
Nia’s Lack of Communication

After Nia's failed gank attempt on Top, Stratus was left in a difficult spot. Both Ben and Nia were forced to flee the lane with heavy injuries, so nobody was around to defend the lane right now.

[This push is probably a game-deciding play.] Yuel thought. [If we can't slow it down at all, the Orc will snowball out of control.]

That wouldn't have been the end of the world if the Orc player was someone else. But, it was Apprentece, the Korean prodigy. Stratus had little hope of snatching victory away from that guy.

[Ugh, it's my fault. I didn't expect to get baited like this.] Yuel blamed himself for the poor instructions he gave Nia. [Deep down, I knew it might be bait, but I couldn't imagine how Apprentece could possibly turn that 1v2 situation in his favor. But, now I know...]

It was splendid counterplay on Apprentece's end. The way he intercepted Nia right before she launched her attack was nothing short of brilliant.

[He probably prepared a ward over there ahead of time.] Yuel reasoned. [He took a gamble and it paid off big time. I respect that.]

It was a risky play that was very much in line with Yuel's tactics. Apprentece judged the abilities and playstyles of his opponents and went for a play that masterfully took advantage of all that information.

[Or, maybe I give him too much credit?] Yuel wondered. [Maybe he just looks down on all of us equally, so that's why he was sure that play would work. In reality, it only worked so well because it was these two...]

Nia and Ben, the two troublemakers with communication issues.

"Ben, why did you charge in?" Yuel asked. "I told you to retreat many, many MANY times."

"I'm sorry..." Ben hung his head. "I saw Nia was in trouble and it was all my fault, so I had to rush to help her..."

"You panicked back there. Your defense is usually much better than this."

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Ben could do nothing but apologize. "Everything about that situation was my fault, from start to end…"

"That's an exaggeration," Yuel said. "I'm the one who told Nia to gank Top. And, she's the one who failed to properly communicate her arrival to you, right?" He shot a piercing glare at the culprit.

"Gufu..." Nia glanced aside, playing dumb.

"Why didn't you properly inform Ben when you were planning to enter the lane?" Yuel asked. "That disaster could've been prevented if the two of you were better organized."

"But, I wanted to do a surprise gank..." Nia mumbled.

"That topic again?" Yuel sighed. "Are you saying the reason you didn't inform Ben was that you were afraid he'd telegraph your gank?"

"Mhm. It was already a sketchy gank as it is, so I tried to make it at least a little better."

"Yes, 'better'." Yuel narrowed his eyes. "You isolated yourself from your ally and planned to challenge a formidable opponent alone. I fail to see what was 'better' about any of that."

"Well, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound good at all…"

"Yes, it sure doesn't." 

"Yep." Nia nodded. "I can't believe anybody would go for a bad play like this."

"I know, right?" 

"Yep..." Nia averted her eyes.

Yuel sighed. "Please, Nia. For the hundredth time: more communication."

"But, it'll expose my ganks..."

"Maybe it will, maybe it won't," Yuel said. "At the very least, a 2v1 situation is a favorable position either way, unlike that trouble you got yourself into." 

"I guess..."

"Besides, have some faith in Ben. He's your teammate." 

"But, he always telegraphs my stuff." Nia pouted.

"I-I'm sorry..." Ben hung his head again. Truly, there was no end to the amount of trouble he caused for the club! He was such a failure! He should be kicked out of the club this very instant!

"Telegraphs are an issue, I agree," Yuel said. "But. I'm sure this is something Ben will get better at with practice. The problem is, Nia, you keep denying him any opportunities to practice these situations. How do you expect him to get better like this?"

"Ok, that's fair," Nia admitted. "I'll try to communicate better with him… (even though it gonna expose me for sure)." 

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Is that so." Yuel narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Somehow, he felt like his point didn't fully come across this time either. But hopefully, Nia will at least try harder to communicate next time.

"Speaking of communication," Nia said. "I'm informing you that I plan to recall after clearing this camp. There, I said it."

After fleeing from Top with grave injuries, Nia reached all the way to the Hyena Camp near Mid. Her HP was hanging at a dangerous 40%, which was an immediate sign that she should recall.

But, since she ran all that distance and ended up so close to the Hyena Camp, she decided she might as well take the camp out. This was going to be a small compensation for how much time, farm, and HP she lost from the failed play in Top. After that, it'll be a good time to go back to base.

"No, don't recall yet," Yuel said.


"After you finish the camp, go back to Top." 

"Sorry, what?" Nia tilted her head. "I think I'm developing a serious hearing problem. I've just heard you say something really weird."

