
Heading West

Davis frowned as he had no idea where they were going. There were many islands towards the west, considering that they had gone towards the east after entering the Hundred Devil Thunder Archipelago from the south.

Nevertheless, he wasn't planning on abandoning the chase just because they had headed out of the island, where it would become relatively easier for them to spot Nadia's concealment. He knew this would happen, and that's why he told her to gain distance beforehand.

He let them go far till they became a big dot in the skies before he urged, "Now, Nadia!"

Nadia soared above the seas as her dark wings flapped. She kept following them as she maintained this pace.

An hour, no, two hours passed this way as she pursued.

They shot past so many islands with the speed they were traveling, but they landed not on one of them. Davis became suspicious about where they were heading and began to plot a route in his mind before he wryly chuckled.
