

After finishing the teacher and disciple ceremony both Sayuri (floated) and Overlord moved towards the inner parts of the temple . When Sayuri first came here, she knew the temple was gigantic. But now that she is moving towards the inner parts of the temple , she knew that the term gigantic doesn't even describe how big the temple is, the temple itself is like a mini world. The spiritual air just got denser and denser as they moved forward , the walls of the temple are sculpted with different types of spiritual stones, to describe the formation of the chaos world.

After long time of walking , they came across a clearing , which revealed a huge garden with all types of medicinal herbs, and a decent sized pond adjacent to it. There is a 2 story wooden building in the middle of the pond. There is a huge tree in the middle of the garden, with a small meditating platform for 2 people to sit at its base. After reaching the base of the tree, overlord asked her to sit in a cross legged position while he did the same across her.

" This tree is called world parasol tree, it is one of its kind. It helps one calm their mind and rid them of any evil or evil thoughts while they are in its range. The 2 story building in the middle of the pond is made of Eli wood, which helps relaxes one's mind and body of fatigue. Before we start your training , I want to ask just what is a SOUL? ' - Overlord

"Soul is what defines us, our character "- Sayuri

" Hmm , straight but not an accurate answer. The accurate answer is, soul is the incorporeal essence of a living being , it is the reason , character, feeling, consciousness, memory ,thinking, perception etc of a living being. Soul is the actual self of the living being while the body is only a mechanism to experience the karma of that life. Even when a body perishes, the soul just moves onto another vessel based on its karma of that life, but when a soul perishes, your entire existence is erased completely ." - Overlord

After digesting the information , Sayuri just felt how lucky she was, that the explosion only destroyed her mortal body but not her soul. The explosion didn't kill her soul, so there must be a special way to destroy a soul.

" Teacher, why didn't my soul get destroyed in the explosion ? " - Sayuri

" The explosion is just a physical attack, while soul is a ethereal form. Physical attacks can only destroy the physical body, to destroy a soul you need soul weapons , soul attacks or by sealing away the soul in special containers. Thats is why most of the powerful cultivators prefer soul armaments than physical armaments , because they know as long as their soul is present, they can get another shot at life. " - Overlord

Giving her a moments , the Overlord continued

" During your time in this dimension, we are going to train in strengthening your soul completely. Since you don't have a physical body yet, we will only go over theoretical aspects of it. The stronger one's soul , the stronger one's physical body will be. We are going to cover 3 aspects of soul training. Soul strengthening , Soul attacks and Soul split. " - Overlord

" Teacher I can understand a bit about Soul strengthening and soul attacks, but what is soulsplit, wont it be painful if we split our soul " - Sayuri

" Hahaha , stupid child , soul split is not splitting the soul, it's just splitting the consciousness of the soul. As I said before, an Overlord needs to have attunement with all the 7 elements of the nature, In soul form it is easy to feel for the elements , but when soul is merged with physical body, you need to form chakra systems in your body, to house these elements in their own respective chakra systems , without mixing each other elements in them. You need to draw all the 7 elements at the same time in equal ratio in their purest form , which is basically impossible. That's why we split our consciousness equally and synchronize in drawing the elements in equal proportions." - Overlord

" Teacher, I know the 5 basic elements of nature are Wind, Water, Lightning, Earth and Fire. So what are the other 2 elements ? " - Sayuri

" The other 2 elements are duality in nature, they are Yin - Yang and Space - Time , you can't define yin without yang, similar for space and time." - Overlord

" So teacher, I should learn to split my consciousness into 7 parts right ? ' - Sayuri

" Wrong , there are total 10 systems in the body , apart from the 7 chakra systems, there are 3 elexir fields (dantian) systems in the body. The spiritual air in the nature has 4 types of energy, life energy , primordial essence ,nature energy and spirit or soul energy. Life energy explains how healthy and youthful one can be. Primordial essence is for strengthening the physical aspects of the body like strength, agility, endurance and dexterity. Spirit or soul energy is to strengthening the soul and reflexes of a body. Nature energy contains the elemental energy. Normally cultivators just use a single dantian to mix all these elements in their raw form. So when a fight breaks out for longer duration, they easily run out of energy and can't bring out the body's true potential." - Overlord

" Hmm Teacher, can u explain where these systems are present in the body, so I can get a complete picture." - Sayuri

" Well, looks like I advanced a bit fast , forgetting you are a novice. Alright let's start with physical aspects first. For a cultivator to forge a strong body he should have stable dantian, durable meridians and strong pressure points.

