
Third Court Session's Surprise

"Warmarshal Frostgard." The God-King's voice took an upward shift in tone, almost as if he was happy, Gordon thought.

"Present, my God-King." Warmarshal Frostgard stood up at the table of the Warmarshals, sitting to the left of Verruca.

"Is the one named Xavier Doomcry present?" The God-King's eyes didn't scan the crowd, as if he already knew the answer.

"No, my lord. He is just outside. I can call him if you allow."

"Please do so." The God-King said with a smile, shocking the Officials present. Even Gordon wondered why was the God-King showing such a side... The last two sessions and even today he showed how angry he was...

While the Officials entertained the reason for the sudden change, the Courtroom doors opened. Xavier Doomcry walked in, with beads of black sweat forming on his brow, and down his back. He wore his Brawler's harness, ear silver and gleaming in the light of the Court. He carried no weapons... This was the God-King's Court after all.

He paced down the long white carpet, leaving a single trail of black drops behind him. Sarah Frostgard nodded to him, as he finally stood next to the Warmarshal's table. Many Officials questioned why he wasn't escorted by guards... Was he not on trial?

"Warmarshal Frostgard, Xavier Doomcry approach my throne." The God-King nodded, as Warmarshal Frostgard stepped around the chairs and into the white carpet with Xavier.

They both approached and kneeled down at the base of the throne. The God-King then looked to his first Consort, and then back to the two at his base, as he stood up.

Shock ran through the Officials, at the God-Kings move. What did standing mean? He never stood up unless it was to leave...!

The God-King lifted his Femur Ferula as he pointed to Xavier Doomcry, as his voice now boomed with authority, as both Sarah and Xav turned to face each other.

"Wilt thou have this female undead to thy wedded wife, to exist together after my ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in woe and in joy so long as ye both shall exist?" The God-King questioned Xavier, as the Court collectively realized...! They are holding a wedding in the middle of Court!!!

While not something that couldn't be done, but... It was a Frostgard and a Doomcry being wed!!!

[WHAT?!? Just... WHAT?!?] Gordon's thoughts weren't able to follow the events playing out.

Xavier cleared the phlegm in his throat as he spoke the memorized words for today, "I, Xavier Doomcry, take Sarah Frostgard to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in woe and in joy, to love and to cherish, till true death do us part, according to the God-King's ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth."

Large black beads of sweat continued to drop down from around the crown of Xavier, but he felt proud he didn't stutter his words.

The God-King then pointed his golden Femur Ferula to Sarah Frostgard, as he spoke again, "Wilt thou have this male undead to thy wedded husband, to exist together after my ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him, in woe and in joy so long as ye both shall exist?"

Sarah Frostgard spoke in turn, "I, Sarah Frostgard, take Xavier Doomcry to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in woe and in joy, to love and to cherish, till true death do us part, according to the God-King's ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth."

Two Officials of Undeath stood up at this moment. Undeath Official Doomcry, and Undeath Official Frostgard. Undeath Official Frostgard slammed both hands on the table, though it didn't make much sound as she was not of the marshal branch of the family. They both waited to protect this marriage.

The God-King with tracked his staff, as he spoke, "Do you have the Arras Coins and Ring?"

"Y-yes." Xavier stuttered but pulled a pouch from under his brawler's harness. He opened the small bag, as light issued from inside showing that inside were Glowstone coins and retrieved the ring.

"By my right as the God-King of Deagoth and by my own hand, I now pronounce you husband and wife!"


The Courtroom shook from the impact of the God-King's Femur Ferula. The First Consort looked amused, even though it was done in front of her. The female with the head of horns was leaning in her chair slightly bored, but her eyes continued to flutter every time she glanced at the God-King. With the loud banging of the Staff, she sat up, with eyes of love focused on the God-King. While the last beautiful female looked shocked from what was occurring, but it was odd that she looked slightly drunk, after the buzzing sound of the vibrations past.

"NO!" A shrill voice cried as the collective of the Officials drew their gaze to Undeath Official Frostgard.

Gordon quickly looked up to the God-King, who was still standing, with his femur Ferula in hand. He watched as the God-King turned his flaming eyes, until the focused on the Frostgard representative.

"Am I correct in believe that you are challenging my decree?" The God-King's deadly calm words issued out low, but somehow every Official heard the words seep into their bones.

"N-No! It... God-King! You didn't give time for anyone to object!" The Undeath Official Frostgard drew her courage to challenge.

"These two have been married under my gaze as the God-King of Deagoth. When I decree who can dare challenge me? I respect the Frostgard. Their service to Deagoth is impeccable, Loyalty unwavering, and defense staunch... And now you question me? Do you believe that I would not do what is best for this kingdom?" The God-King's rapid-fire sentences and questions piled upon the Official, as her knees wobbled.

"Bu-But God-King...! I don't see how the marriage of a Frostgard affects the Kingdom...!" She finally squeezed out.


Holding on to the table the Official spoke again, but with gritted teeth, "I da-dare not question the decree of the God-King but ask to recognize respect for the Frostgards... We ha-had no in-input."

The God-King laughed... HE LAUGHED! A SINGLE HA!

Gordon watched, as he turned to sit back on his throne, as a pleasant voice issued, and the pressure that caused Undeath Official Frostgard to nearly collapsing lessened by many degrees.

"I respect the Frostgard, but I will not lift this decree. I have married them, and they are eternally bound, so say I, the God-King of Deagoth. However, let me make this clear... Those with the courage to challenge my word are welcome in my kingdom. Again, respect for the Frostgard. I will personally visit the Frostgard's Matriarch to provide her an explanation. Forward my word in advance for me, Undeath Official Frostgard."

"Y-yes! Th-thank you, God-King!" She replied.

Many Officials realized this was a test! A test that Undeath Official Frostgard passed, and now the Frostgard gained the favor of the God-King!

[...Wise...and...Terrifying...] Gordon could only think in his mind.

Such favor caused many Officials to click their tongues, and snap their teeth.


Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God.

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