
Tell Your Mommies to Teach You Some Manners

The drive towards Shen Yi's new place wasn't uncomfortable. After his short talk with his mother, he found his wife sitting at the passenger seat with a familiar jewelry box on her lap. 

It was bordering ten of the evening, and Shen Yi regretted that his dinner appointment finished too late. He could see that the long day had started to strain his wife. 

Lu Xinyi felt that the brim of her eyes burned with her chest constricting to fight the yawn that she was about to do. She tried to fight her sleepiness when all she wanted to do was to lean her head against the soft leather seat and closed her eyes. 

Looking over at her husband, she watched the play of the street lights that hit his stoic face. His eyes were trained on the road ahead of him, and yet she knew that he was perfectly aware of her staring.
