
I will Save Them

Ryuu froze at what he heard he just managed to squeak out a single word, "Why?"

Shamiran responded to his question, "It is simple my brother, you because of naivety showed mercy to those scum when they attacked the small village, it is true that you may have made those people swear no to harm the people of this village but that does mean nothing of their comrades if you had killed those people that day at least their comrade might have thought the perished by some spirit beast's hands as because this place is so near the mountainous jungles but you let them leave the people who were simply scouting but not only that you humiliated them this was done to restore their so called honor."

Ryuu was stunned at what he heard from his sister he never liked taking a life, the last time he killed was under the compulsion of the array his older sister used on him, in fact he detest the notion of killing someone specially any humans as he firmly believed if he cannot create life who gave him the permission to take one, he might be hypocrite as if it were a beast he would not hesitate but when his opponents were humans did he drew the line and because of him he lost people precious to him again.

Suddenly one of the maids appeared as she reported, "Your Highness all the males of the village are accounted for but a large number of females are missing."

Ryuu was elated at that he would save them from those bandits hands, before he was about to speak he was beaten by Antariskh as she ordered, "I see well there is nothing for us to do here prepare to leave.", as such the maid bowed as she left to make preparation for departure.

Ryuu was horrified at that as such he spoke in a serious tone, "I refuse until I rescue those ladies I refuse to leave."

Antariskh looked incredulously at him as she spoke, "Well it is non-negotiable if I tell we are leaving means we are leaving and as for the ladies it is really unfortunate for them but their consequence is of no concern to us as such I will not spare any resource on them."

Ryuu was visibly angered at her reply, "If you want to leave then please leave but I would not let them suffer I will rescue them."

Antariskh looked at him with anger in her eyes as she spoke, "Oh and why do you want to help them do you play dress up as a hero and then what preach you opponent and turn them into to monks from bandits then everyone will happily leave ever after is this your grand plan."

Ryuu spoke with conviction, "No I will rescue them and then I would punish them accordingly."

Antariskh looked surprised as she spoke in disbelieve, "Really you will punish them by doing what making them kneel down on the floor, do sit ups while holding their ears, well I do not think we have time for you to fool around, after you finish punishing do you think they would change brother no never they will resume their activities once we are out of sight, don't tell me you plan to stay back here in order to keep an eye on them.", she finished in mocking tone.

Ryuu was angry he was so angry that he was visibly shaking with anger Antariskh's words were the casue of which as such he spoke out aloud with anger as he tried to free himself from Shamiran's grip, "I will kill those people like the mongrels they are."

Sylvana spoke for the first time, "If he wants to let him sister what do we have to lose but Ryuu remember neither we will not help you and neither will I put that array which helped you while exploring those ruins all those years ago as such if you think you do not have the courage to kill then I suggest you forget your matter entirely after all sister is right this cretins will never either you slay them or let them lose to destroy someone else's life."

Ryuu spoke with conviction, "I will rescue the woman of this village and for that if I have to slay all those bandits then so be it, I will save them even if I have to give up my life as payment."

Antariskh just snorted at that, "hmph we shall see, who slays whom at the end of the day."

Shamiran looked at the scene her eyes twinkling with amusement and mirth at that she then turned towards few of the maids as she ordered "You You and oh you two track those mongrels down and inform us as soon as possible, now leave."

At that Ryuu turned as he tried to glance a Shamiran's face, who still held him against her, "Why are you helping me big sister?"

Shamiran replied with a smile as she let Ryuu off, "It is very simple brother you are not a skill tracker and if we are to leave you by yourselves who knows how many months you would take to track them down as such this is the last and only help you would receive from my side."

Ryuu bowed his head with gratitude towards Shamiran as he spoke, "Thank you sister I will be indebted to you, please excuse me I have to prepare."

Shamiran as well as her other sister's eyes opened wide at that Ryuu for all intent and purpose never bowed like that he usually gives a short bow towards others as his show of curtsy and politeness to elders or some senior cultivators, he gave a full bow to Shamiran who knew how much pride Ryuu has, the only person he has bowed before is his teachers and his mother and Ryuu is not someone who you can make him bow to you he did rather die than bow yet to show his gratitude he swallowed his pride and bowed in front of Shamiran before leaving to make preparation.

Antariskh whistled at that as she spoke, "Damn I should have taken Shamiran's position it would have been fun."

Sylvana spoke, "Of course you would love to sister, but do not forget Ryuu is the type who has a very strong heart the thing we are going to do must never be known to him or we might give to a terrible foe in the future."

Shamiran spoke, "Of course but still he truly deserves to call our brother did you see those intensity and conviction in his eyes."

Antariskh nodded he knew that if Ryuu received even a small fraction of the conviction of Pangu just like he inherited the same Divine Body he would go far but for now she as thoughts led on to the bandit camp which Ryuu will attack a frown formed on her angelic face, 'show me baby brother show me that you are worthy of inheriting my big brother's Divine Body show me you are worthy of carrying our parents' names on your back and stand beside us proudly but if you fail brother I will be the one to slay you.', her eyes turned cold at that a small part of her hoped that Ryuu succeeds in his endeavor but deep down she knew that the chances of Ryuu survivor in the next skirmish by himself without their support is almost null.
