
First Day in the Academy

"I know you guys must be wanting to know of the cause of your anxious as of now."

Everyone nodded their heads and the man in the armor curved his lips.

"Well, the head of the beast tells of the time the first dean of the school had slain a warlord level beast at this spot and decided to build it on this very location, if you look to your right, you will be able to see some of the marks of the battle."

Everyone looked to where he pointed his finger and found a large crater with a snake like trail coming from it. Multiple pits lined up with the trail with the aura of the mark still haven't dissipated, showing how bloodthirsty and savage the subjugation was.

'The aura around it definitely gives it a strong powerful move was the decisive strike to the beast."

Bai Li gulped as he felt the pressence of what occurred in the battle.

The man in the front continued his explanation after awhile for everyone to observe the landmark made by the dean.

"The corpse of the body was too damaged to use for anything but a source of food, but only the eyes stood intact with the aura of its killing aura still infused til this day. It's been like this for about two milleniums. But due to the lack of evidence of the corpse, many people speculate that the killing of the monster was a fraud and it was just too powerful for the dean to kill!"

Many people felt pale at the moment he spoke about it, students didn't have the the ability to perceive how powerful the beast would have been if the eyes could still bestow upon its aura.

Their eyes widen to such extents but at that moment, the man's stern face became loose and let out a large laugh. Coming from a powerful human, it echoed to distant places, disrupting some birds atop of trees to fly off, hundreds of kilometers away.

"That was all a lie by a certain homeless man who keeps talking about it, its just a mere myth at this point. Though we'd be fortunate if it did die though."

He let out a small chuckle this time, showing how he still cared for the protection for the school.

"Sorry for the introduction, I am the 7th Dean of the school on the official second term of my career. My name is Khu Bei, You can call me Master Khu if you like."

He closed his eyes and began sorting out his short beard.

Everyone was astonished by two things and they both split their attentions.

The first was that Khu Bei was a famous figure in the history of Golden Star Planet who acted as a general under the governing family's first governor. He was also the director in the first dean's first and second term. The acquisition of the planet occurred 2,000 years ago so Khu Bei was like a living ancient fossil to them and with his power.

He was known as the Inferno Mustang with excellent control over flames to imbue him with power. He was a practitioner of the Sun Physique Art of the Body which imbues the power from the stars into his body, extreme flames came along with his extreme temper. But as like any bright and powerful star, they too can die and grow dim. He was reaching that stage with his life had already reached his peak and he was declining at rapid pace.

But even though age had dwindled his power, the power he still had was still a majority of his peak.

They had witnessed a War Hero with their very eyes and they all bowed to him in respect.

The other thing that reached the mind of the student was the the clarification of the number one student of their generation, Zhao Fei. Many people could have the family name of Zhao and not be related, but he was actually the son of this generation's governor, Zhao Kufei! The first dean was also part of the governing family as well.

Zhao Fei scuffed and crossed his arm to show the annoyance of receiving the attention of the students. He was irritated but deep inside, he was narcisstic receiving the attention of his blood line.

However Bai Li refrained from all of it.

'If I too had everything he had, I would be plentiful more powerful...'

He didn't want the attention as a powerful being with his loner lifestyle, but he did want to be powerful.

"Well, you guys must be tired, when we were talking, hours have already flew."

He pulled out a hologram of a wristband and showed the time to everybody.

Everybody woke up from their daze and were in disarray.

Just like that, the day had almost ended?

It had only been awhile since they arrived in the city and rode here they thought.

But a few hours to exit the gate, and a few hours to get to the academy. And even counting the time of their small chatting, it had almost been 7 at night but the sky of the world didn't hold true with relations with time, it kept its bright yellow hue sometimes changing to another shade of yellow, but with no relations to time.

"Our teachers will guide you to your dorms, please listen to their instructions so you won't get on their bad sides."


Everyone replied as they all seperated into six groups. Seperating the two sex and the three courses.

800 of the 2,000 students belonged to the Officer course.

1,000 students were in the Cadet course.

And the remaining 200 students were in the Elitist course.

Bai Li's group included Zhao Fei as they continued following a hunchback slim teacher.

He only had a Union Army uniform on so they didn't know his true power, but they held extreme respects to them. His unkept hair covered his face. Whenever anybody passed a significant barrier they stop the physicial aging process and remain to look youthful, but time could still affect one's nature and mentality even without the aging process.

Khu Bei had the looks of someone in his late middle ages with his kept brushed back hair and his messy beard in which he uses his hand to straighten it. But nobody would expect he would be someone who surpassed the age of 2,000.

An unknown fear got ahold of all of the students of potentially offending a grandmaster who looked of their age. They only interacted in with their group of friends and paid formal respects before getting to know them to get rid of formality.

The teacher spoke in his hoarse and defined voice, which nobody expected from someone who looked like a stick.

"This will be the dorm where you will be staying for your year in our school grounds."

The place was a large mansion to all the students, everyone was in awe of the new place where they would be staying at. Only Zhao Fei didn't show much reaction, this must've been the norm for him.

The mansion had a total of twelve floors and its vast size was extreme, even if it were to be divided among the 200 students or so, they still had an unimaginable amount of living space.

Rumors spoke about his wealth and many speculated the extreme that he used soul crystals to wipe his behind on the toilet.

"I will be now giving you your keys, as an Elitist cadet, you're schedules are for you to pick but you must show your growth at the end of the year examination period."

Cadets were forced to take lectures while Officers had to take physical education. Elitists who passed the examination were able to hold the responsibility to take care of themselves, which explained their open schedules.

Everyone's card, which serves many functions had a new key utility and it was added.

A number flashed on the usually white card of Bai Li which showed which room he was in.


He looked at other people's card, Zhao Fei did nothing to hide his card as he looked at the floor he would be in.

'9F19, my neighbor is him.'

Bai Li felt strange, as if it were merely more than luck, but little could be done.

The number one attention bringer was near him.

He could only listen as he was ready to go to sleep in his room.

He received the explanation a cafeteria was on the third floor and a public library and training equipment can be found if you wish to work with others.

He began heading to his room with heavy steps, though his body wasn't physically tired per se, his mental fatigue was extreme since being a person with the body of a normal person on Earth still kept his habits when he first woke up.

But before he could do anything, he found Zhao Fei waiting outside his door, sitting on the door itself.

"Why are you here?"

He noticed Bai Li and stood back up, patting his bottom side of dust.

"I would like your room."


Like if it were fate, he had another corner room compared to the one he had in the material world.
