
Making Them Rest In Peace


Davis asked why this new slave of his didn't know who the Third Prince's subordinate is; to verify.

The slave shook his head, "I left it to my underlings..."

Davis nodded his head as he didn't find this response to be farfetched.

'The tiger came to mountains to hunt while the cubs played hide and seek with their prey...'

This was well in line with how the strong advanced. There was only a little chance that they would lower themselves to observe people of lower status or strength.

'Whether if it were Agis Stirlander or not, I guess I have no choice but to personally visit him... In any case, since Agis Stirlander has invited me to his residence, I will soon know...'

Davis smiled with a cold expression on his face.

"Davis, I want to kill him with my poison. I want him to experience what those dead women experienced!" Evelynn spat out in hate as she clenched her teeth.
