyone to embarrass me over a stupid invite she wished me sick and dying.

[ How dare she! ]

" Princess Rosli of Tama, I apologize for not being able to meet your expectations, I will find someone to rot my heart immediately so I can spend my life at your beck and call!" I said promptly through a clenched jaw. Each word became colder than the next before I strode angrily towards the door.

" YUKI … I didn't mean.." Rosli tried with tears in her eyes before I cut her off.

" SAVE IT!" I shouted as I slammed the door behind me leaving everyone behind before walking off in a huff.

I knew it was stupid arguing with her. I knew she was just a dumb kid who had been overly spoiled but she told me she wished I still had the same heart defect that killed the previous Yuki and I couldn't help but be bitter.

I quickly slipped through the corridor and down some stairs choosing where I went carefully as to avoid being followed and made my way out towards a quiet exit. I stepped on some grass and continued to walk not even checking which direction I was heading in.

Learning from last time I used my wood element magic to see if there were any unknown persons that may had been following me. Since I had been training hard the last few months listening for people stepping on the grass had become easier.

There were some downsides like I couldn't hear the grass hum outside a small radius but it was enough to know that everyone had decided to give me space.

There was not even Kibbles around me right now. It felt strange but I was finally given some space to put my thoughts together. This part of the campus seemed slightly older and more. There was still a few students around but from the looks of things they had no idea who I was and just ignored me.

I tried to calm down my breathing as I circulated wood magic through my veins to stabilize my mood. I noticed just on the outskirts there was a small bamboo area that seemed to be quite peaceful and I decided to walk over to it.

It was lush and dense each tree had healthy foliage and the ground began muddy from where rain had fallen and had not evaporated. The smell of the thick and fresh air filled my nostrils as I unintentionally breathed out a big lung full of air.

Since I had strengthened my magic, I felt more in tune with nature as if it had become a second home for me. I walked further into the bamboo brush that felt bigger than it looked from the outside and made my way towards the middle.

The area was silent except for a few bugs and the stress that had been building up in my body for the last few months started to fade. I had even begun to forget that I was in the academy.

I picked a nice spot that had a small pond and a few fish that reminded me on the Akiyo estate and leaned against the rock formation.

[ This will be my new quiet spot ]

I closed my eyes and let my eyelashes flutter as I saw red patterns from the light shining through my eyelids.

I listened to the hum of the bamboo and unintentionally trained in my magic. I kept trying to keep as calm as possible as my wood element flowed from my skin like water. I tried by best to push everything out of my mind as I relaxed.

I didn't notice the time as I inadvertently began to train and clear my head. It wasn't until the hum of the plants just ahead were disturbed that I opened my eyes to a moon swept sky and the sounds of water.

[ Someone is coming? Really .. now? ]

I looked around me and then sprung onto a bamboo trunk hoping that whoever was nearby would just disappeared as I willed some of the top leaves to intertwine around each other like a swing.

It was quiet for a few minutes before someone came to the lake to look around. I couldn't make out their face but I could see a bright blue sash and some amour.

[ Is that the guy who dropped off the letter earlier? ]

" Is Yuki Akiyo Here? I have come to collect you for the Crown Princes dinner" a slightly somber and husky yet attractive voice wove through the air like a song that was strummed through my ears in a melody.

" Who is asking" I replied.

The soldier looked up but I was guessing they couldn't see me. I jumped and landed behind them. It seemed to startle the soldier who had come to collect me as they went to draw their sword instinctively.

They turned and saluted with both arms over their body in a cross pattern.

[ It is him… ]

" I am merely a guard sir " the boy replied.

[ No way someone as attractive as you is a guard ]

" How did you find me? " I said after thinking for a moment.

" Someone like you goes missing, you probably wanted to find somewhere quiet, I checked a few places before I found myself here" The guard responded formally.

The moon at that moment shone above us through the trees and I watched as his eyelashes coldly flickered on his emotionless face. Something seemed to draw me to him but I wasn't sure what.

" What do you mean I went missing?" I said with a raised eyebrow trying to keep my cool.

" Your friends were asking around for you after I went to your room to collect you," he said promptly.

" I see," I said unable to refute what he had said.

" I will follow you on two conditions," I said with a cheeky smile.

" And they would be?" The guard said with a raised eyebrow.

" One you don't tell anyone about the spot, you will swear it on your honor as a knight and two you will tell me your name," I said cheekily.

" You are speaking nonsense Akiyo Yuki" The guard responded with creased brows.

" I am not. If you want to leave alone you can forget what I said" I replied and folded my arms.

The guard pinched the top of his nose seemly annoyed but I didn't care. Knowing his name would be enough to brighten my mood.

" I .. I don't have a name and I won't tell anyone about your spot. I swear on my honor as a knight" The guard replied.

[ How can someone not have a name? ]

The guard clearly saw my skepticism and sighed.

" I was born on the battlefield someone like me doesn't have a name if I am needed I am just called hey you, guard or soldier" The guard responded flatly.

[ Holy Cupid that's depressing! ]

" Do you have anything you would be okay with me calling you then? " I replied after my shock.

" Guard, Hey you or Soldier is fine" The guard responded.

I started to turn the situation around in my head.

[ Does this mean the Lubu Lubu system won't work on him since I need a name?!]

" Guard give me your hand for a second" I blurted out.

" My what?" The guard said looking at me as if I was insane.

" Just hold out your arm. No weapons see!" I said holding up my arms and showing my wrists.

The guard reluctantly held out his arm and I grabbed it.

[ Add to Lubu Lubu System ]

{ Error }

[ Add to Lubu System damn it! ]


[ Are you kidding me ]

" Are you finished?" the guard said with an eyebrow raised.

"Mm I am finished," I said as I let go of his arm and became embarrassed.

" Well Sir Yuki Akiyo can we go now?" the guard said unsure of what to make of the situation.

" Sure but I have decided that I have to give you a proper name. Hey, you just doesn't sit right with me." I said in a huff as my cheeks puffed.

" Whatever you like as long as I can fulfill my mission to return you to Crown Prince Romeo" said the guard flatly.

The guard straightened up and headed towards the darkened exit.

I quickly followed behind.

Did this post? I hope it did. First time using the schedule chapter option. - Crosses Fingers -

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