
Familiar Sounds?

While Drake was disturbed by the irregularity of the situation and the person, Davis felt like heaving a huge sigh as he thought he indirectly made himself clear not to offer women, but they were still going on about it.

He slightly raised his hands, cupping his fists.

"I understand that many of you want to have me in your powers, but as I said before, I can only consider, and my consideration is probably guessable to you all."

"Nothing is set in stone, Apothecary Mo Tian." The Zyrus Family Patriarch smiled.

"Just name your price, and we'll see if any one of us is able to meet your quote."

Davis almost became speechless. Didn't the Zyrus Family want to kill him for a while? What made them change their tune now?

"Even if you're not able to name a price for yourself, you can name a price for this segment at the very least."