There a total of 361 pressure points in the body, which circulate spiritual air throughout the body. Most cultivators just neglect to augment these points and a good cultivator can knock them out, with a single shot by closing the right pressure point on the opponent's body. i.e the one behind the neck.

Next Meridians , they are what connects pressure points to dantians and other 7 systems. They are divided into 2 types. 12 standard meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians.

The 12 standard meridians, also called Principal Meridians, are divided into Yin and Yang groups. The Yin meridians of the arm are Lung, Heart, and Pericardium. The Yang meridians of the arm are Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Triple Burner.

The Yin Meridians of the leg are Spleen, Kidney, and Liver. The Yang meridians of the leg are Stomach, Bladder, and GallBladder

The eight extra meridians are different to the standard twelve organ meridians in that they are considered to be storage vessels or reservoirs of energy and are not associated directly with the internal organs.

The eight extraordinary vessels are

1.Conception vessel

2.Governing vessel

3.Penetrating Vessel

4.Girdle Vessel

5.Yin linking vessel

6.Yang linking vessel

7.Yin Heel vessel

8.Yang Heel vessel

These extraordinary meridians are also called life gates , only someone with extraordinary physique can bring out their true potential otherwise it's a like a double edge sword.

In the principle circuit of spiritual air , the energy rises up a main meridian along the spine, but also comes back down the front torso. Throughout its cycle it enters various dantian (elixir fields) which act as furnaces, where the types of energy in the body (primordial essence, life energy and spirit energy) are progressively refined. These dantian play a very similar role to that of chakras. The number of dantian varies depending on the cultivation technique, the navel dantian is the most well-known, but there is usually a dantian located at the heart and between the eyebrows. The lower dantian at or below the navel transforms primordial essence into life energy. The middle dantian in the middle of the chest transforms life energy into spirit energy, and the higher dantian at the top of the head transforms spirit energy into infinite space of void. To round it up in modern language , dantians are reservoirs, meridians are pipelines and pressure points are valves.So any doubts till here, which you are not understanding?" - Overlord

Sayuri was a doctor , so she basically understood a lot, according to her teacher, the true potential of a physical body are limitless. Now the medical genius in her unknowingly was motivated and she want to unravel all the mysteries of what a human body can do.

" teacher , what does it mean spirit energy turns into infinite space of void?"- Sayuri

"It means you can create your own little world in it, you are its creator and law in it."- Overlord

Sayuri has no words, it took almost 10 minutes to grasp the knowledge she came across,

"Teacher what are the other 7 systems ? " - Sayuri

" The other seven are

Sahasrara ( "thousand-petaled") or crown chakra is the topmost chakra in the subtle body, located in the crown of the head. It is generally considered to be the highest spiritual center and the state of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject. When the feminine yin essence rises to this point, it unites with the masculine yang, the cultivator achieves self-realization and a state of liberating trance is attained. The chakra is symbolized by a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petals.

Ajna ("command") also called Main chakra or third-eye chakra is the subtle center of energy, located between the eyebrows, located behind it along the subtle (non-physical) spinal column.It is symbolised by a lotus with two petals. it signifies the end of duality, the characteristic of being dual (e.g. light and dark, or male and female).

Vishuddha( "especially pure") or throat chakra is located at the base of subtle body's throat. It is symbolized as a sixteen petaled lotus. It is associated with the element of space (lightning) and has the seed syllable of the space element Ham at its center.

Anahata ("unstruck") or the heart chakra is located in or behind the heart.It is symbolised by a lotus with twelve petals. The seed mantra of air, Yam, is at its center.

Manipura ("jewel city") also called the solar plexus/navel chakra, is located in the navel region along the subtle body's spinal column.This chakra is represented as an upward pointing triangle representing fire in the middle of a lotus with ten petals. The seed syllable for fire is at its center Ram.

Swadishthana ("the residence of the self") or sacral chakra believed to be located at the root of the sexual organ along the spine in the subtle body.It is symbolised as a six-petaled lotus.Svadhisthana is represented with a lotus within which is a crescent moon symbolizing the water element. The seed mantra in its center is Vam representing water.

Muladhara ("root support") or root chakra located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region of the subtle body. It is symbolised as a four-petaled lotus with a yellow square at its center representing the element of earth.The seed syllable is Lam for the earth element " ) - Overlord

Enjoy the read

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