
God seed

long kingdom

royal family place

golden Silk, a variety of fabrics embedded in gold, big bed with a beautiful woman sitting on it,

smiling at the king's face, this scene that the king usually sees when he visits the queen room.

But Ash, Ruin and a group of charred skeletons were what left from the beautiful room in.


in this death room, a weak voice of child cry can be heard, after taking a good

looking at the room the king find the child voice come from under one of the skeleton and trying

to touch that skeleton , but just after touching it the skeleton becomes ash and a sound of metal hitting the ground was herd

looking to the metal which was A feather-shaped gold metal the king freeze and qi in began to Gathering the air around the king and the child began to cry out loudly

" you take from me my life happens, you will bay with your life"

said the king with red eyes and loud voice while moving to the crying child

" jack take the prince out from here and the rest of you try to stop the king "

said adviser Qen speedily ordering his son fearing that the little prince will die

' father you want to kill me by giving me this order, anyway the prince can't die today'

".... yes father "

said jack whose face became very serious and went to the queen room with his man

" try to Distracting the king while I take the prince outside from the room, remember to stay alive "

jack give his order and move to the queen room.

30 man, moving in the direction of the king,

holding a great sword they attacked the king intending to take his life because everyone knows that even if another hundred imperial Royal Guard attack the king, he could defeat them all with little effort.

"ahhhh "

" my hand "

" please stop my king "

it didn't take long before all the imperial guards screaming and begging in the ground

"jack bring that thing here right now "

" jack take the prince to the Royal doctor "

said the king and adviser Qen in the same time

jack didn't look back as he just keeps running and running without knowing where to go.

" adviser Qen why did you make your son take that thing that killed my beloved wife "

said the king in an angry voice with red eyes he looks like he will lose his mind very soon

" my king. Please remember the queen last word ' my child ' to matter what he has your and the

queen blood, you can't ever kill him not now or in the future "

said adviser Qen with a loud voice at this moment he must make the king keep the prince life

even if he

Disrespect the king ' no matter what the prince must live '

" i want to be alone don't make anyone enters the queen room "

said the king while entering queen room and after a second people start flying from the queen room and They fell on the ground with the harshness, everyone will think they all dead but hearing their crying voice adviser Qen relax

" take the braves man to the imperial doctor and don't make anyone goes near the queen room "

said adviser Qen to one of his people before going in the direction of the imperial doctor

the office of the imperial doctor

"it's impossible "

just before entering the adviser Qen heard his son jack shouting loudly.

hearing his son shouting adviser ken enter the room hastily " what happen, why are you shouting jack "

" father this crazy doctor says that the little prince doesn't have a god seed " seeing his father

jack answer with a louder voice than before

its never ever before that a baby was born without a god seed, it was like saying a human could breathe under the water like fish or fly like birds

' the queen just die and this imperial doctor says jokes like this ' having this thought adviser Qen with an angry eye said " why did you say this Unbelievable word it's not a time for saying jokes, explain yourself, imperial doctor "

" for all my 200 years in treating people and studying this is the first time i see a body like the young prince but adviser Qen it doesn't matter what i say but any Cultivator can fell that the qi in air won't be able to enter the body of the little prince, I give him some Medication to help him stay alive but if he stays in an area with strong qi he will die "

"What " "what "

adviser ken and jack say in one voice


this is the second chapter

i hope you like the storyline
