
Paul's Relief Plan

"This is yours," Anna said handing him four scrolls we got from the Dwarves.

"Ohh great! did it all go smoothly? Hope they weren't too offended I didn't meet them personally." Paul answered taking them.

"One young did but the rest were more understanding," I answered him.

"You should have known they would have been a little insulted." Anna sighed like she's been through something like this before.

"Thank God, don't worry I'll be sure to repay them for my rudeness." Paul smiled waving off his previous behaviour like it wasn't a big deal.

"They did what they could in trying to rebuild the lower district how it was before you flattened it, but they also suggested some improvements to the old design," Anna answered.

"Ahh great, I'll get the upgrades confirmed with the council and have the project started as quickly as possible." He smiled taking the scrolls and pocketing them into his coat.

"Ohhh they also asked if they could have some sort of escort here," I added making Paul wince a little, as his eyes began to stray trying to think of what to do.

"That will be fine, I'll also make it free of charge as well." He smiled after a few seconds pondering on solutions.

"You do remember, you promised us a holiday." Anna quickly reminded him.

"I know... I'll just get Daggerton and Esseric and their groups to help out," Paul answered.#

"Who are they?" I instinctively questioned extremely curious.

"They are a fellow adventuring party we are friends with, they should be willing to take the up task." Paul smiled.

"You guys need help?" I questioned finding it a little shocking that they would ever need help.

"They also questioned how you would get all the necessary materials as well," I informed him.

"Yeah don't worry, I've used my connections in Perpetua, I'm borrowing the Druid district." Paul smiled clearly proud at how easily he solved the dilemma.

"What do you have planned with them?" I questioned curiously.

He winked with a giant smile, "I have about twenty druids on route they will be able to mould the earth and grow trees to help with the rebuilding, they also have a Treant and an Earth Elemental." Paul smiled leaning back smiling. "So what happened with the alarm bells?" Paul questioned curiously suddenly remembering.

"But aren't elementals evil? like the air ones?" I questioned a little shocked.

"Like us, they have a society so there's are both evil and good ones." Paul smiled

"I don't know how but the creature we're meant to be dealing with appeared here in some sort of aspiration I assume," Anna answered.

"Hmmm, that does sound odd." Paul nodded beginning to contemplate on possibilities.

"What happened with you?" I politely asked.

"Ahhh it was quite the nuisance as much as I wanted to help they slapped some anti-magic cuffs on me so I couldn't really do much." Paul sighed. "It wasn't too much trouble for you right Anna?" Paul questioned.

"It was actually quite troublesome, its life-sapping aura was much more formidable than we expected I believe it scales with the number of bodies around it," Anna answered.

"I see, were there any casualties?" Paul asked sounding a little concerned.

"Luckily we all barely survived the encounter," Anna answered.

"Damn, was it that deadly?" Paul questioned sounding a little concerned for the first time since we've met again he looked a little worried.

"I think it was because for some reason it raised a lot of the dead Elves and began to suck their life force or consumed their bodies," I answered him.

"You was there?!" Paul instantly jumped up from his relaxed demeanour and began to lift my arm inspecting me for wounds, "Are you okay? do you need healing?!" he questioned and without even giving me a chance to answer pulled out two red potions and began edging me on to drink it.

"It's okay, we're okay now." I smiled chuckling at his concern pushing the healing positions back to him.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help, I honestly thought Anna would have been enough and the magical cuffs stop me from doing anything." He began to explain himself like he felt guilty he didn't come to save us.

"It's okay Paul, we were lucky Anna arrived in time," I answered him.

"Did you see her fight? she's amazing right?" Paul smiled eagerly to talk to me about how prowess in battle.

"Yes, it was quite amazing." I smiled.

"Ohh that's just the start! she has two horses she can summon at will, did you see her lance?!" Paul asked excitedly before Anna let out a loud cough, "Ohh sorry Anna." Paul jokingly apologized with a hand wave. "She doesn't like me boasting about how strong she is," Paul whispered to me with a chuckle.

"Thank you." Anna smiled.

"Can she beat you in a fight?" I whispered to him.

"Well actually before we became friends she actually managed to land a few hits on me." Paul smiled.

"Wow really?" I questioned in shock.

"Don't be fooled... outside of Scarlet she would be the second-best swordsman I've ever witnessed," Paul answered.

"Also do you have any plans to help the homeless, they are in such a dire situation," I asked hoping he had something planned.

"Surprisingly that was the hardest task for me, but yes I have managed to acquire temporary accommodations for them that should ease their suffering till the lower district gets rebuilt," Paul answered.

"You have?" Anna asked in shock.

"Yup it's not cheap either, this favour alone is gonna rinse over half our acquired wealth and some of our more expensive and rare items in our collection and a lot of sweet-talking and persuasion." Paul sighed.

"Oh, what do you have planned?" I asked excitedly eager to know how he was gonna solve that problem.

"That will be revealed later when the time comes." Paul winked at me with a smile. "HEY! Daisy, Grace!" Paul yelled out to them with a wave for them to come over.

"Are you sure the Ironhammer Dwarves are enough?" I questioned a little doubtful of their numbers.

"To be fair there are many far more adequate far larger Dwarf houses I could have contracted, but the Ironhammer Dwarves are in need of some help themselves, they've been slowly losing numbers for centuries now, so I took the opportunity to create an alliance." He smiled explaining himself.

"But they are only fifty of them," I asked still slightly doubtful.

"Don't worry, I've inspected their work and it's staggeringly beautiful, the extra time they may take will surely be worth the beauty and quality they produce, besides I've also solved the housing crisis so all is well." He smiled with almost no worry in his plans.

Grace tapped Daisy on the shoulder pointing to us making them finish with one last body and began to talk to another priest of Serra seemingly asking for permission. The priest turned to look at us and literally took a step back in shock and bowed to us with respect and smiled at Daisy and Grace letting them come over.

With a wave of his hand, Paul shifted the entire row of seats to the side parting them in the middle to make room for three more chairs and with another wave of his hand three unmarked chairs from the far back flew over to use filling the gap he created.
