
We're Doing It Now?

Everyone turned to see a few silhouettes appear before them and at the very front was an icy-white robed beauty who came to a stop as her expression appeared complex.

"I… thought a lot about it, and the answer I reached was that even if Davis massacred the entire world because it blames him, I would still be with him, becoming a devil if that's what it is."


Davis's eyes went wide similar to the others. That was no longer conviction but blind faith.

"Tanya! I knew my eyes weren't blind!"

Natalya resplendently smiled, causing Tanya to return the smile shyly when a purple-robed woman walked past her.

"Uhm… can I also say something?"

"No need to be reserved," Evelynn replied, causing the purple-robed woman to take a deep breath.
