
Intimate Knowledge Needed

"I want this public execution to occur, where everyone can see it! Everyone!"

"Y-Yes, your Grace." Both Lucius and Verruca spoke out at the same time. They even shuddered at the same syllable.

"Good, Very good. Now then, start this task tomorrow. We just had a celebration on my return. I wish not to sully the good mood of the people, at least for a day." Jack said as he turned his gaze to Leslie.

"My dear Leslie, Can you arrange Boss Crag a guest room and accommodations for his people?"

Leslie smiled sweetly, and replied, "Of course!"

"Alright then, We need to meet again after the executions, for the future of Deagoth. I also need to speak with that little Ambassador..." Jack actually shook his head for them to see.

They too felt that Jack didn't have a good impression of this Ambassador; this made Leslie and even Verruca feel better in their hearts.

"Alright, everyone makes busy. Unfortunately, I need to rest."

"...My love... You need another bath." Leslie spoke up.

"I-Yes... Yes, I do. Will you accompany me, again?"

"YES! I mean Yes, it will be my pleasure." Leslie stood, and waited for his Grace to pass her. As he did, she took his bony hand, and they walked out of the door hand-in-hand.

Verruca had seen this, and the small amount of pleasure she found that Jack didn't like Emily, was smashed by the intimate contact he had with Leslie.

Lucius put his hand on the arm of Verruca, "Julia... You have a choice to make. That's all I will say." Lucius then left through the door. He had arrangements to make with the clergy for tomorrows trials. His Grace would have no mercy for these Officials, so he wouldn't even bother to pray for them.

Verruca exited the Office. She left to go home. She just wanted rest for once. It had to be known that Verruca had not used her Evening Tomb, since the day they had Resurrected The Holy Witch King. As she walked through the corridors of the Palace, one could see the stiffness in her shoulders, and the weight of her heart.


Jack had walked to his changing room. Leslie's handmaidens were already waiting for him, as they stripped him of his ruling garments, and redressed him in his casual robes. He slipped on his casual slipper shoes and was led out again by Leslie, who propped her head on his bony arm.

As he walked back to his room, he could look down to see the top of Leslie's head, and the cleavage she had. Jack again wondered... How did undead make love... He Really REALLY wanted to know but didn't want to ask Leslie, as he wanted to save his own face. He wasn't even sure if she knew. She didn't seem like one of those ladies that did that kind of thing. It was a fact, that Leslie had not taken part of any union with any other, male or female.

Jack had returned to his room and took off his shoes by the door. He left them in the nice box by the door that was meant for shoes. He always thought it was funny that they were so into shoes here in Deagoth. Were all undead like this?

Already in the room, there was a wash tub of clear pure water waiting for him...

[Not again....] Jack remembered his last traumatic experience... but here he was.

He steeled himself, so he didn't even try to fight. He stood by the water basin, as Leslie slipped off his robes, and he stepped into the basin. Just like last time the water started to boil the moment his foot entered into it. Jack clenched his teeth as he applied more strength in his lower jaw, and sat down into the water. The holy water was now at a rolling boil.

Leslie then preceded to, as last time, wash him with meticulously care. Jack could see the silly grin on her face, and this lessened the pain he felt. He also noticed again she didn't have gloves on, and her skeletal hands were directly washing him with the linen washcloth.

Leslie noticed his gaze lingered on her hands, and she felt her heart tighten. He was looking at her bony hands... Was he really into bones? She had come to terms with his bone fetish, but as a lady, she still felt a certain way about her appearance.


Startled Jack spoke, "Yes?"

"Do you... Do you like my Bony skeletal hands?" Leslie asked hesitantly.

Jack knew this was a loaded question. Undead or not, all women were sensitive about their appearance. Jack had watched enough shows, movies, and played enough games for this. He wanted to give it a try to answer this correctly.

"Before I answer this, can I ask you a question?" Jack asked while Leslie began to wash his rib cage.

She paused, and spoke, "Uh-Of course."

"If I knew this once, please forgive me, but how did your hands become like this. I have a feeling they weren't always this way."

The previous Witch King did, in fact, know how her hands became like this, but he had never made comment or spoke about it.

"Well, ah. Well, I've always washed your sheets, your casual robes, and linens by hand. You granted this to me many years ago. I had washed everything with holy water, as it should be."

"So... Your hands became like this because of me?"

"Because I wanted to do this for you. Yes."

"Then I love your hands," Jack spoke this confidently, and this shot an arrow into Leslie's heart.

