
Xuan and Eloise

"Make way, make way, the time to be one is nigh!

Make haste, make haste, King Daneel awaits us all!

From valleys we come

From villages we hail

From towns we march forth

From cities we set foot…

On the path to be one!

From Lanthanor come the brave…"

After giving her impassionate speech, Xuan had been left exhausted.

She had sat down among the clouds and begun to meditate in order to stabilize the breakthrough that she had just achieved once again.

As power was now her priority, she had chosen to spend a bit more time than needed in order to completely understand her own body, and everything that she had at her disposal, right now.

After finishing her sudden bout of meditation, she woke up to find Eloise with a display trinket in front of her.
