
Why did you bring me here?

The Identity of the deity Linri was talking just now was Lozna the God of Moon and War. In order to make him more appealing and make his War identity a little more reasonable Linri had given him a hot blooded and warlike personality. The actual reason though was that he found it ironic and funny that someone manipulating ice being hot blooded. In other words he was all muscles and no brain. That was why it was easier to manipulate him.

The one healing him though? She was the though one.

"Now, are you ready to leave?" sounded a gentle and warm voice in his mind. Comparing it to the earlier ancient and domineering voice it felt quite comfortable. The one behind the voice though. No one knew how hypocritical and disgusting than Linri. If he had a second chance he would definitely change her character traits.

The voice belonged to the Togk Goddess of Sun and Justice Solas. Not gonna lie he was too lazy to coin an original name for her so he just named him according to the Latin word for sun. She was cool and calm. Most importantly she was hypocritical because the term 'Justice' in and out of itself was the apex of hypocrisy.

Imagine a situation that a man in order to feed his starving kids has to kill someone. The killer is not doing anything wrong as this is the only way he can save the life of his two kids. His target is also innocent because he did not anything wrong he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some might say in this situation father is right and some might say the innocent man is right. 'Justice' in this situation can not determine who was right and who was wrong. Because 'Justice' itself is subjective. So someone who is the embodiment of Justice is nothing more than the biggest hypocrite in the world. Everything she thought right was right and wrong was wrong. There were no room for negotiations.

"No. In the first place I don't remember asking to leave. As a matter of fact I do not even remember trying to leave at all. I am quite happy with where I am right now" answered Linri calmly. He had to be calm because Solas as the Goddess of Justice could tell when he lied. So he had to skew the truth if he wanted to fool her.

There was silence yet again.

"Why do you not want to leave? Don't you want to return to your family?" Solas sounded surprised from his answer.

"Because I do not trust the people who trapped me in here in the first place."


"How do you know that 'we' were the ones that trapped you. We are actually trying to help you out. Don't you have any sense of gratitude"

Ah, here is her hypocrisy. She was the one who lured him in this trap but could still shamelessly ask for his gratitude. Linri actually felt a little embarrassed about creating a character like this.

"Gratitude? Of course I have gratitude. I am happy that 'you' saved my life but I know that if it weren't for 'you' I would not be 'here' in the first place, right?"

"HOW CAN YOU TALK LIKE THIS AGAINST YOUR SAVIOURS!" Solas' voice started to sound angry. Linri could not help but have goosebumps all over his skin but he knew that he could not back down now.

"I already said I felt gratitude towards your 'help' what else do you want? I think you are looking at this from the wrong angle. I was just having a morning run when I was harassed by an annoying monkey who did not stop till he brought me here. Once I can the passage collapsed. Then some 'spirits' healed me and told me that they were gonna help me go out. Isn't there anything suspicious about that? Do you know what I think about this situation? I think this analogy should help you understand better. A stranger is offering a candy to a little kid. After that he offered to take him home and opened the door to his van. Then he raped the kid. The kid obviously felt 'gratitude' for the candy but what about the rape? Right now my situation is quite similar. You offered a 'candy' by healing me and telling me you can 'help' me out but didn't you already rape me by trapping me here in the first place? Isn't that right Miss Solas Goddess of Justice or should I call you Miss Paedophile"

Silence yet again.

Currently Linri's heart was beating like crazy. He was afraid. He just called a Goddess paedophile to her face. Still what he knew about her was telling him he was gonna be fine. Knowing that did not help Linri at all. He was still scared that this crazy bitch might do something to him. Being powerless was definitely a shitty feeling.

"How do you know?" the gentle voice sounded inside his again. There was no trace of anger in her voice which made Linri shiver inside.

"Know what? The fact that you were the ones who trapped me here or the fact that you are the Goddess of Sun?"

"My identity"

"A gentle feminine voice after an ancient domineering one. Who could you be if not for the God of Moon and the Goddess of Sun? We are also in the ruins of the Togk civilization so I would be an idiot If I did not know"

'after all I created you' Linri commented in his mind.

"Now my turn to ask, why did you bring me here?"

"It's because you are the chosen one Linri. There is an ancient evil on the rise and only you can stop him. But with your current power you can't so we had to bring you here. In order to give you part of our powers" sounded the ancient domineering voice.

"Hahahaha" Linri could not help but laugh again. If he was the original Linri he would have definitely fall for his line. I mean who did not want to be a hero, fight against the evil and marry the princess. This was basically any teenager's dream. But it was all a lie.

Initially it was not a lie though. This was the concept of Linri. The chosen one. Later on he had read the other character's backgrounds and felt that his chosen one trait was a little bland. So he had decided to make Linri a 'false' chosen one. In other words a decoy while the real one was getting stronger. The gods knew that if Linri accepted this power the fight between his bloodlines would get fiercer and Linri would eventually implode. If not for Lyra that is.

This was how Max expanded Linri's background when he created Arkady and made Linri 'evolve' for the first time. He could not help but feel irony when he heard the voice of Lozna calling him 'the chosen one'. What he wrote was literally coming back and biting him in the ass.

"Don't make me laugh. Chosen one? Me? We both know that it's a lie. Otherwise why would you be the one to answer Oh Great God Of Moon Lozna." answered Linri sarcastically. He really found his words funny so he could not help but laugh again.

"Also do not interrupt my talk with Solas. I can not trust you but if Goddess Solas said those words it would be a whole different story. She is the embodiment of Justice so she can not lie. She also can tell that I am telling the truth. I am not gonna lie. I want to return home. That's why if it's something I can do I will agree to help you but If you are tricking me I would rather to just die here. Now tell me Goddess Solas why did you bring me here?"

Sorry for the lack of updates. The work started again and I ran out of stacked chapters. At the weekend I wrote enough to last this week and still writing. If I can make it I will do an extra 10 chapter release this Friday to make up for the ones I missed so stay tuned and vote with power stones :3

Kasaixcreators' thoughts