So flustered Leslie dropped the washcloth into the water. Leslie was about to reach her arm into the water to pick it up, but this would burn up to her forearm. Jack quickly scooped up the washing cloth and handed to Leslie.

Leslie looked up to stare deeply into the dancing flames that appeared in the eye sockets of her beloved. She remembered when she first saw his eyes aflame. She didn't make comment, but she thought they were very handsome and gave a regal air. No skeletal undead she had ever seen had such eyes, and it could only be attributed to his cultivation breaking through to Emperor Rank to produce such an effect.

"Jack..." She called out to him, actually saying his name.

"Leslie..." Jack also commented, even as the holy water boiled around him. He was lost in her eyes.

Jack could only lament his lack of flesh... He really wanted to kiss this beauty, but as he was thinking this, he felt pressure against his teeth. He snapped back from his inward thoughts to see that Leslie had leaned over the water basin kissing and licking his teeth, with her eyes closed.

Jack paused for a moment, as she continued to run her tongue over his teeth; she was even making certain seductive feminine sounds. He could only feel this was the least romantic thing he had ever seen or experienced... That was considering he even asked his first and only girlfriend if she was in the mood when clearly she was. He had broken the romantic atmosphere with his stupid questions. He did have to admit that it made him feel incredible to see this seductive beauty performing such an act, and the sounds she made really made him feel good. This was basically eye candy.

Jack wanted to interrupt her, but she seemed to be quite passionate about it. At a loss, he didn't interrupt her. Unconsciously, he had wrapped his long thin arms around her waist.

Leslie paused after a few moments and released herself from Jack. She turned a bit darker, as was the custom of Zombie undead when blushing.

"I-Uh... I lost myself for a moment. I apologize." Leslie tried to regain her composure.

"Let's finish the bath first," Jack spoke again.

"Alright." Leslie continued.

Jack got a distinct feeling that Leslie wanted to do... That... But how was he supposed to do... That... He was made of bones, but could just Bone... That required flesh. Who could he ask?

Crag popped into his mind first, but he wasn't that close yet. He also needed to maintain his image.

What about Lucius... Would Lucius know? He was also a skeletal undead... Did he have a wife? Jack actually didn't know much about Lucius... Curiosity finally got the best of him, and he mentally Messaged Lucius.

"Lucius, can you hear me?"

"Ah, your Grace, What's the matter?"

"Just call me Jack, it's fine."

"Alright then... What's wrong?" Lucius dropped the act and treated Jack as his friend. Lucius couldn't be sure with the way Jack was acting after he came from entombment.

"I have a rather... Ummm... Screw it; I'm just going to ask." Jack finally couldn't think how to word this, so he just asked shamelessly.

"What is it???" Lucius was baffled, as he sat among the Archbishops. All seven Archbishops were still present in Saigunrai from the last court meeting, and Lucius was going over the trial tomorrow.

"How do undead have sex? Like Me... I want to know how I have sex. I have no clue." Jack just outright said it. He knew no other way to ask.

Lucius stared vacantly at his Archbishops, as his boney jaw slacked and hung open, creating a comical scene.

[Ah... What did The Holy Witch King just ask?] Lucius thought to himself.

All the Archbishops saw that the Grand Minister suddenly stopped the meeting and his Jaw hung open... They weren't stupid; they knew he must have just got a message. Now the question they wanted to know was just what kind of message did the Grand Minister receive to have this kind of reaction?

[I don't think I heard what you just asked?] Lucius messaged back.

[You damn well know what I asked... I'm desperate here... Leslie is totally in the mood, and I have no idea how to do this. I don't want to break up the mood here. This isn't something I've ever done!] Jack sounded exactly as he described... desperate.

"Please-uh... Everyone excuse me for a moment. I have to provide some important direction. Please carry on with the discussion. Remember we need to appoint a fair judge." Lucius excused himself from the conference and left through the double doors.

Standing outside the hall, he finally messaged back.

[Jack... This is going to sound really really awkward... Is Leslie there with you?]

[Yeah. She's currently bathing me.]

[As much as I'd like to know how this led to this... As a man of the cloth, you should abstain until after the wedding to consummate the marriage.]

[Lucius... If anyone in this whole underworld doesn't need to be told this it would be me. I need a wingman right now... Can you be that wingman...]

[I'm not sure what a wingman is, but you can count on me, never the less.]

[I'm going to save you some time. This is going to be super weird, but I'll clean this up as much as I can.]

[Exactly what are you going to be doing...?] Jack finally asked, as this started to become the pronoun game... cryptic.

Voidmirage here.

Oh, ho!

Things are heating up.

We really need to see where this is going.

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts