
This is Going to be Fun

Hannah knew that Noah must have found her when Rosanna saw her. However, she didn't think she'd be found that fast. Did Noah jump down from a window to get to her that fast? Wait… she had forgotten that Noah was a witch and had been one for so long.

She ran a hand through her hair. "I got caught way faster than expected. Are you going to kill me now? Can I at least tie my hair?"

"Feel free to tie your hair." Noah watched her come to the side and put down the wet suit. She then retrieved a hair tie from the pile there. He hummed as she seemed to take her time. "Are you hoping for them to come and save you?"

"Well, of course. Standing-wise, you are third seat, and I'm tenth. You can only imagine how great our difference in power is… now that we discovered you're a witch." She eyed Noah. "Just like Bomberman. Is that why you thought we're better off without him? Because we have you?"
