
Troublesome Long-Sharp Nails

The Amberal-Armored Armadillo flew far before it crashed on the wet rainy-soil, rolling on it before dragging the dirt along with its body as it came to a stop, creating a ditch in the process. The two legs that pointed towards the sky fell on the ground as a thud echoed, its body remaining unmoving.

However, its limbs suddenly shook and trembled, appearing to be still alive.

While the other Amberal-Armored Armadillos were dumbfounded, unable to react, Davis narrowed his eyes as he clicked his tongue, "I failed to kill it..."

He disappeared from his location and directly appeared above the place where the vicious-looking, no, the battered and bloodied Amberal-Armored Armadillo fell and unleashed an ordinary punch right towards its face.

The Amberal-Armored Armadillo just opened its eyes in utter pain when it suddenly saw a fist heading towards its forehead.

