

Dorian moved through the inn in an instant. The entrance was in shatters, as was much of the lobby. Shards of glass, shattered chairs and tables, broken planks, the place was a mess. The patrons of the inn had long since fled, leaving the entryway abandoned.



Wooden boards cracked beneath his feet as he sprinted up a set of stairs at the back. He ran up to the second floor and then down a small hallway till he found the exact room he'd left Helena at.

Without hesitation, he threw the door open, a mix of happiness and worry filling his heart.

"Helena?! Are you al- who the hell are you?!" He abruptly cut himself off, starting. His body was already on edge, his every sense flooding forward.

A Shade wearing a set of ornate purple robes turned to look at Dorian. The Shade was handsome and muscular. He had several throwing knives strapped to the front of his robe.
