

The spectators outside the forest petrified once again. This is something they have never imagined. There was actually a second person who could train in the field of Dao other than that elder looking Sitaram.

Sitaram used the Dao of Wind to block that earlier attack from the Red Ranked Monster. And now there was someone who could use the Dao of Wind? How could they not he stunned?

They looked at the person who attacked the Red Ranked Monster using the Dao of Wind. This person looked like a person who is still in his prime. He was very young. Everyone knows who this person is. This person is none other than Rick!

"How is this possible?" ,One of them asked in shock, "This has to be a joke right? The Star Moon Team had two people who could use the Dao Energy? They have two people who hd mastry in the Dao Energy?"

"One of them is a Dao of Wind Element user. And another one is the Dao of Metal user. This is insane. The Star Moon Team is an amazing team."

"This is not the most shocking part. The shocking part is that, the Dao of Wind user is actually very young."

"If they are really the strong, then why didn't the use the Dao Energy from the beginning? With such a power within their possession, how could it be tough for them to get the first rank in the preliminaries?"

"Who knows? Since the ancient past, nobody knows or predict how a genius thinks."

"Well this is the difference between an ordinary genius and a monstrous genius. An ordinary genius will have ordinary thoughts. While a monstrous genius will have unpredictable thoughts. These people likes to put themselves in a tough situations more often."

Everyone has their own opinions on this. Nobody dared to keep their mouth shut. They completely forgot about the warning from the city Lord earlier. Now all I need is nothing but to keep their mouth blabber.

But on the other side, the elders from the two clans her twisted facial expressions. One Dao user is enough for the calamity of a sect or clan destruction. Then what if one messes up with a group with two Dao users? The answer is self explanatory. They don't even want to imagine the outcome.

The elders from the Silverwing Clan and the Trott Clan started to sweat. They were shivering from within their hearts. They don't know what they should do in order to fix this situation.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of the City Lord. His eyes were shining even more than the last time. Those eyes added an extra weight of despair on their minds. Fortune always ended up with their enemy. It was already enough of a fortune for the Sabretoorh Clan to have the official lordship over the Solar City. Now they made friends with a barbarian team who had two Dao users. Why the heaven has sided with their enemy?


The Red Ranked Monster has given a loud roar as it stood up. This surprised everyone. They had seen that the Red Ranked Monster has fallen with their own eyes. They had seen that it had suffered a direct blow from Rick's Dao of Wind. They had seen that the Red Ranked Monster's Dao of Water was easily pierced through by Rick's Dao of Wind Ball. And yet the Red Ranked Monster stood up.

"It didn't suffer any damage even after Rick's Dao attack directly to it's body?" ,Gnan asked.

"No. It definitely suffered the attack." ,Sitara said, "But the Dao barrier from the Red Ranked Monster has minimised Rick's Dao of Wind Ball attack. Thus, the damage it suffered is very minimal."

Rick didn't stop there. He could understand this point even if he wasn't near Sitaram's group. He was the one who attacked the Red Ranked Monster. So his experience was much richer than the one who were watching it. So he knew better than anyone else why this monster is still standing.

As Rick was about to attempt another sneak attack using his Dao of Wind attack, the aura of the Red Ranked Monster suddenly changed. The intensity of the Dao Pulse is even more intense.

The sudden change in the aura made everyone hard to breathe. They started to feel suffocation under this huge pressure. They don't know why the aura has suddenly changed and became even more intense?

"This is..." ,Arjun was shocked. He shouted hastily, "Rick! Get back! Don't attack it anymore!"

Arjun warned Rick and immediately rushed towards the Red Ranked Monster. In the meanwhile, Rick didn't know why his boss said that. But judging from the seriousness in Arjun's tone, Rick knew that the change in aura from the Red Ranked Monster is not a joke at all.

Even though he wanted to attack the Red Ranked Monster, Rick knew that listening to Arjun's warning is the wise decision. So he immediately rushed back.

And sure enough, from what he saw next, Rick felt that he made a wise decision. The aura of the Dao Energy from the Red Ranked Monster changed completely and it formed a domain in the form of Water.

Domain Stage of the Dao!

This Red Ranked Monster has reached the second stage of Dao. Manifestation was the first stage. And Domain was the second stage. Transformation was the third stage. While the final stage is called as Supreme. And this Red Ranked Monster's Dao of Water has reached the Domain Stage!

If Rick attacked the Red Ranked Monster with his Manifestation Stage Dao of Wind, then he knew that the outcome would definitely be not in his favour.

This truly shocked all the spectators who were watching the preliminaries from outside the forest to their bone. Manifestation is itself very shocking display in the Dao field. No need to say, when one has mastered the Dao to the next level.

A smile appeared on the faces of the elders from the Silverwing Clan and the Trott Clan. They heaved a sigh of relief. They were certain that the Star Moon Team will no longer exist after this. No matter how many Dao masters they had, if they don't have at least someone who has reached the Dao till the Domain Stage, then death is certain.


A huge explosion took place. Just opposite to the Domain of the Red Ranked Monster, another Domain was formed. This Domain was made of Dao of Fire. When the two domains clashed, a huge explosion happened which was several times mightier than all the previous one took place.

All the spectators including the City Lord stood up with complete shocked expressions to their core. In their lives, they might never were this shocked before.
