
Withered Husk

Davis gazed at the Fire Phoenix Lower Realm's disciples.

Considering that they voiced out a warning instead of just blowing up the abode, he was forced to rethink his opinion about them.

'Well, although they're greenhorns who don't have survival skills, they may be loaded with battle skills. Besides, they have two Kingly Monarchs with them. That's enough force to deter many factions from attacking them…'

Davis knew they were dangerous from their prowess but also quite harmless since they seemed to be innocent youths who hadn't experienced the cruel world yet. Why the Auraflame Clan sent them to this land of death was beyond him, but he inwardly shook his head.

Many factions were going to be indeed ruthless to their kin in order to allow them to grow into true experts. He felt that this was no different from any other power while he was just being soft on his own family.
