
Save Me

Just from his face alone, one would see that Luca was actually horrified by the situation. His eyes were wide, and his hands were clenched on the blanket that he removed from his face. No, he shouldn't…

However, his heart was pounding rather differently, and his face would start flushing red. Worse was that… under Noah's ass was a tent threatening to form.

The more Noah smiled at him, the more embarrassed—and secretly excited—Luca had become.

However, he still chose to control the situation. Luca then began clearing his throat as he moved the blanket off of him. He took a deep breath and began to speak like he was ignoring the weird scene. "Noah, please don't sit on me."

"What do you want me to do instead?"

Luca's mouth open and didn't get to close. Actually, he had a ready answer; it's just that… he suddenly didn't want to say it. He then closed his mouth and stared at the man on his lap. Wordlessly, he moved to lift his upper torso, using his elbows as support.

By then, Noah reached out both hands to cradle Luca's face. He also slowly leaned down, even tilting his face to the side as he descended on the other's lips. What amused him a little was that Luca was willing to open his mouth for the kiss.

Their breaths brushed each other's faces, and Luca had already closed his eyes.

Beep-beep-beep! The smartwatches on the side table rang furiously, and it made the two separate. As it was an emergency, Theresa's message quickly went into voice message: "Noah, Luca, come see Rebecca! Quick!"

"Seriously?" Noah grew visibly pissed off as he quickly got off of Luca. He snatched the smartwatch and walked outside the room.

"…" Luca hung his head before shaking it. His blush was still there, and he felt more awkward now that they were interrupted. He then took the smartwatch and put it on before taking his jacket from the chair. Luca then opened the door. "Noah—"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Three gunshots echoed from a distance, and it alarmed Luca. He immediately skimmed the place for Noah, but the darkness was too much for him to find the other. Luckily, he noticed a spark of light at the side. Someone was firing a gun!

He closed the door and jumped down the second floor of their motel. He ran barefoot towards the source of light and gunshot, only to hear Rebecca mumbling.

"Backup! Please send back up! Targets are escaping through a black van! Sleepydog is in pursuit! Sleepy—" She felt Luca grab her shoulder. "Corso!"

"Let's go inside. Are you hurt?" Luca couldn't see her clearly, but by the wetness of her skin, she was either sweating so much or that a bullet grazed her shoulder.

"This is superficial." She did press on her shoulder and walked back to her room which door was busted.

Luca then led her in and flipped the switch on, the light revealing the destruction of their coming. He frowned as they didn't get to hear much of it. Perhaps because they were too concentrated on each other, they didn't notice.

"I can't believe we're slacking on the job."

The woman then sat on the couch and tried to assess her wounds. Most of her hits were light wounds from the hostiles' knives. She was so happy she wasn't stabbed, or else she would be dead. She then looked up at Luca who was assessing the entrance point by the window.

"Corso, can you help me for a minute?" Her eyes flickered as she started to feel embarrassed. "Erm, the first aid kit in the cupboard."

"Sure." Luca simply walked by and went to the bathroom to find the first aid kit from behind the mirror. When he retrieved it, he closed the mirror and noticed that Rebecca was turning red while looking around. He was about to speak when he realized that… well…

They were all supposed to be sleeping at this hour.

Seeing how bare her thighs were, he figured she wasn't wearing much. She could only rely on pulling down her shirt to cover up. He then cleared his throat and removed his jacket to present it to her. However, he also spotted another problem.

Wasn't he heating up when Noah was on his lap earlier?

"I really wish Noah wouldn't kill all those bad guys so I can kill them all myself…"

Caliga and the rest of the hellhounds were in pursuit of the black van. Noah was on top, making sure that he wouldn't fly off as it forced its way into the traffic. The targets then started firing at the roof of the vehicle to get rid of him.

Noah instantly yelled as he used his blue hand and full force to punch a hole through the roof and toss a person out.

