
Origin ability storm!

3 star card...

Su Hao sighed. As he opened his eyes, he was shocked by the creature in front of him, “F*ck, master? Why are you so close!”

Zhang Zhongtian, “...”


Zhang Zhongtian smacked his head, “The words earlier, can you please not to associate them with me?”

Su Hao sweated.

“What’s wrong with you, kid?” Zhang Zhongtian stared at him, “And to think that I was concerned that you were caught in energy outburst. In the end, nothing happened to you? So much origin ability energy yet you absorbed everything and didn’t have a single reaction?”


Su Hao shook his head, “Earlier I tried creating this room model. When I was about to breakthrough but yea eventually, hmm… failed.”

“As long as you are okay it's fine.”

Zhang Zhongtian realized although Su Hao was a pharmacist, he was after all a student and a seeker. In the aspect of origin ability talent, to have realization and making breakthroughs were common for him.