"No, you heard it right," Yuel said matter-of-factly. "I want you to go to Top for the next wave."

"Eh? But, my HP."

"Yes, it's pretty low." 

"Yeah, it is. Very low. Like, very dangerously low. Scary levels of low." 

"Right." Yuel nodded. "That's why I want you to go Top." 

"Oh, noes. This is no good." Nia shook her head. "I think the alien robot is malfunctioning. Scary." 

"Hey now." Yuel made a face. "Everything is fine with my systems, thank you very much."

"W-Was that an admission that you're a machine!?"

"Seriously?" Yuel gave her a look. "Anyway, I assure you, I'm not malfunctioning in the slightest."

"But then, why would you say stuff that makes no sense?"

"It's an unexpected suggestion, isn't it? That's exactly why I'm suggesting it."

Nia squinted her eyes. "Wut?"

"The enemy won't expect this move either, so they won't be ready for it."

"I don't think I'm ready for this move either…"

Yuel agreed with the sentiment. "Yes, I admit, it's a little counterintuitive."

"A little? It's the complete opposite of what I was planning to do next."

"Yeah, figured." Yuel nodded. "Here's the gist of what I have in mind." He summarized the details of this "counter-intuitive" plan he hatched. It actually involved more than just Nia heading to Top, but none of it could actually start before she gets there.

Nia pressed doubt on the idea. "Is this really gonna work?"

"It's a risky plan, I'm aware," Yuel said. "But, it's a risk we have to take here. If we let the Orc push the tower without any obstacles, he'll take it down in the next wave. Then, the game will be as good as lost."

"Eh? We gonna lose? Just from that?" Nia tilted her head. "But, what about the rest of the game? Mid-game? Late-game?"

"We [might] be able to recover from this during the later stages of the game, but I wouldn't bank on it," Yuel explained. "Considering the level of our opponents, our chances of making a comeback from that position is almost zero."

"Hey," Kai interjected. "Nice pep talk you got there, buddy. It really lifts the team's morale, you know?"

"Ah, my bad." Yuel realized he was speaking his mind too freely there. Naturally, he believed everything he said, but there was no need to share such grim observations with the rest of the team. Sure, this was a strong argument that could convince Nia to follow Yuel's plan, but it was probably not worth the mental blow it'd deliver to the team's morale.

"Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little," Yuel said. "But, it's true that the next push is very critical for the future of the game. That's why I believe we have to take a risk here and go for this unexpected play."

"But, my HP..." Nia mumbled.

Indeed, her HP was a big issue here. Her failed gank resulted in losing over 60% HP. The enemy was surely expecting her to recall by now, which was why she was such an integral part of this entire play.

"I'm not saying you have to confront the Orc all by yourself." Yuel laid out the gist of his plan. Though, honestly, it was less of a "plan" and more of a prediction on how Nia's rotation to Top will shake up the situation over there.

In addition to that, Yuel had some instructions for Ben as well.

"I know you're a little tight on budget," Yuel said. "But, it'll really help if you buy Blink and Windmail. They'll help you reach the lane faster and launch an unexpected attack."

"Okay, I'll buy them." Ben made the transaction. "Okay, done. I'm returning to the lane right away, so Nia doesn't have to rotate over there if she doesn't want to. I'll be there shortly."

"You won't get there fast enough," Yuel said matter-of-factly. "By the time you reach Top, your tower will no longer be there. That's why Nia has to stall the Orc, at least for a little bit."

To give Nia and Ben a boost of confidence, Yuel did his best to explain how his idea would most likely play out in practice. Naturally, he used one of the better-case scenarios as an example, rather than scaring them with the devastating worst-case scenarios that were at the back of his mind.

[This play has immense risk, I'm aware.] Yuel reminded himself. [But, to convince these two, I have to stay positive. Just like Kai said, they need a boost of morale here. So, less doom-talking and more sugarcoating.]

And so, despite being perfectly aware of the grave dangers his idea posed, Yuel continued reassuring the two lead actors.

[Does this make me a liar?] Yuel wondered. [But, this is the only way I can think of convincing them. It's unfortunate, but that's how humans work.]

Based on past experiences, Yuel's teammates were always more reluctant to follow his plans when there was a sense of danger or uncertainty in the air. Therefore, he worked hard to dispel all of these fears with a sugar-coated explanation.

"Mmm. Ok." Nia finally gave in. "It's not as scary as I thought, I guess."

"It's still risky, don't forget that fact," Yuel warned. "You'll have to be 100% alert about everything that happens around you."


And so, the "plan" was set in motion...

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