He then slipped through the hole the person made and grabbed the neck of the shooter. Noah smashed the head against the window before tossing the man out again. The good thing was that none of the men would hit the asphalt as the hellhounds caught them like flying discs.

Noah angrily eyed the driver who was the only one left. The bad guy froze and chose to actually crash the car at the side of the bridge.

Bang! The railing broke, and the car sped to the bottom of the river. A big splash took the attention of a few onlookers, but it was too dark to see anything.

Because of the impact, did the driver think he was already safe?

The witch was trained to hold his breath for a long time while Caliga could transfer life into him. Even if he drowned—as long as Caliga was channeling magic, Noah wouldn't be bothered by the water.

A swipe came down, and blood colored the river. Noah waited for a hellhound to dive and consume the body before he broke into the surface. His hair stuck to his head, and his breathing was labored. Not only was he in an ice-cold river at midnight, but he was only wearing a shirt and boxers.

"Save me…" Noah lifted both arms, and Caliga jumped into the water as well. He had Noah on his back as they all swam to the river banks. Upon reaching the place, Noah began to shiver and curled up from the cold. "Can you take me back to the motel? I don't want to be on your back though."

Caliga then opened his huge mouth, and Noah immediately despised the dog. He spat, "No."

Backup agents from the New York Branch had come, and Rebecca—clothed and patched up—had retold them the event. Luca, who had also calmed his body down, was only listening to them as she recounted what happened in much detail.

It seemed that the people who got in had a strange device that suppressed the noises in the area. The only reason why Theresa called on Noah and Luca was that Rebecca's heartbeat was spiking.

They were indeed notified to not remove their smartwatches, but Noah and Luca took too little account of that warning.

Then again, wouldn't SCC be spying on them too much?

Regardless, it wasn't within Luca's capability to sense such a thing. Noah, however, could rely on Caliga who had actually run to the scene when it happened. That was how the stabber was tailed and hunted down smoothly.

After hearing the report, the other members had called in their pursuit. They couldn't find the vehicle, but they heard of an accident on the nearby bridge. They had yet to confirm that it was the same vehicle used earlier. Just then, Theresa spoke through their watches and relayed Sleepydog's report.

Luca's eyes flicked to the direction of the open door. He saw Caliga outside, seemingly letting him know that Noah had returned. The other agent excused himself and proceeded to their room.

However, in the hallway, he saw weird water drippings with a few slimes, along with the wet footprints. Moreover, a smell assaulted his nose like some dead animal was nearby.

"Noah?" Luca opened the door and saw that the prints continued inside their room. He followed it to the bathroom from where he heard the shower running. His ears perked at what they picked up, but Luca had to control his body again.

"Noah?" he called out again, louder this time.

Without an answer, he held onto the knob and pushed the door open. From the light coming from outside, he could see wet clothes littering the sink. On them was some kind of mucus that reeked of odor. However, the smell of fragrant shampoo and soap attracted more of Luca's attention.

Behind the frosted glass of the shower, he could barely see Noah's shape. He was furiously washing his hair from what the mucus was. He then paused as if staring at Luca who was standing by the door.

"Did you get all of them?" Luca closed the door behind him, putting the bathroom in complete darkness. Then, the lights were switched on, and Luca was seen inspecting the mucus on Noah's clothes on the sink. "What is this?"

"It's better if you don't touch that." Noah snorted as he continued washing his body thoroughly. "Hellhounds may lick and bite you, but never… let them swallow you for transport."

After hearing such, Luca pulled his hand back and quickly dried his hand against his pants. He then turned to take a look at Noah again, his mind working out the picture without the blur. Luca then cleared his throat. "Did you find out who they are?"

Noah only groaned. "The bodies should be given to SCC by now. They should work it out themselves."

Luca chuckled at the pissed Noah. He didn't think he'd be able to see Noah behaving normally somehow.

At this, he stared at the closed lid of the toilet before stripping his clothes off. He neatly folded them and placed them on the lid. He then took a deep breath before taking a hold of the shower's door…

As if it was the door to unleash his unsettled craving.

